Join Ziya as he cycles for Amnesty from Land’s End to John O’Groats, staying with a GoBike member on the way

Ziya Kocabiyik, originally from Turkey, but currently living in Chelmsford, near London, is a member of Amnesty International and has set off today, 04 May, to cycle from Land’s End to John O’Groats, to raise awareness of human rights issues in Turkey. When he arrives just south of Glasgow next Wednesday, 09 May, Ziya will be met in Hamilton by GoBike and Amnesty member, Jimmy Keenan, with whom he will be staying the night, in Uddingston, before cycling the 130 miles to Fort William on the 10th.

It would be great if people could join Ziya for a mile or two to cheer him on his way.  Here’s some information that Ziya has sent: Continue reading “Join Ziya as he cycles for Amnesty from Land’s End to John O’Groats, staying with a GoBike member on the way”

Consultations Digest Issue 8, Two Busy Thoroughfares Seeking Good Quality Cycle Lanes… and lots more.

The junction of Eglinton Street, Nelson Street and Bridge Street is not one for the faint-hearted on a bike, but can it be improved?  See Section 1.1 below.

We mentioned both of these last time in Digest 7 but we now have more information on both the  Tradeston / Clyde Place and the High Street / Saltmarket Consultations and we need your help to press for good cycle facilities on these major roads.

We also have a reminder on Queen Margaret Drive (details issued last Thursday), a Glasgow consultation on Public Transport Services, plus one for Water Row in Govan and for parking around Ibrox Stadium, with, finally, just in yesterday, 20mph proposed for Woodside – something for everyone! Continue reading “Consultations Digest Issue 8, Two Busy Thoroughfares Seeking Good Quality Cycle Lanes… and lots more.”

Consultation Extra: Queen Margaret Drive, Public Exhibition and Consultation, Wednesday 02 May

Just in from Glasgow City Council:


Following on from the preliminary design community consultation event held in November for Queen Margaret Drive, Glasgow City Council (GCC) are taking forward a project to enhance walking and cycling provision in the area in order to refine a design option favored by the public to progress with a TRO for the area. Continue reading “Consultation Extra: Queen Margaret Drive, Public Exhibition and Consultation, Wednesday 02 May”

Almost February – time for a ride round the parks of Glasgow’s East End with GoBike!

Another chance to see bits of the city you’ve never seen before!  See our Facebook event

Sunday 4 February – East End Parks
We have previously had park rides in the north, south and west of the city, so now it is the turn of the east. As well as the big parks of Glasgow Green, Tollcross, Hogganfield and Alexandra Parks, we shall visit a number of smaller parks and open spaces, and a few other points of interest. The ride will be mostly on quiet roads and asphalt paths, except at Cardowan Moss (see image above) where we will be using well made unpaved paths. An 18 mile ride ending up in the City Centre in time for lunch.
Meet 10am Bell’s Bridge, Congress Road, Glasgow.
Ride on paths Ride on quiet roads Ride on rough tracks Moderate hill climbing
Rated: Go Bike star rating Go Bike star rating
Continue reading “Almost February – time for a ride round the parks of Glasgow’s East End with GoBike!”

Yoker to Knightswood, route to BMX park, part 2, Shared Footway section proposals.

You may remember that last month we responded quite positively to the proposals for the southern part of this scheme?  That was the segregated cycleway sections; we had reservations but the council staff responded promptly and we are reasonably happy with that stage.

It is not the same at all with the second phase, which is all shared footway.  There appear to be contradictions between the drawings that are on the website (and reproduced here) and the paper drawings we were sent by post.  Just about everything is proposed to be at the Absolute Minimum dimension given in Cycling by Design – this document includes a Desirable Minimum, an Absolute Minimum and even gives reductions on the latter, which helps explain why some of the cycling facilities in Glasgow are as bad as they are.  Consultation on this part of the scheme closes this Friday, 08 December, so, if you can, please do get your views in over the next 2 days.

Given the disappointment in the scheme I have copied the 4 Councillors for the Ward, it’s Ward 13, into the letter, so that they get our concern first hand.  Two of these Councillors toured the ward on Friday with us.

The Council documents are here: YokerToKnightswood-Redetermination-220x85mm-RTO redetermination Statement of Reasons redetermination information Report  32518_TRO_01-Lincoln Ave 32518_TRO_01-Dyke Road 32518_TRO_01-Archerhill road

The GoBike response, objecting to the proposals is here: GoBike Yoker to Knightwood Redetermination 061217

Please do e-mail the Council if you have views on this scheme.

Councillor tour 11, the SNP two cycle round Ward 13, Scotstounhill / Garscadden, Friday 01 December

The 2 SNP councillors for Scotstounhill /Garscadden, Michael Cullen and Chris Cunningham (MSP Roseanna Cunningham’s brother) toured Ward 13 with GoBike committee member, Alasdair Macdonald and member, Neil Lovelock, on Friday 01 December.  They are all pictured above, in discussion with a local resident on the canalside.

Cllr Cullen posted to his Facebook page straight after the event, and has issued these tweets:
GoBike ride leader, Andy Preece, provided these points along his planned route, which the councillors noted on their tour: Councillor Ward Tour – Scotstoun, details
Neil has responded to the councillors on these issues:
Route cycled
Andy Preece provided this route: Councillor Ward Tour – Scotstoun map but the actual route cycled is here:
Space for Cycling guide
See this PDF: space_for_cycling_guide_for_decision_makers  of the document that Neil handed across a copy on Friday.
Cycle path access points upgrade
See below for a few before and after photos of some of the improvements made to the access points back in Feb 2015.
Dock St planning approval
This is via West Dunbartonshire Council. Original application was submitted in 2012 and a revised version approved in 2016. Latest ref no is DC15/251
nextbike membership discount
Details of how to get the 50% discount are here:

After the GoBike AGM (29 November) two rides to look at infrastructure, and more in Glasgow

After our AGM and Public Meeting tomorrow, 7:30pm at the Admiral Bar, with what is very likely to be a lively discussion about cycle infrastructure in Glasgow, why not join one or both of our forthcoming rides to look in more detail at the city?  Both rides devised and led by Andy Preece, with further details on our Rides page. Continue reading “After the GoBike AGM (29 November) two rides to look at infrastructure, and more in Glasgow”

Contraflow Cycling, and a new Transform20 campaign

GoBike was invited to give a short presentation on a campaigning theme at the Transform Scotland AGM 2017 held in Glasgow City Chambers on 26 October.  We chose the topic of Contraflow Cycling and a summary of our talk is on the Contraflow Cycling campaign page on our website.  Contraflow is essential in our towns and cities to make them permeable for bikes.  One way streets were introduced to “improve” flow for cars, but this, as we know, has had the effect of increased vehicle speeds, increased vehicle use, increased congestion and increased pollution; we want our streets back.

At the AGM Transform Scotland launched their Transform 20 campaign: ‘As part of Transform Scotland’s 20th anniversary year we’ve launched a new campaign called #Transform20. This campaign focuses on offering an easy way for the public to communicate their ideas to transform transport in Scotland to become more eco-friendly, safer and easier to access.

Ideas can be simple and don’t require a detailed explanation. To submit your idea, please go to our website, where you can submit a brief description of up to 200 words on how you think Scottish transport can be transformed. Your idea must be accompanied by a title (under 10 words) and there’s an option to upload a high quality picture to support your idea. You can also upload supporting documents or provide a link to further information if you wish.

GoBike has submitted our Contraflow campaign to this page, others have submitted their ideas too.  Why not have a look and submit your bee-in-your-bonnet campaigning idea?

If you like our Contraflow campaign please send in your contraflow picture, telling us where it is, to and we’ll add it to the web page.

Glasgow’s Fastlink – why are there “cycle upgrades” off the route?

Fastlink in Glasgow is absolutely not what we were initially led to expect.  It wavers from side to side of the road, cycling is allowed in this bit but not that, there is no accommodation for people exiting the southbound Clyde Cycle Tunnel to get across to the new hospital and one could go on.  Now we are aware that “cycle upgrades” are being carried out – in the form of shared footways off the main, direct route!  There has been no consultation that we are aware of.  The drawings we have are here: P_5100-S_100_Govan Road_Festival Park GA P_5100-S_101_Summertown_Rd and the letter we have sent, to quite a few people since we were not sure of the person in charge of this work is here: GoBikeFastlinkImprovementConcernsLetter251017 For simplicity we repeat the content of the letter below:

Continue reading “Glasgow’s Fastlink – why are there “cycle upgrades” off the route?”

Glasgow: Hyndland/Hughenden and Dowanhill West, Proposed Parking Controls, Exhibition, 30 October to 06 November

We have been made aware of this open consultation event.  Controlling car parking is critical, but we must ensure that it is not done at the expense of permeability for cycling, thus discouraging active travel.  Contraflow cycling lanes are becoming common throughout the city; Gordon Street, Dalnair Street and West Princes Street are just a few examples.  If streets that are currently two-way are proposed for one-way to allow the storage of motor vehicles on both sides without exempting bikes, as has happened in Dowanhill East, then please object.  The relevant part of the City Council’s design guide, Cycling by Design is clause 5.1.5

If you live in, work in, or travel through this area, do please get along to the consultation:




Exhibition Open to View from Monday 30 October to Monday 6 November 2017

On the following dates, council staff will also be present to answer queries & discuss proposals.

  • Tuesday 31 October, 10am to 4pm
  • Thursday 2 November, 10am to 6pm
  • Friday 3 November, 10am to 4pm


Glasgow City Council are writing to inform you of the commencement of a voluntary consultation for the proposed Hyndland, Hughenden and Dowanhill West area parking controlled zone prior to the commencement of the statutory traffic regulation order (TRO) process.

Glasgow City Council is currently undertaking the development and introduction of significant parking control schemes throughout the Glasgow area.  This includes Hillhead, Garnethill and the Partick area.  Due to its scale, the Partick area has been split into separate schemes to facilitate the traffic regulation order (TRO) promotion and implementation process namely Partick, Hyndland/Hughenden, Dowanhill West areas and the Dumbarton Road/Argyle Street corridor.

The West End of Glasgow has excellent bus, train and subway transport links which unfortunately attracts commuters driving to the area and using the residential streets to park‑and‑ride resulting in the kerbside road space being sterilised by all day parking with indiscriminate and obstructive parking practices commonplace.  The introduction of parking controls is an effective way of managing the demand for the finite road space available by preventing all day parking thus reducing the traffic attracted to the area whilst increasing the turnover of parking spaces and improving the safety and traffic flow. Parking controls also maintains access for emergency service, refuse collection and delivery vehicles etc. and also assists the Council in undertaking routine road maintenance such as channel and gully cleaning work and road/ footway repairs.

Prior to the commencement of statutory traffic order process for the Hyndland, Hughenden and Dowanhill West schemes the Council is holding a public exhibition in Partick Library from Monday 30 October to Monday 6 November 2017. Council Officers will be in attendance to answer queries and discuss proposals on Tuesday 31 October, Thursday 2 November and Friday 3 November, as stated above.

A letter will be issued to all affected addresses within the proposed zone providing a brief summary of the proposals and will also inform of the public exhibition. 

Pre-meeting Info – Statutory Process for Parking Restrictions

Pre-meeting Info – Glasgow City Councils Local Transport Strategy in relation to Parking

Pre-meeting Info – Existing Parking Zones within Glasgow