Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 156, 04 April 2024

Hamilton Masterplan 'bird's eye view' visualisation of new developments

In the centre…

Town centres dominate this issue – one in South Lanarkshire (visualisation in featured image, above) and no less than eight in East Renfrewshire! Elsewhere, North Lanarkshire’s consultations continue and South Ayrshire looks at car parking. Glasgow has a few projects in both the West End and in the north of the city – one of the latter links with East Dunbartonshire.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 92, 3 August 2021

Map showing the northern part of Strathclyde Country Park around the South Calder Water

Consultations dropping in from around Glasgow.

This Digest comes after Great Britain & Northern Ireland won a handful of cycling medals at Toyko 2020. One was for mountain biking while the rest were in BMX (where Sir Chris Hoy started). Both are covered by the Velo Park proposal from North Lanarkshire Council (but NLC have dropped the cycleway to Motherwell train station). There are also several consultations for East Dunbartonshire and Glasgow plus one for East Renfrewshire.

The ban on pavement parking was made law in the Scottish Parliament in 2019. Last year, GoBike wondered when it would come into force (Digest 65, Item 3.4) – it seems it’s due to be 2023. Living Streets want you to write to your MSPs about bringing it forward.

People of all abilities can cycle at facilities run by Freewheel North – who are trying to fundraise just now, in case you want to contribute.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 91, 20 July 2021

Flourishing Molendinar area between Cumbernauld Rd (A80) and Royston Rd

Consultations around the edge of Glasgow (and city centre parking).

There’s plenty in this Digest despite it being holiday time, with weather to match for a change (in Glasgow Fair!).

This issue is mostly about the fringes – both inside and outside the city boundary; in more and less deprived areas. It’s also about city centre parking and emissions, which is often linked to people driving in from areas around the edge of Glasgow.

The Infrastructure Update has a bit more from north and east but also a project from the West End, just in case anyone’s getting withdrawal symptoms…

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 82, 16 March 2021

A rush of closing consultations from inside and outside the city.

In this Digest there’s a mix of consultations from Glasgow and from all directions outside the city. Most are over before late March, which will mark six weeks until the Scottish Parliament election. This is the Public Sector’s ‘purdah’ pre-election period when projects tend to avoid new announcements (which could get caught up in electioneering).

That may be why there’s been a flurry of news about the next lot of Glasgow’s Spaces for People projects – including Howard St, Cambridge St and Royston Rd. GoBike first heard about these at the revived Glasgow Active Travel Forum, which met for the first time online earlier this month (previous meeting was Sept 2019!).

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