Consultation Digest Issue 41, 20 August 2019: Promising news from East Renfrewshire and a Glasgow Avenues update.

There is lots more in this Digest, with quite a bit of feedback again, including news from ScotRail and a reply to our objection to the painted cycle lanes proposed for University Avenue,

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 41, 20 August 2019: Promising news from East Renfrewshire and a Glasgow Avenues update.”

East Renfrewshire protest was just the ticket!

As a part of Pedal on Parliaments pop up weekend last week GoBike hosted a pretend parking ticket hill climb race designed to protest the need for safer cycling conditions in East Renfrewshire. This attracted local participants on Ayr Road, who rode bikes up the hill and delivered fliers to cars parked in the cycle lanes.

Continue reading “East Renfrewshire protest was just the ticket!”

Consultation Digest Issue 20, 23 October 2018: Barrhead travel routes, traffic plans for the new Robroyston Railway Station, Open Space Strategy for Glasgow and a couple of reminders

A reminder that the Barrhead South Travel Links Consultation event is tomorrow 24th October (see 1.1 below), and among other things we also have exciting news with the potential for good active travel links at the new station proposed for Robroyston. Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 20, 23 October 2018: Barrhead travel routes, traffic plans for the new Robroyston Railway Station, Open Space Strategy for Glasgow and a couple of reminders”

Consultation Extra: East Renfrewshire, South Barrhead Transport Accessibility Study, see the plans 24 October 4-8pm

A consultation invitation from East Renfrewshire, sent to us via Twitter:


We want to make travelling within East Ren easier, ensuring communities are connected to services, leisure and jobs. Help identify improvements to transport links in Barrhead on our interactive map  or drop-in to our event at Barrhead Foundry, 24 Oct, 4-8pm ”

If you live or work, or just visit Barrhead, do please get to the event on Wednesday 24th October, or put your views on the interactive map.


Consultation Digest Issue 11, Going squinty about the Squinty Bridge, Byres Road submission, 20mph, parking etc etc

Here’s the bridge with three names: Clyde Arc, Finnieston and Squinty and it’s currently sending us a bit squinty.  There have been several changes in the traffic regime over the bridge since it was built with a recent one being the inclusion of bikes on the Fastlink bus lanes on the west side, but now Glasgow City Council propose to also allow taxis.  Oh dear. See our detailed response in item 1.8. We also have lots more for you in this digest, including the contrasting GoBike responses to Byres Road and South City Way, so do please read on. Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 11, Going squinty about the Squinty Bridge, Byres Road submission, 20mph, parking etc etc”

Consultation Digest Issue 10, 30 May 2018, Byres Road and lots lots more!

Yes, as you probably know, the Byres Road consultation has started (see below (1.9)) and we are extremely disappointed. And there’s loads more in this digest. Parking controls in Hyndland, Hughenden and Dowanhill West, and near Lenzie Station – calling all residents of those areas for comments!  20mph areas – we have our response to Woodside and news of the Calton Barras proposal for just east of the City Centre. The city centre is already a 20mph zone, but why doesn’t anyone let the motor drivers know? There’s also news of moves to change the road layout at the SEC in Glasgow, with not a thought to those of us who go by bike, and furthermore, we will be suggesting Dutch-style roundabout layouts for Spiersbridge and Eastwood Toll roundabouts in East Renfrewshire. Please read on: Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 10, 30 May 2018, Byres Road and lots lots more!”

Consultations Digest Issue 9, 15 May: Cycle Lanes and Hazardous Access to Glasgow City Centre plus Dangerous Roundabouts in East Renfrewshire.

East Renfrewshire Council are asking for views on both the Eastwood Toll Roundabout( A77/A727), (pictured left) and the Spiersbridge Roundabout (A727/B769) (Item 1.1) and in other news, yes that’s right, Glasgow City Council are unable to give us cycle lanes along Bridge Street to get us to the Clyde (Item 3.1).

As well as this we have some exciting news from Yorkhill and Kelvingrove Community Council, who are looking to make their area active travel friendly!  Let’s hope it catches on (Item 1.7). Continue reading “Consultations Digest Issue 9, 15 May: Cycle Lanes and Hazardous Access to Glasgow City Centre plus Dangerous Roundabouts in East Renfrewshire.”

East Renfrewshire: Clarkston – Stamperland – Busby Active Travel Network Delivery Plan


The message below has been sent on to us; it’s just for information at the moment, the start of the process in East Renfrewshire and there will be more to come:

From: “Shelton, John” <>
Date: 7 Dec 2017 15:15
Subject: Clarkston – Stamperland – Busby Active Travel Network Delivery Plan
Dear Stakeholder,

You may recall a public consultation held in August to assist with development of a walking and cycling plan for Clarkston, Stamperland and Busby. I have the pleasure to share the final draft of the delivery plan (along with supporting appendices). This can be accessed via the East Renfrewshire Council Clarkston Town Centre page and will be publicised this weekend to the Clarkston Your Town Facebook page.

The Active Travel Network Delivery Plan was developed by East Renfrewshire Council and AECOM in response to a series of workshops held last year with residents and businesses as part of the Council’s Clarkston: Your Town initiative. The plan highlights local priorities to improve walking and cycling provision, as well as major projects to improve accessibility in key areas.

As well as outlining short and long term actions that may be considered so that walking and cycling is the natural choices for everyday journeys, the plan contributes to an ongoing conversation about the type of place Clarkston aspires to be.

Over the next few months East Renfrewshire Council will work with partners to develop detailed designs for some of the proposals identified within the plan, specifically improving local routes and enhancements to the Netherlee pavilion public realm. Furthermore, East Renfrewshire Council will look to establish a framework through which local people can help shape future plans supported by an ongoing programme of data gathering.

A pilot scheme in Clarkston to create more public space, with the introduction of ‘parklets’ and traffic reduced to a single lane along Busby Rd, is planned for Spring 2018 as part of ongoing Clarkston town centre improvement works. This will provide important insight into possible future options for Clarkston town centre.

If you have any questions regarding the plan please do not hesitate to get in touch. Also, please feel free to circulate this to anyone else you think may be interested in proposals.

Thank you for your time.

Kind regards

John Shelton

Green Network Project Officer

0141 577 3142 – Tel

07393 752 500 – Mob

East Renfrewshire: Your Council, Your Future

European Cycling Challenge, Launch Saturday 15 April, Glasgow Green. Record your mileage to show where we want cycle facilities!

We have got to know about this year’s European Cycling Challenge whereby all of us cycling in Glasgow  – and the surrounding areas (new for this year) can record our cycle journeys.  GoBike has mapped the data from last year, which ties in well with Strava data and Glasgow City Council cordon count data, and has presented this evidence of where people cycle  – and thus where we need good quality cycle infrastructure – to none less than the Transport Minister, Humza Yousaf.

So, do join in this year. Cycling UK Glasgow’s regular Saturday morning ride from the People’s Palace will be ending the ride at this launch. Here’s a copy of the e-mail from Glasgow City Council, which has the information and links that you need:

“This year’s European Cycling Challenge will be even bigger and better than last year.
With involvement of all neighbouring local authorities, this years challenge will be inclusive of all your commute, leisure and utility riding.
Whether cycling from East Kilbride to Glasgow, along to Croy station to get the train to Glasgow or Edinburgh, just along Byres Road, or on the Bears Way, all your journeys will count!
There are also over 120 prizes for best riders and prize draws throughout just for taking part and getting out on your bike.
To launch the challenge and encourage people to start to sign up, we will host a launch event on Saturday April 15th  11:00 – 13:00.
 This will take place at the Winter Gardens at Glasgow Green. This should help many of you get there as it’s right on the NCN 75 with good connection to all areas.
To promote the sign up for the event we will have photocalls for those who want to show off their bikes, freebies including this year’s edition of snap bands and saddle covers, and prize draws on the day for cycling equipment.
We will also have a Dr Bike to make sure your bike is the finely tuned machine you deserve.
Light refreshments will be available between 11:00  and 13:00.
So get out on your bike, come along alone or with family, get some freebies and lets show Europe that in the Clyde Valley area, cycling is for everyone!  
If you intend in coming along, please email back so that we can estimate refreshments and supplies.
 Further information on the challenge available here:
Best regards
Dr Collin Little
Glasgow City Council
Land & Environmental Services
231 George Street
Glasgow, G1 1RX
tel: 0141 287 9483

So do get there if you can – lots of the usual “freebies”, ie paid for by us, the taxpayers! Seriously, though, we need the data of where we all cycle.  So do map your rides, preferably all year round with Strava since we have access to the data (depersonalised) or just for May with this European Cycling Challenge.