Consultation Extra: East Renfrewshire, South Barrhead Transport Accessibility Study, see the plans 24 October 4-8pm

A consultation invitation from East Renfrewshire, sent to us via Twitter:


We want to make travelling within East Ren easier, ensuring communities are connected to services, leisure and jobs. Help identify improvements to transport links in Barrhead on our interactive map  or drop-in to our event at Barrhead Foundry, 24 Oct, 4-8pm ”

If you live or work, or just visit Barrhead, do please get to the event on Wednesday 24th October, or put your views on the interactive map.


Consultation Extra: Glasgow Battlefield Re-design Event Tuesday 04 September

Further to last November’s public engagement event for proposed public realm works at Battlefield, we would like to make you aware of a drop-in launch event where you can meet the team, share your knowledge, and get more information on the project.

The community-led Street Design project in Battlefield will be held in Glasgow on Tuesday 4th September.  More information as follows: Continue reading “Consultation Extra: Glasgow Battlefield Re-design Event Tuesday 04 September”

Consultation Digest Issue 16, 21 August 2018: Activity in Glasgow, East Dunbartonshire, Scotland and the UK

The schools are back, the roads are busy, but unfortunately not many parents and carers cycle with their children to school, so do please respond to the Glasgow North East Travel Routes Consultation that closes tomorrow and the other consultations listed that will make it easier for us all to get around by bike. Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 16, 21 August 2018: Activity in Glasgow, East Dunbartonshire, Scotland and the UK”

Campaigners Day Comes to Kilmarnock – 8th September

Saturday 8th September 11am-4pm Killie Browser, Kilmarnock Station

Walk Cycle Vote are hosting another of their inspiring campaigners days, this time in Kilmarnock. If you’re in the area and looking to find out how you can do more to help improve safe cycling conditions, this is the event for you. GoBike will be there presenting on campaigns we’ve run in Glasgow, there will be discussions, and for a real treat, award winning cycle campaigner Sally Hinchcliffe will present on creative campaigning techniques.

Tickets are free – to register and for more information head on over here.

Consultation Extra – first chance to comment on the ARGYLE STREET AVENUE, Glasgow

Yes, plans are afoot for the Argyle Street Avenue, see:  which contains, as well as the background details, this information:

Continue reading “Consultation Extra – first chance to comment on the ARGYLE STREET AVENUE, Glasgow”

Consultation Digest Issue 11, Going squinty about the Squinty Bridge, Byres Road submission, 20mph, parking etc etc

Here’s the bridge with three names: Clyde Arc, Finnieston and Squinty and it’s currently sending us a bit squinty.  There have been several changes in the traffic regime over the bridge since it was built with a recent one being the inclusion of bikes on the Fastlink bus lanes on the west side, but now Glasgow City Council propose to also allow taxis.  Oh dear. See our detailed response in item 1.8. We also have lots more for you in this digest, including the contrasting GoBike responses to Byres Road and South City Way, so do please read on. Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 11, Going squinty about the Squinty Bridge, Byres Road submission, 20mph, parking etc etc”

Consultation Digest Issue 10, 30 May 2018, Byres Road and lots lots more!

Yes, as you probably know, the Byres Road consultation has started (see below (1.9)) and we are extremely disappointed. And there’s loads more in this digest. Parking controls in Hyndland, Hughenden and Dowanhill West, and near Lenzie Station – calling all residents of those areas for comments!  20mph areas – we have our response to Woodside and news of the Calton Barras proposal for just east of the City Centre. The city centre is already a 20mph zone, but why doesn’t anyone let the motor drivers know? There’s also news of moves to change the road layout at the SEC in Glasgow, with not a thought to those of us who go by bike, and furthermore, we will be suggesting Dutch-style roundabout layouts for Spiersbridge and Eastwood Toll roundabouts in East Renfrewshire. Please read on: Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 10, 30 May 2018, Byres Road and lots lots more!”

Consultations Extra! Glasgow’s SOUTH CITY WAY events Monday 14 and Tuesday 15 May

News just in: The Traffic Regulation Order for the southern part of the South City Way, the latest flagship cycle route from Glasgow City Council is now out.  The 5 associated documents are below, but there are to be 2 public consultation events on Monday 15 May and Tuesday 16 May. Continue reading “Consultations Extra! Glasgow’s SOUTH CITY WAY events Monday 14 and Tuesday 15 May”

Join Ziya as he cycles for Amnesty from Land’s End to John O’Groats, staying with a GoBike member on the way

Ziya Kocabiyik, originally from Turkey, but currently living in Chelmsford, near London, is a member of Amnesty International and has set off today, 04 May, to cycle from Land’s End to John O’Groats, to raise awareness of human rights issues in Turkey. When he arrives just south of Glasgow next Wednesday, 09 May, Ziya will be met in Hamilton by GoBike and Amnesty member, Jimmy Keenan, with whom he will be staying the night, in Uddingston, before cycling the 130 miles to Fort William on the 10th.

It would be great if people could join Ziya for a mile or two to cheer him on his way.  Here’s some information that Ziya has sent: Continue reading “Join Ziya as he cycles for Amnesty from Land’s End to John O’Groats, staying with a GoBike member on the way”