Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 104, 20 January 2022

Ardrossan Connections illustration

Let’s go round again.

A repeat consultation for Pollok and next steps at an Ayrshire harbour (in time for Burns Night). Also, South Lanarkshire’s Ayr Road (A70) pops up again.

After criticism of Spaces for People measures in South Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire, now East Renfrewshire‘s Ayr Road (A77) completes the hat-trick.

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Consultation Digest (National) Issue 9, 10 Dec 2021: The one after the Budget

We are a few month’s into the current parliamentary term and here come the consultations on government policy. I expect quite a few over the coming months. The 4th National Planning Framework is the main focus of this digest with two live consultations – from the Government and from a Parliamentary Committee.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 99, 11 November 2021

Polar bear cycling in George Square

A bear on a bike in the Square.

The route of the March for Climate Justice on Saturday 6 November started on Kelvin Way and passed more Spaces for People measures in George Square. An order has come out to help make the temporary Spaces for People measures around the square permanent.

The march couldn’t get anywhere near the COP26 venue at the SEC. It has just lodged a planning application for its sometimes public cycle/footbridge. Looking further to the future, this Digest also includes two long term strategies for Glasgow and another for South Ayrshire.

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Consultation Digest (National) Issue 8, 29 October 2021: The one before COP26

There are no official consultations of relevance at present so this digest is different to usual. Instead this month there’s information on how you can raise your voice for the climate and cycling during COP26, and a look at the new Cycling by Design guidance.

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A cycling legend: An 80 mile bike ride for an 80th birthday.

Peter Hayman, who has long been an active and effective GoBike campaigner, is a true cycling legend. Today, the 28th of March, he turns 80, and to celebrate his birthday, he is planning a hefty 80 mile cycle ride. For this adventure (and Peter is no stranger to adventures), he hopes to cycle to the coast via his previous homes in the West of Scotland and through the home town of his adopted football club, Kilmarnock FC, before returning to Glasgow.

Continue reading “A cycling legend: An 80 mile bike ride for an 80th birthday.”

Consultation Digest Issue 49, 10 December 2019: Highest number yet of current consultations and surveys, with one closing at 5pm today – time for a tea break?

Transport Scotland and the Scottish Government are looking for your views on the Second Strategic Transport Projects Review (STPR2) plus other on-line surveys and a bit of controversy about taxis and priority at side street junctions on proposed segregated cycle lane. Do read on through this bumper bundle of current consultations as far as the feedback for Queen Margaret Drive.

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GoBike monthly ride for August – coming up on Sunday!

Here are the details for our August ride – don’t forget that they are held on the first Sunday of the month, always taking you somewhere, at least for part of the route, that is new to you.

Sunday 4 August – Doon The Water
As usual, we will start on the bank of the River Clyde, and we will follow it downstream, crossing the Erskine Bridge and joining the Clyde Coastal Path. After lunch in Greenock there will be a local tour around the Greenock area to take in the views.
35 miles, returning by train from Gourock.
Meet 10am Bell’s Bridge, Congress Road, Glasgow.

For further details see our Rides page.

Consultation Digest Issue 25, 10 January 2019: Happy New Year with more progress on the South City Way, good news about Byres Road and feedback from Argyll and Bute and North Lanarkshire



For our first Consultation Digest of 2019, we have the details for the South City Way to reach across the Clyde, the promise of segregated cycle lanes on Byres Road and a great reach out to some news from Helensburgh and Motherwell. Lots, lots more in this mega-issue as desks were cleared for the end of 2018 and Glasgow, certainly, ups its game. Even Pollok Park gets a mention, so do read on.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 25, 10 January 2019: Happy New Year with more progress on the South City Way, good news about Byres Road and feedback from Argyll and Bute and North Lanarkshire”

Consultation Digest Issue 24, 18 December 2018 – East Dunbartonshire news / the River Clyde / default urban 20mph


This fortnight we have two new consultations in from East Dunbartonshire, plus high level previews of two Strategic Development Frameworks (SDFs) for Glasgow (the River Clyde corridor and Govan – Partick), as well as an update on campaigning for a 20mph default speed limit in our towns and cities. Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 24, 18 December 2018 – East Dunbartonshire news / the River Clyde / default urban 20mph”