The nights are drawing in but lots to do as September approaches

Yes, the nights are drawing in so it’s time to check out those lights for your bike, but don’t forget all the things that are on from now through into September.  We have told you about some of them and there is detail to follow on others, but here’s a summary – get them in your diary and get out to them on your bike: Continue reading “The nights are drawing in but lots to do as September approaches”

Get off the road!”, a GoBike member’s View on Parking, Private Property and Cycle Facilities

We reproduce below the submitted text of a Herald newspaper Agenda item, written by GoBike member, Bob Downie, and  published in the Herald today.  It is just possible that the car owning populace of the land might not like this article, so if you agree with it then please get your letter of support into the Herald now!  Bob has written the item in a personal capacity but we are pleased to publish the views of GoBike members if they are generally in line with our aims. The printed text, as in the Herald, is given here:


“When on your bike, how many times do you hear the phrase “get off the road!”, followed by a barbed statement along the lines of “roads are for cars and you can get your toy onto the pavement”? The answer is more often than many of us would like. Being the mature adults that we are, we sadly shake our heads and cycle on. It is to be hoped that the holders of such ideas will in time pass on to the great motorway in the sky, and be replaced by a younger generation more used to the idea that one’s transport mode depends on the journey, walking, cycling, driving or public transport as the circumstance dictates. We can dream.

However, even enlightened urban car owners consider that they have an absolute right to park on the street outside their property. As a campaigner for improvements in the cycling environment in Glasgow, I keep bumping up against the refusal to install any cycling infrastructure because it could only be built at the expense of on-street parking. This factor, possibly more than any other is the primary reason why we do not, and possibly cannot, have good quality, protected cycle lanes in our fine city.

The desire to park on the road close to one’s property is perfectly understandable, but let us step back and ask the fundamental question, what is a road and what is its function? The online Oxford English defines a road as “a wide way leading from one place to another, especially one with a specially prepared surface which vehicles can use”. The Collins dictionary offers “a road is a long piece of hard ground which is built between two places so that people can drive or ride easily from one place to the other”. However, the most important definition is the Road Traffic Act 1988 which states “a road physically should have the character of a definable route, with ascertainable edges, and that leads from one point to another to enable travellers to move conveniently from one point to another along that route”.

The essence of all the above definitions is that a road is constructed route that people can use to travel by vehicle from one place to another, the RTA of 1988 adding the term “move conveniently”. What is conspicuously missing from any definition of “road” is that it is a place to store your priv2ate property. Now call me picky, but what is a car if not private property?

It thus seems that we cannot have the network of safe, connected cycle infrastructure in Glasgow that we so urgently need, because of the priority given to allowing people to store their private property on the public road. I have no fundamental desire to stop parking where there is room to do so without impeding traffic, but cyclists are every bit as much traffic as are motor vehicles and it is wrong to deny them safe, segregated routes by preferentially prioritising parking. Glasgow, like all urban areas, needs a cycle revolution. The pent-up desire is huge but until safe infrastructure is created the desire will never be satisfied for the many would-be cyclists intimidated by sharing roads with motor vehicle.

So, on-street parking is fine, but should be given the lowest priority and allowed only after the needs of all traffic, including cycling, are satisfied. Roads are routes to travel on and not places to store personal property. I say, “Get the parked cars off the road” and allow the cycle traffic to flow.”


Calling all women – Women’s Cycle Forum AGM, Glasgow, Saturday 19 August, 4-6pm

Yes, the Women’s Cycle Forum Scotland is holding its AGM at the Women’s Library in Landressy Street, Bridgeton on Saturday 19 August from 4pm – 6pm, and men are welcome too, as well as all you women out there, who cycle or wish to cycle.

See the link above for details, and do please register if you are going, but there are 3 great speakers lined up:

  • Daisy Narayanan, Deputy Director for Built Environment at Sustrans Scotland.
  • Anna Richardson, City Convenor for Sustainability and Carbon Reduction, Glasgow, and
  • Alex Feechan, founder of Findra Clothing.

Ride with GoBike to the Falkirk Wheel and Clackmannanshire Bridge, Sunday 06 August


Sunday 6 August – Falkirk Wheel & Clackmannanshire Bridge
The route of this ride will take us through Cumbernauld and the Castlecary Arches to reach the Falkirk Wheel. After lunch we shall continue past the Kelpies to a new destination of Alloa, crossing the Clackmannanshire Bridge on the way, before returning to Glasgow by train.
Meet 10am Bell’s Bridge, Congress Road, Glasgow.
Ride on paths Ride on quiet roads Ride on canal towpaths Moderate hill climbing Train home from finish
Rated: Go Bike star rating Go Bike star rating
Go Bike star rating Go Bike star rating

If attending GoBike rides, please take a note of the GoBike phone number 07932 460093 to bring with you.  Note: please only use this phone number for our rides; it is not a general contact number.

New Cycling Scotland Strategy

GoBike is a member of Cycling Scotland and we have been informed about the new Cycling Scotland Strategy 2017-22 which has been approved by the Cycling Scotland Board.  Here’s a copy: Cycling Scotland Strategy 2017-22 – FINAL

(the online version will be available on the new website, which will be going live during the summer)

The Board and all the staff look forward to working with us all, in GoBike and the other member organisations, to achieve the aims and ambitions in this strategy, helping pursue our vision of a sustainable, inclusive and healthy Scotland where anyone, anywhere, can enjoy all the benefits of cycling.

Glasgow’s Strategic Plan for Cycling wins a prize!

We now need to hold them to it!  You can read the Strategic Plan here.  Here’s the text we were sent by Glasgow City Council:

Pedal power for Glasgow as city council wins transport award for cycling
Glasgow City Council has been awarded for its achievements in cycling at this year’s Scottish Transport Awards.
Organised by Transport Times, the annual awards is now in its 15th year and recognises excellence, innovation and progress across all areas of Scotland’s transport industry.
Glasgow was shortlisted in four categories, winning Achievements in Cycling for its Strategic Plan for Cycling 2016 – 2025.

Glasgow’s award was received by Councillor Anna Richardson, City Convener for Sustainability and Carbon Reduction.
Cllr Richardson, collecting the award on behalf of the council, said: “Winning this award is fantastic recognition for everyone involved.  Our strategic plan for cycling outlines the city’s vision, objectives, targets and actions for increasing levels of cycling across the city.  And it’s working.
“New investment in infrastructure, from safe, segregated cycle routes to traffic calming and 20mph limits, has led to an increase in the number of people choosing to travel by bike on a daily basis.
“We will continue to work with our partners and local communities to enhance the city’s cycling infrastructure, increase the provision of safe cycle routes segregated from traffic as well as improving road safety, introduce traffic calming schemes, and develop further safer cycle and walking routes.”

Several key cycle routes including the West City Way (safe route largely segregated from traffic from Kelvingrove Park to Central Station) and the South West City Way (2km of urban segregated cycle route linking Pollokshields to the City Centre via the Tradeston footbridge) have been introduced.

New developments already underway include the South City Way, a £6.5m segregated route from Victoria Road in the south side to Merchant City in city centre.  The council project won the Scottish Government’s first ever Community Links Plus funding competition, attracting £3.25m funding.

Key outcomes to date from the implementation of Glasgow Strategic Plan for Cycling include:
•    Each year, a cordon count is undertaken around the city centre.  The number of cycle trips across the cordon has risen 6.7% between 2015 and 2016.
•    Monitoring counts on the new South West City Way route has shown that its popularity has steadily increased by 11% since opening in 2015
•    Glasgow’s mass automated cycle hire scheme has been phenomenally successful, with growth in rentals during 2016 at just under 25%.
Further information about cycling in Glasgow
Further information about the Scottish Transport Awards

This weekend: GoBike ride to Drumpellier Park, but also lots to do in the city


Sunday 7 May – Drumpellier Country Park
The route of this ride will head out of Glasgow via new cycle improvements at the Port Dundas Basin and in Balornock, and then onto country lanes in the Auchinloch area, before joining the Strathkelvin Railway Path to Glenboig. We will then head to Drumpellier Country Park for lunch, before returning into Glasgow to view some of the recent developments on main roads in the east and southeast of the city area, including Cambuslang and Rutherglen, and ending up on the South Bank cycle route. The ride includes some unsurfaced paths, one of which is quite rough.
Meet 10am Bell’s Bridge, Congress Road, Glasgow.
Ride on paths Ride on quiet roads Ride on canal towpaths Ride on rough tracks Ride on busy roads Moderate hill climbing
Rated: Go Bike star rating Go Bike star rating Go Bike star rating

If you don’t fancy going so far, then there are events on in the city (information provided by Glasgow City Council::

Saturday 6th May – THIS WEEKEND!!!

Saturday 6th May  Cycling Family Fun Day – Free – Starts 10:00 AM  Glasgow Green

Stunt Bike Riders Show, Bike Maintenance Workshop, Dr Bike , Bike Marking and security advice by Police Scotland, Led rides for all ages and levels of experience, Play on Pedals, Bike tuition, Horse and Dray rides, Cycling information from Glasgow City Council, Sustrans, Bike Station Glasgow, Free Wheel North, SoulRiders Scotland, South West Community Cycles, Cycling Uk and much, much more!


Saturday 6th May,  Dr Bike. 12 – 2pm  Priesthill Church car park, Glasgow G53 6LL

Get your bike checked and set up by the South West Community Cycles team.

For more details contact:


Sunday 7th May,  Play on Pedals drop in session. 12:30-2:30  Free Wheel North, Glasgow Green, Templeton St, Glasgow G40 1AT

Free Cycle training for pre-schoolers. Get your kids on a balance bike and help them get cycling from an early age!


Sunday 7th May,  Play on Pedals drop in session. 10:45-11:30  Drumchapel Sports Centre with Drumchapel Cycle Hub

Cycle training for pre-schoolers. Get your kids on a balance bike and help them get cycling from an early age! £1 to support hall hire.


Tuesday 9th May,  Led Ride – Beginners / Intermediate – 10.30-12.30pm  South West Community Cycles, 2092 Pollokshaws Rd, Glasgow G43 1AT

Right to Routes Diabetes group.  Gentle Guided Ride/Training

For more details contact:


Thursday 11th May,  Led Ride – Beginners / Intermediate – 10.00-12.00pm  South West Community Cycles, 2092 Pollokshaws Rd, Glasgow G43 1AT

Wheel Being group.  Gentle Guided Ride/Training

For more details contact:


Thursday 11th May,  Bike Breakfast – 7:30 – 9:30 AM  Balshagray Crescent, G14. Near South Bound Entrance to Clyde Tunnel.

De’ils on Wheels are providing a free Breakfast and Dr Bike check ups , Cycling Info, Freebies

For more details contact:

Pedal on Parliament Glasgow is this Sunday, 23 April!

Here’s the route of Sunday’s Pedal on Parliament route from Glasgow Green to George Square and there’s an excellent video of the route being cycled on this page:

The route will be traffic-free, apart from lots of bikes!  There are feeder rides in for the 1pm set off and other ways of getting to the Green are given on this page:

Do make sure you are there to demonstrate the need for good cycle infrastructure not just in Glasgow but across Scotand.

Byres Road, Glasgow – changes afoot: Consultation event 23 February, Partick Burgh Halls


We have been sent an e-mail with the following message about the proposed redevelopment of Byres Road, with an invitation to attend the consultation event on 23 February:

There’s a new Byres Road coming….

Funding of £9m has been allocated through the Glasgow City Region Deal to make Byres Road better for people. This means improvements for walking, cycling, air and noise pollution, business and community activity. And there will be still be room for buses, cars and delivery vehicles.

Consultation and design work are starting now. Construction will take place from autumn 2018. Yes, it really will happen! 

You are warmly invited to a public launch workshop on Thursday 23 February at 7pm (Hillhead Library) (now in PARTICK BURGH HALL) where we will ask people to re-imagine how the street could be.  Then, more detailed public engagement to design each section of the street will follow over the next 18 months.
Everyone is welcome to the launch.  Please circulate the attached poster and email!

The Council’s media release from 24 January 2017 contains more information:

Our dedicated Facebook page will have updates throughout the project:

Any questions, please contact me via or 07900 334110.”
Byres Road is used by lots of people cycling and it has quite a high accident rate, so it’s clear something needs to be done.  Here’s our chance to get involved.  Make your voice heard!