Go Bikers, let’s communicate!

2014-07-29 15.03.07

Go Bikers, here’s how to communicate with Go Bike and other members / supporters.

Check out our website, www.gobike.org  Information that Go Bike posts on here goes direct to our Facebook page and to our Twitter feed, @GoBikeGlasgow.

We also have a Facebook group; this is an open group where you can tell other members and supporters about bike events etc.

If you don’t wish to use Facebook then you can get in touch with other members and supporters via our yahoo e-mail group.  If you are not a member of this group then go to https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/gobike-news/info and follow the instructions to join.  Once you are a member then e-mail your message to gobike-news@yahoogroups.com

To contact Go Bike, ie committee members, we have 3 e-mail addresses:

campaigns@gobike.org – for campaigns and concerns about cycling,

treasurer@gobike.org – for finance and membership queries

convenor@gobike.org – for general matters.

Cycling-Friendly City – Glasgow Petition hand-in, 25 July 2014

Dave Brennan, with Go Bike members, supporters and other cycle enthusiasts, handed the Petition to Councillor Alistair Watson (that’s him in the dress-down Friday black polo shirt and jeans), Executive Member for Sustainability and Transport on Glasgow City Council and Councillor Frank McAveety, Glasgow’s Cycling Czar, in a very busy and sunny Commonwealth Games George Square this morning.  Watch out for a report in tomorrow’s Herald.2014-07-25 22.01.13 2014-07-25 22.01.38 2014-07-25 22.05.07 2014-07-25 22.06.18 2014-07-25 22.06.29 2014-07-25 22.14.23

Bike Tower at the Bike Town launch event

bike tower in park

bike tower in park

Go Bike will be at the launch of CamGlen Bike Town on Saturday 19th July between 11am and 4pm.

Bike Town is encouraging everyone to cycle to Cambuslang Park and add their bike to the Interactive Bike Tower sculpture which is 5m high and holds 40 bikes.

The sculpture is the creation of Scottish artist Rob Mulholland, who says “I wanted to involve as many local people in the project as possible and thought that it would be a great idea if people could cycle to the park and help us make the sculpture with their own bikes. My hope is that everyone who lends their bikes will see this as their artwork. It’s an opportunity for the whole community to get involved in a fun project.”

The Bike Town launch event will include:
• Free cycle bag for the first 100 who arrive on a bike and hang their bikes on the sculpture.
• Plus free refreshments for all who arrive by bike.
• Lots of prizes, freebies and giveaways.
• Free Dr Bike.
• Free Bling your Bike with Eilidh’s Box Bike.
• Free cycle maps.
• Entertainment and sounds provided by CamGlen Radio.
• GoBike will be there plus other stalls with cycling and community related information.

Enter by the main gate on Cairns Rd. Cambulang Park, Cambuslang, G72 8PZ

The sculpture will stay in place until 3pm on Sunday the 20th July.

Keep up to date with this event on the Facebook event page

More info on CamGlen Bike Town

Glasgow City Centre Transport Strategy

Glasgow city cycling strategy

Glasgow city cycling strategy

The Glasgow City Centre Transport Strategy 2014 – 2024 is available online for comments and responses until 30th May 2014.
This is your chance to take part and make your views on Glasgow city centre transport known.

Following up on the Go Bike open meeting on City Centre Transport Strategy which took place on 12th March, we have uploaded the 3 presentations given that evening as PDF files.

Go Bike Convenor’s Introduction

Sue Hilder, Access Officer, Glasgow City Council, on Core Paths

Andrew Brown of the sustainable transport team, Glasgow City Council, on Traffic Strategy for Cycling

Pedal on Parliament – Glasgow Feeder Ride – PoP2014



Last year over 4000 people cycled from all over Scotland to loby the parliament for a cycle friendly Scotland.
Whilst there has been some improvement, there is much more that can be done.
Go Bike encourages all its members and supporters to travel to Edinburgh for this Pedal on Parliament event.

Saturday 26 April 2014 – Pedal on Parliament.
Meet 11.30am for 12 noon start, The Meadows, Edinburgh.

Glasgow Feeder Ride: Meet 7.15am for 7.30am prompt start, George Square (north side), Glasgow.

Go Bike is holding a special ride to get from Glasgow to Edinburgh. Note that the pace of this ride will be somewhat faster than our regular cycle rides and it will follow main roads rather that cycle routes or quiet routes. The aim is to arrive in Edinburgh before midday, in time for the Pedal on Parliament ride. Ride info is also on the cycle rides page

Glasgow Road Cycling Meetup (GRCM) are joining us for a 7.30 departure from George Sq. So far they have 15 riders signed up for this event, so we’ll form a large group. Last year we took around 4 hours to get to the Meadows from George Sq, going via the A89 & A8, with a coffee stop in Bathgate. Average speed 12.5mph.

Last year most of the GRCM riders cycled back to Glasgow. The A89/A8 route provides the option to get a train at many points along the way.

For those who prefer a later start, shorter ride or slower pace Belles on Bikes are getting a train to Linlithgow and cycling from there into Edinburgh.

Glasgow city core paths and transport strategy

Glasgow city core paths and transport strategy

Thank you to the 50+ people who came along to tonights Go Bike! open meeting.
We heard Sue Hilder, Access Officer and Andrew Brown of the sustainable transport team, both from Glasgow City Council, give presentations and answer questions on their respective areas of expertise about Core Paths and the City Centre Transport Strategy. The evening finished with an opportunity for everyone to add their comments to maps of the city centre and the existing and proposed cycle routes. Thank you to Sue and Andrew for their valuable contributions to the evening and event.

If you didn’t manage to come along on the night, the presentations are now available: Glasgow City Centre Transport Strategy.

Do you cycle in Glasgow city centre?

Find out about the council’s plans for cycle routes and have your say.

Wednesday 12th March 2014 at 19:30

Downstairs function room , Admiral Bar, 72A Waterloo St. Doors open 19:00pm.


Go Bike has arranged this meeting to provide feedback to Glasgow City Council (GCC) on their plans for cycle paths in the city centre.


  • Welcome and Introduction: Patricia Fort, Go BIke
  • The role of Core Paths, particularly in the city centre; Sue Hilder, GCC
  • GCC’s city centre transport strategy, including possible measures for traffic calming, 20mph speed limits and consultation arrangements; Andrew Brown, GCC
  • Feedback on routes, an opportunity for all participants to mark their regular routes, desired routes, known obstructions and locations of concern on large-scale city maps.
  • Open discussion

Please come and help to improve cycling in Glasgow!

Members and non-members welcome


Rules changes proposed to reduce the rights of citizens to use Glasgow parks!

Tweed Ride 2013
Tweed Ride 2013
Rides through Glasgow parks like this one would need prior consent under the proposed rules.

Glasgow City Council is proposing new rules for the management of parks, see: http://www.glasgow.gov.uk/parkmanagementrules – and note that “park” has a wide meaning and includes George Square in the city centre.  2 of the rules, in particular, are of interest to cyclists.

Clause 1.4 of the proposed rules refers to  an “Unauthorised Gathering”  which means any gathering, meeting or assembly in a park of 20 or more people, which has not had the prior written consent of the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services, however it was organised.
This has implications for any group, not only of cyclists, who assemble in an area deemed to be a park, prior to setting off on a cycle ride, or something such as a trip to an art gallery.  For example, cyclists from Glasgow arranged to meet in George Square last year prior to cycling to Edinburgh for the Pedal on Parliament event.  Go Bike, since it achieved the right for cyclists to cycle through the city parks some 25 years ago, has led several rides through parks, the latest being on Sunday 05 January, when 30 of us did an excellent cycle tour of the parks on the southside of the city.  We stopped several times to regroup and, finally, we admired the view once we had all made it to the high point, the flag pole, in Queen’s Park.  30 of us “gathering” together in this way – without the prior consent of the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services – could thus be considered to be “unauthorised“.

Clause 7.2, second sentence of the proposals states that “Cycle speed should not exceed 5 miles per hour.”  Anyone who has tried cycling alongside a pedestrian will know that it is very unstable to cycle at such low speeds; even children, or adults, learning to cycle will be going at speeds above 5mph – if only to try and keep their balance.  The average “moving speed” of the Go Bike ride through the parks last month was 7.6 miles per hour, with a maximum of 16.3 mph.  A limit of 5mph, if and when enforced, would thus remove our hard-won right to cycle in parks and other parts of the city covered by these new rules.

Go Bike proposes that, if the City Council wishes to ban some types of “Unauthorised Gathering” then they should be specific about the type of behaviour they wish to ban.  A blanket ban covers not only cyclists but a group of families meeting together.
Most cyclists cycle at speeds appropriate to their surroundings so the second sentence of Clause 7.2 quoted above should be removed leaving the clause as: “Cyclists must maintain proper control of the cycle and ensure they do not endanger other road users.”  Those who don’t would be in contravention of Clause 2.1 “No one shall in any park: (c) commit any act of anti-social behaviour in any park,”

Thus, there is a plethora of rules drawn up to cover almost any eventuality.  The Council would do far better to employ park wardens to look after and maintain these “dear, green places” in our city.

If you have read the proposed rules, at http://www.glasgow.gov.uk/parkmanagementrules and agree with Go Bike, then please submit your views by e-mail to les@glasgow.gov.uk to arrive by Friday 14 February at the latest