More people on bikes Manifesto!



On Saturday 04 October about 40 people, including 4 Go Bike members and representatives of pro-cycling groups from all over Scotland (at least from as far afield as Aberdeen and Dumfries) came together at the Sustrans offices in Edinburgh to resolve:

  1. How we work together constructively.
  2. Do we need a common manifesto for the 2016 Holyrood elections?

The answer to the second question was a resounding YES and we are now determined to work together to produce a manifesto aimed at getting more people to use bikes, and getting our elected representatives to take this on board.

If you wish to take an active role in this, please contact Go Bike.


Glasgow City Council (Colleges Cycle Route) Traffic Regulation Order, Go Bike objection

college cycle route phase2

The City Council have a laudable aim to improve the Colleges Cycle Route from Highburgh Road through to Jordan hill.  However, there is a notable gap in the cycle lane provision from Hyndland Road into Clarence Drive, parking is still to be allowed on cycle lanes and cycle lanes have been designed to the absolute minimum width, not even the desirable minimum.  Thus Go Bike has discussed the proposals and has submitted an Objection, which you can see here

If you wish to comment or submit an objection then please base your submission on this, if you wish.  If you are objecting to the proposals then clearly state that it is an objection.  Submissions close on Monday 13 October.

Dowanhill and Byres Road, parking increase, one-way streets and contraflow cycling


Glasgow City Council propose to increase parking in the Dowanhill and Byres Road area, introduce one-way streets to accommodate this and allow contraflow cycling.  Contraflow cycling is something Go Bike aspires to for one-way streets but GCC’s order and their drawing give no indication of signage, allow parking on both sides of streets, allow parking far too close to junctions and give no indication as to whether this is a localised policy or one that will be extended to cover the whole city.

Go Bike has thus submitted an objection to the proposals, which may be found here

If you live in the area, cycle through it or have concerns about these proposals we urge you to comment to the City Council.  The closing date is Friday 26 September and, if you wish to object, please state clearly that your submission is an objection.  You are welcome to use the Go Bike letter as a guide.

Go20 – good practice webinar for 20mph


2pm – 3.30pm GMT, Wednesday 1 October 2014, online webinar

GO20 web block 330x260pxAn essential webinar for local authority professionals and community leaders and campaigners considering or progressing 20mph limits in their area, to make walking and cycling safer and more appealing.




We have been told by our colleagues in England, where 20mph zones are regularly mandatory, about this webinar.  Should be worth watching.

Follow the link for more information and to register to view:

Advance Notice, ROAD SHARE and ROAD JUSTICE Public meeting and AGM, 12 November

Please keep the date, Wednesday 12 November

Venue: The Admiral Bar, Waterloo Street, Glasgow, with new bike stands and a Nextbike station nearby.

Time: 7pm for 7:30 for the Go Bike AGM and Public Meeting, a short AGM when we will tell you what we’ve been doing and then our Public Meeting with 2 speakers:

Brenda Mitchell from Road Share, the Presumed Liability Campaign, to discuss changes required in Civil Law

RoadshareRGB_small Brenda_Mitchell_Lawyer

and Donald Urquhart from the Scottish Road Justice Working Group, to discuss changes required in Criminal Law to improve the situation for cyclists and other vulnerable road users.

Pedal for Scotland – Go Bike riders!

Further to Douglas’s messages please make sure you are at the fountain outside the Peoples’ Palace for 07:30 tomorrow, ie ready to leave from there at 07:30.  We then need to move through to the departure point to leave there before 08:00.

The weather forecast is good – it should be a good day!

Pollokshaws Streamline: Consultation closes 29 August

Pollokshaws StreamlineGo Bike is now preparing its response to this consultation. The proposals are designed to improve the bus service on this route.  Our concerns, and the basis of our Objection, are:

  • No consistent, overall policy for cycling has been used in drawing up these proposals.
  • Advanced Stop Lines are proposed at some traffic lights but not all.
  • At some junctions the Advanced Stop Lines only cover 1 lane, not both, of traffic, thus increasing the risk to cyclists when turning right.
  • Cycle lanes exist in some parts, but not along the whole route.
  • Although there are short sections of 24-hour bus lanes, which may also be used by cyclists, this is not the case along the whole route.
  • No attempt has been made to improve the roundabout at the junction with Barrhead Road, to make it easier and safer for cyclists to negotiate.

If you wish to voice your concern about these proposals, please do so by Friday.  If you object to the proposals, state clearly that you are submitting an objection.

Go Bike t-shirts: get yours now in time for Pedal for Scotland!

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Go Bike t-shirts, modelled here by Jeremy and Peter, wearing the “Regular fit” medium and large respectively and Tricia, wearing the “Lady fit” in medium, are now available to buy at:

Rig, 141 West Regent Street (city centre) and 22 Battlefield Road (southside) and

The Bike Station 65 Haugh Road

for £10, cash sales only please.  Available in Lady fit sizes medium and large, Regular sizes small, medium, large and extra large.

Get yours now and wear for the Pedal for Scotland ride on Sunday 07 September.