
Finnieston Street, east footway

Last Saturday, Keith Bruce writing in the Herald Arts supplement about the success of the Hydro and other venues at the SECC in Glasgow, bemoaned the fact that the city has done nothing “about the pedestrian assault course it currently is to get from the Argyle Street hostelries to the arena”.  This reminded me of the works now under way by Glasgow City Council, to which Go Bike has objected, to “provide cycle routes in the area”, including the redetermination of the footway on the east side of Finnieston Street, shown above, to be 2-way for both cyclists and pedestrians.  My letter on the topic is in today’s Herald.  If you are a Herald reader, or just concerned about facilities for cyclists and pedestrians, please be ready to write in when the motorist response, as it surely will, gets published!

Queen Street Station redevelopment: submit your views by 23 December


Yes, an artist’s impression of what Queen Street Station in Glasgow might look like.  Go Bike have now submitted a response to the Stage 2 Consultation and you can see it here.  Consultation closes next Tuesday, 23 December, so please write to Network Rail and tell them how much you wish to see good cycle facilities incorporated in the upgrade to the station.

Ideal Christmas gift – a Go Bike t-shirt

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Wondering what to buy as a Christmas present, for yourself or a friend?  Why not a Go Bike t-shirt?  They are selling out but we still have some left, though not in extra large; they are all gone.

Price:£10, sizes “lady fit” medium and large, “regular fit” small, medium and large.  Available from The Bike Station, Kelvinhaugh Street or Rig, 141 West Regent Street, both in Glasgow

FW: Mail ID 274126_GCC – Anderston to Finnieston Cycle Route Enhancements


Glasgow City Council’s reply to our objection to their proposals: motor traffic reigns supreme!


Dear Ms Fort

I refer to your letter dated 17th November 2014 regarding the Anderston to Finnieston cycle route enhancements which are currently being implemented and are scheduled to be completed in March/April 2015.

I thank you for your comments on the proposals, which will be considered as the project progresses and would respond to each point as follows:

Section 1: Work has commenced on the first section of the path between Little Street and Port Street, which is now resurfaced and only minor snagging works still to be undertaken.  The second section, which will extend to Finnieston Street and include some localised widening works will commence in the New Year.

Section 2: The existing pedestrian crossings across the Expressway on and off ramps will be upgraded to Toucan crossings, improving the facilities for Cyclists travelling north / south.  In addition a new Toucan crossing is being provided across Finnieston Street allowing access to the Exhibition Centre via a remote path and the enclosed access bridge.  This new crossing will utilise an enlarged island whilst maintaining a staggered crossing to ensure it conforms to current design standards.

Section 3: It is appreciated that the gyratory is not ideal for cyclists. However, any major changes to the wider carriageway layout which might facilitate a more wholesale enhancement are not financially deliverable at this time. Observation suggests that southbound cyclists use the carriageway – this is unlikely to change. The re-determination of the east footway will allow northbound cyclists following the existing bus lane to bypass the gyratory, legitimising present practice in an informal manor. A contra-flow lane was considered but could not be accommodated without significant impact on traffic accessing the SECC complex. The alternative option to follow the east footway will accommodate the less experienced cyclist. Obstructions created by street furniture are noted but are, by and large, not able to be improved at reasonable cost.

Section 4:  Widening of the path at the Garden Inn was considered but unfortunately the detrimental impact on general traffic movements into the SECC ruled out this option. Whilst wider proposals for this section are still in development and landownership is being investigated to establish what is available to ensure cyclists have a safe and desirable route, the advertising sign will be relocated to a wider section of path where it will not cause significant disruption.

I trust the above is of assistance, however, should you have any further queries, please contact Ciaran Buchanan on 0141 287 9443.

Andrew Brown

Projects Manager

Land and Environmental Services

(MLU ID 274126)

Cycling success in Dublin!


Andrew Montague, ex-Lord Mayor of Dublin, gave an excellent opening presentation at the Cycling Scotland Conference at the Velodrome in Glasgow on Friday 14 November.  He spoke about the cycle hire scheme in Dublin, which has gone from success to success and the factors relevant in making the scheme a success included:

  • Andrew stuck to his guns, even in the face of strident criticism from a radio chat show host, who features on several slides, holding his hands up in horror.  This compares favourably with Councillor Alistair Watson of Glasgow City Council, Executive Member for Sustainability and Transport, who said recently that he still feels the pain from introducing bus lanes in the city 11 years ago!
  • Reduced speed limits.
  • HGVs diverted away from the city centre; a tunnel was constructed from the port to facilitate this.
  • No requirement for helmets; take-up in Dublin far exceeded that in Melbourne, Australia, a similar sized city, where helmets are compulsory.
  • Price; charges are relatively low.
  • Target market: Dubliners not tourists.
  • Hire stations relatively close together.

Glasgow and other Scottish cities could learn from this; it was a shame our leading councillors were not there.