Pedal for Scotland 2015: 2 days left for early registration fee


Reduced registration available if you register for Pedal for Scotland before the end of January.  Register here

It’s a great ride, 47 miles from Glasgow to Edinburgh, with closed roads and plenty of company, refreshments too.

If you don’t fancy travelling east, though, since it’s the first Sunday of the month, it’ll be the day for the regular GoBike ride from Glasgow.

Meeting to discuss proposed Southside Routes Community Rail Partnership


GoBike received this message – perhaps some of you are interested?

On 26 Jan 2015, at 14:35, Annette Filby <> wrote:

Over the past year I have been working with a range of organisations to establish the Glasgow to Barrhead Community Rail Partnership. A Community Rail Partnership is partnership of local organisations and businesses working closely with the railway industry to maximise potential benefits of the location, line and community. This can include enhancing station facilities, improving access (walking, cycling and disabled access) to stations, promoting local attractions to encourage more locals and tourist to access these by train along with any other positive opportunities that would benefit the communities along the line.

Late last year I had discussions with other organisations in and around the south of Glasgow and the concept of a creating a broader Southside Routes Community Rail Partnership has emerged. I would like to hold a meeting on Thursday 19 February from 10.15 to 12.30 to discuss this concept further. The meeting will be held at South West Community Cycles which is based at the Pollokshaw West Train Station. The meeting room is straight off the platform heading out of Glasgow. I will put a sign on the door in the morning.

The main aims of the meeting will be to discuss:

  • whether we all agree to work together to establish a Southside Routes CRP
  • what the boundary of a Southside Routes CRP might be (for Barrhead and Neilston to be included it would be roughly 30 minutes from Glasgow Central Station but what other lines should we consider including)
  • How the CRP might be structured to meet the needs of the local communities (what subgroups of the CRP might there need to be ie station adopters, marketing/promotion, active travel plus other possible working groups)

Please let me know if you are able to attend the meeting. If you are able to attend and would like a ScotRail pass to travel to the meeting please let me know your name, departing station and a postal address to send the pass to by Thursday 12 February to ensure it arrives in time.

I am still developing a list of contacts for this area so there might be others who want to come along to the meeting. If you know of any organisations or groups that might be interested in finding out more about being a part of a Southside Routes Community Rail Partnership please email me their details and I’ll make sure they are invited along.

If you have any questions prior to the meeting please let me know.

Kind regards,


Annette Filby, Development Officer – Scotland South, ACoRP

(M) 07715082182, (E)

Please note I work part time so I may not respond to your emails on the day you send them but I will try get back to you as soon as I can. 

ACoRP’s Scotland website is at:


Cycling in the Snow? Tricky


A GoBike member commented on the previous post about Design Guides and wondered about snow clearance policies for segregated cycle routes.  Current evidence is not encouraging!

Connect 2 cycle route – usage yesterday, Sunday 18 January.  The only tracks over the Anderston Bridge were made by a wheeled suitcase and, although Elderslie Street was gritted, the adjacent cycle route was not.

Too wintry to get out? Read these design guides instead!


Too wintry to get out far on your bike?  Have a look at these Cycling Infrastructure Design Guides that are now here on the GoBike website.

It’s not a comprehensive list but the GoBike understanding, and expectation, is that authorities in Scotland will use the Transport Scotland, Cycling by Design guide.

If there are other guides out there that you think should be included, let us know.

Go Bikers on Glasgow Cycling Infrastructure …..

Go Bike ride Jan 15

26, ie 25 on the photo plus the photographer (taking a group photo outside his favourite football club), members and supporters of Go Bike took to the streets of Glasgow on Sunday 04 January to journey along the cycling infrastructure installed over recent years.  We took in, among others, Connect 2, the Colleges Route, Langlands Road, the Clyde Tunnel, London Road and the Clyde Gateway, wondering why routes appear and disappear and cross from one side of a road to another with no apparent warning.  Gives us plenty to campaign for this year and for years to come!

Full details of the route can be found on this map, and some examples of the infrastructure we saw can be seen in these photos. The route was chosen since it includes several sections of recently built cycle routes, including routes to Commonwealth Games venues such as the Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome and Hampden Park which form part of the Glasgow 2014 Legacy.

Happy New Cycling Year!


Happy New Year, Go Bike members and supporters.  Let’s make 2015 the year we really start making our views clear to our elected representatives, ie our councillors, MSPs and MPs.  Please join in and write to your local representatives about cycling issues so that we can push the active travel agenda forward.

To support what Go Bike is doing, not just financially, but so we can demonstrate that we represent many cyclists in Glasgow and the Strathclyde area please, if you aren’t a member already, do join Go Bike – it’s by donation, so you choose the amount, here on our homepage.