Broadcast on Bikes

Outspoken Bike, Bothwell St May 2015

Please note that other cycle delivery services are available!

Business Scotland on Radio Scotland last weekend: – sorry about the delay in posting – had a programme devoted to the business of cycling.  Not only was GoBike member, Charlie, from Outspoken, interviewed, but so was Neil Bilsland of Billy Bilsland

Unfortunately there was no mention of 20mph speed limits or the great advances (not) that our local authorities are making, but it’s worth a listen.

Barrhead Road, Glasgow, footway redetermination

Cowglen exit without dropped curbsBroompark Farm exit without dropped curbs

Glasgow City Council are currently consulting on a Traffic Order to redetermine the footway on Barrhead Road for cyclists to use as well as pedestrians.  Work is already underway to resurface the footway, making it a better surface, better than the adjacent road!  While GoBike has serious concerns about shared use, it is clear that this is the best we will currently get in this location.  However, we have major concerns with 2 locations where dropped kerbs are not being installed and thus we have submitted a partial objection, see:

Consultation closes on Monday 20 April, so you have a few days left to voice your concern, if you wish.

Further Road Share support!

Green Party Manifesto 2015

Message from Road Share:

“Great to see The Green Party formally advocating the introduction of Presumed Liability in their General Election Manifesto 2015.

You can download the full manifesto at
The attached extract is from p66.”

Going to a Wedding on Montrose Street, Glasgow? Why not cycle right to the door!


Glasgow City Council have issued a consultation proposal to redetermine the west footway on Montrose Street, just the section at the back of the City Chambers, outside the Ceremony Rooms, to dual use for both pedestrians and cycles.  This is despite the proposal not complying with the design guide we think the council uses and despite it being in contradiction of the City Centre Transport Strategy!  GoBike has submitted an objection, which you may read here

Compliance with the Strategy and the design guide “Cycling by Design” would involve removing private car parking from one side of the street, installing a cycle way  – and, of course, linking this short stretch of cycle way to a cycle route.  No reason has been given for mixing cycles and pedestrians on this short stretch of street.



GoBike! has been sent the following information from Glasgow City Council:


TTRO March 2015 (Approved – Signed & Seal)- Cuningar Loop Bridge

In order to accommodate works associated with the construction of the New Foot Bridge across the River Clyde, it will be necessary to close the Clyde Walkway between the unnamed footpath to the east of Dalmarnock Bridge, connecting the walkway & Dalmarnock Road & the unnamed footpath (formerly Cairn Craig Street) connecting the walkway & London Road at the west end of the former Belvedere Hospital site from Tuesday 7th April 2015 until Friday 30th October 2015.

The contract has been awarded to Robertson Construction Group to carry out the works on site.

I have also attached for your reference a copy of location plan (LC1) detailing the closure & associated diversion route. Diversion 2015 – Cuningar

Thanks for your assistance.

If you require any further details relating to this closure, please do not hesitate in contacting me.


Martin Duffy

Technical Services – Design (Structures)

Land & Environmental Services

Glasgow City Council

Exchange House

231 George Street

Glasgow G1 1RX

Phone: –  0141 287 9478


High profile support for Cycling and 20mph – more please!


From Cycling Scotland, in the Herald Agenda item today:

From GoBike member, Bob Downie, in a letter to the Herald today:

And last but not least, motion to the Scottish Parliament from MSP and GoBike member, Patrick Harvie (and supported by other MSPs) :

Let’s keep up the pressure – more letters to the press from all our members and supporters, please!

Petition closed: forward to 20mph in Glasgow?!


The GoBike petition for 20mph in Glasgow closed earlier with 214 signatures.  Many thanks to all of you who signed and/or encouraged others to sign.

Not a massive number of signatures but we have had considerable press coverage, including:

  • 2 articles in the Herald at the start of the campaign,
  • 2 letters in today’s Herald,
  • Radio Scotland, Morning Call, interview and discussion,
  • Radio Scotland, John Beattie, interviews and discussion,
  • STV News at 6pm, interviews, feature and film, and
  • Heart FM, interviews and news bulletins this morning.

In addition, we have been given sight of an e-mail sent to all Glasgow City Councillors explaining the Council’s “progress” to 20mph.  We have answered their claims with our open letter and press release issued this morning:

Open Letter re 20mph 17 Mar 15

An excellent campaign, WELL DONE EVERYONE!

Heart Radio, in Glasgow 100.3: 20mph on Tuesday morning


Bob Downie, author of the GoBike 20mph petition, which closes on Tuesday 17 March at 4:57pm will be on Heart Radio in Glasgow on 100.3FM on Tuesday morning, Listen in to hear him on one or more of the news summaries which are generally broadcast on the hour at 6am, 7am, 8am and 9am.

Still time to sign the petition at:


20mph in Glasgow: 4 days left to sign the petition!

Screenshot 2015-03-13 14.56.16

The petition closes in just 4 days, 16:57 on Tuesday 17 March.  Follow these easy steps to sign:

  1. If you live in Glasgow go to:
  2. Click on “View and create petitions” to go to the next page.
  3. Click on the petition descriptor, in the centre of the right-hand for the petition signing screen.
  4. Fill in your details, click submit – and wait for the e-mail back.
  5. REPLY TO THE E-MAIL!  This confirms your signature and adds you to the list of signatories.

Please ask your friends, family and colleagues to sign as well.  If we can get the go-ahead for 20mph in Glasgow, the largest city in Scotland, it should be relatively easy to get this progressive measure approved in other parts of the Strathclyde area that GoBike covers.

IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SIGNED (or think you have), PLEASE CHECK THAT YOUR NAME IS SHOWN; there have been one or two glitches.