Bike Week, 13 – 21 June


Lots of events on in Glasgow and the west for Bike Week.  Check out the Glasgow City Council supported events A3 bike week poster (web)

GoBike have traditionally had a stand at several events in Glasgow during Bike Week, but not this year.  The City Council are concentrating on consultation on their Strategic Plan for Cycling 2015 -2025, which starts next week.  See our next post for details.

Active Travel manifesto for 2016: Scotland on the move


There has been news this week of the Active Travel Manifesto, launched by 7 leading charitable organisations in Scotland, in time for the 2016 Holyrood Elections.  You can see further information at:

GoBike will be contributing to the election debate next year – details to follow – but if you wish to get involved in informing cyclists, and non-cyclists, about the views of the different political parties as they related to cycling and walking, do get in touch.

Family Man Fun Day – women also welcome – volunteers needed, Hamilton Racecourse 21 June


GoBike is, once again, taking part in this event at Hamilton Race Course:

We do need volunteers for our stall there, so please, even if you can only spare an hour or so, get in touch with the GoBike Convenor by e-mail at, giving your name and the hours you can do.

Apart from that, it will be a great day out, so get yourselves along there and enjoy the day

Edinburgh Festival of Cycling – including Women’s Cycle Forum

Edinburgh Festival of Cycling

Edinburgh’s Festival of Cycling starts on 11 June, with lots of activities for everyone, see

and for all the women among us, on Saturday evening, 13 June, there’s the Women’s Cycle Forum, only £5, so get yourself booked.

And for those who can’t make it to the east, the Glasgow Cycle Festival kicks off in August – watch out for details.

Bike and Beer: Something for the weekend!


Far be it from GoBike to be advertising, but Jason, a keen cyclist, who runs the State Bar on Glasgow’s Holland Street has managed to get 2 beers produced with a cycling theme and is launching them tomorrow evening, Thursday 21 May.  In the words of their twitter feed “This Thursday we will be launching our cycling ale from @AlechemyBrewCo king of the hill 2.1(aussie hops) &Le vainqueur 2.1% (USA hops)”

Could be worth a try.

20 mph zones for parts of Anniesland and Knightswood: GoBike response to GCC consultation


GoBike has today responded to current GCC consultation (it closes tomorrow, 15 May) for 20mph zones in 3 parts of Anniesland and Knightswood.  Some of these areas already have traffic calming and that will stay, but new traffic calming in the shape of road “cushions” is proposed.  In the light of the success of our 20mph petition on Tuesday at GCC’s Petitions Committee, we have suggested that this is not necessary and that signage should suffice.  We also suggest that the areas, particularly near Jordanhill School be extended.  You can see our response here

If you support this, please let Glasgow City Council know!

20mph petition: Success at Glasgow City Council’s Petitions Committee!

20mph sign blue sky

This morning Bob Downie and Tricia Fort attended Glasgow City Council’s Petitions Committee in support of the recent 20mph petition that Bob championed.  We were met with unanimous cross-party support, with councillors from Labour, the SNP and the Green Party, as well as the council officer, Andrew Waddell, thanking us for bringing this forward.

The petition is now to be passed to the Policy and Resources Committee and council staff have been asked to prepare details and a revised timescale for 20mph implementation, ie a timescale significantly shorter than the 40 years based on their current rate of progress.

The presentation may be seen here on Bob’s blog.



Colleges Cycle Route: GCC not to upgrade


Glasgow City Council have now informed objectors to their proposals to “upgrade” the Colleges Cycle Route that they are not currently going to do so.  The full text of their response is shown here:

Despite the fact that GoBike was represented on a ride out to the route and made our views known, council officers failed to issue plans that showed what they said were their full intentions, failed to make the cycle lanes continuous and declined to discuss the proposals at any of the meetings that GoBike is represented on with the Council.

We hope that they will draw up robust plans to ensure future funding and public approval.