Car Parking and Cycling – items in the news.

pavement parking

Today’s Herald has this very positive article about the Pavement Parking Bill being promoted by Glasgow Kelvin MSP Sandra White:  (The picture on the website shows Derek Mackay, one of the confirmed speakers for the GoBike! Hustings on 16 March 2016.)


Also, a good analysis in yesterday’s issue  in a letter from Norman Armstrong following on from Bob Downie’s about sharing road space:

This letter is followed by another “interesting” one from someone complaining about people cycling on footways – just as well he wasn’t “clipped on the shoulder” by a car – and Alexandra Parade is somewhere we have suggested to Glasgow City Council that needs cycle lanes on the road.

Yet more Glasgow Consultations!

20 limit

Glasgow City Council propose a 20mph speed limit for Dowanhill.  If local residents see a concern with this please let us know and we can amend our letter of support, now loaded on our Consultations page.


They also propose a 30mph limit on the A728 from Polmadie Road, again see our Consultations page for our support.

Details of both are given on the GCC website.

Please respond to these if you support them.

Consultations, Consultations: make sure your voice is heard!

Glasgow City Chambers

Glasgow City Council is consulting, and we have responded to the following:

Improving bus access to the new hospital (QEUH) in Govan, details on our Consultations page for both Berryknowes Road and the Manse Brae area on the south side.  Both these consultations close on 11 December; please object to the closing up of Manse Brae at its junction with Carmunnock Road with no through way for cycles.  The council’s proposals may be seen at:

Mandatory 20mph speed limit in the city centre, again our letter is on our Consultations page.  This consultation closes tomorrow, ie 30 November, so if you haven’t done so already, please do write in and support this proposal.

There are 2 further public consultations ongoing, to which we encourage you to respond.  The first is for Victoria Road on the south side, coming north from Queens Park.  There was a public drop-in session on 26 November, and the proposals, particularly for a cycle lane on either side of Victoria Road, are very promising.  However, there is no firm proposal for extending into the city centre and the council seem reluctant to use the route already popular with cyclists, ie Eglinton Street.  Please point these things out when you respond.  You can see the proposals and the survey on the city council’s consultation page.

The second is for the renewal of the Sauchiehall and Garnethill areas of the city, extending westwards to take in part of the area adjacent to Woodlands Road.  There are some very adventurous proposals, including covering over part of the M8 in a rather long consultation document; this, and the very short survey are given on the same consultation page.  The proposals include a far bigger emphasis on walking and cycling, which we should welcome.

Victoria Road, Glasgow: Consultation 26 November


Message from Allan Maclean, Glasgow City Council, re a public consultation event in the Calder Street Baths, 3-7pm on Thursday 26 November,received today:

“I am pleased to attach a copy of our promotional leaflet for the above public consultation. Please forward it to anyone that you think might be interested.

Victoria Road

Also, as you may already be aware, there is a public event tomorrow regarding Shawlands Civic Square. The event is being held at Langside Hall  between 10.00am and 6.00pm to enable the public to view initial plans.

Kind regards, Allan

Allan Maclean, Project Officer, Technical Services, Land & Environmental Services

Glasgow City Council, 231 George Street, GLASGOW G1 1RX

Phone 0141 287 9038”


Politicians and cycling – the campaign for 2016 is on its way


Patrick Harvie, Green MSP, shown here speaking  at yesterday’s Cycling Scotland Conference in Edinburgh.  Other politicians with him on the panel were, from next to Patrick, Jim Eadie, SNP, who is a member of the Cross Party Group on Cycling at Holyrood, David Stewart, Labour and keen cyclist Willie Rennie of the LibDems.  All 4 spoke on their views for cycling, albeit in advance of the publication of their respective party’s manifestos.  (The Conservatives were invited but declined to be represented).

Patrick is one of the speakers booked for the GoBike! Hustings on 16 March 2016 – further details here on our Meetings page – all as part of the We Walk, We Cycle, We Vote campaign for every one  of us in Scotland to get our views to prospective MSPs for next May’s Holyrood Elections.

Earlier in the day Derek Mackay, Transport Minister (also confirmed as a speaker at the GoBike! Hustings) announced details of the new Community Links Plus competition.

GoBike Public Meeting and AGM: just 16 days to go!


Yes, just 16 days to go to the GoBike Public Meeting and AGM.  Doors open 7pm for the AGM that starts at 7:30 and the Public Meeting with John Lauder from Sustrans and Dave Brennan of Pedal on Parliament will be underway by 8pm.  Venue is the Admiral Bar on Waterloo Street, Glasgow.

2014-08-20 05.28.24

We’ve stocked up on GoBike t-shirts, so why not buy one at the meeting?  Sizes from Small to Extra Extra Large available in regular fit, plus ladies fit medium and large.  Price £10 or included in a minimum £15 annual membership donation (initial or renewal).

The agenda for the AGM will be on the website soon; we’ll post when it’s available.

The Glasgow City Council (City Centre)(Mandatory 20mph Zone) Order 201_

20 limit

This consultation is very welcome news and long overdue, but while it is not as ambitious as the 20mph for Glasgow petition launched by GoBike member Bob Downie, which is still proceeding through council committee, it’s very important that those who support the 20mph scheme participate in the consultation, and where there are aspects to be objected to, that the representations are constructive.

And a successful city centre scheme will be a platform for arguing to extend the 20mph limit more widely, ie in line with the 20mph for Glasgow petition.

It’s important that we all support this proposal; if we don’t and the car lobby opposes it the council might just take the easy way out and keep the status quo.  And, by ALL, I include the people who want to, and do, cycle faster than 20mph!  Slower vehicle speeds in the city will make our streets far pleasanter, improving air quality and encouraging more people to cycle.


——– Forwarded Message ——–

Subject: The Glasgow City Council (City Centre)(Mandatory 20mph Zone) Order 201_
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2015 08:48:17 +0100
From: Dewar, Graeme (LES) <>
To: Dewar, Graeme (LES) <>


The Glasgow City Council (City Centre)(Mandatory 20mph Zone) Order 201_

 The Council propose to consider the introduction of the above named Traffic Regulation Order and my purpose in writing to you is to draw your attention to these proposals. In accordance with statutory procedures, I now enclose a copy of the Notice of proposed order CityCentre-Mandatory20mph Advert and Plan showing the extent of the order.  Note that the plan is too large for upload to the GoBike website but it may be seen at:

The proposal is to introduce:-

A Mandatory 20mph Zone in the City Centre bounded by the River Clyde, Saltmarket/High Street, Cowcaddens Road/West Graham Street, Newton Street, Brown Street as shown on the attached plan.

Any person wishing to object to the proposed Order should send details of the grounds for their objection either in writing to Land and Environmental Services, Glasgow City Council, 231 George Street, Glasgow G1 1RX by Monday 30th November 2015 or by email to  Objections should state the name and address of the objector, the matters to which they relate and the grounds on which the objection is made.

Yours faithfully

Andy Waddell

Head of Infrastructure Services

Glasgow – UK Council of the Year 2015