Glasgow Bus Lanes all go part-time?: Please object now.


Late last month Glasgow City Council published a Traffic Regulation Order proposing that all bus lanes in the city will operate from only 7am to 7pm.  While this is an increase for some, for others it is a reduction from 24 hour operation.

Why is this important for those of us who cycle?  Because Glasgow City Council have the audacity to include not only bus lanes but bus corridors (ie the main routes travelled by buses) in the 310km they claim in their Strategic Plan for Cycling to be part of the “Cycle Network”!  See Glasgow Cycleman’s blog, for an excellent commentary on this.

We have thus objected to the proposal, see: GoBike Glasgow Bus Lanes Objection 16Dec16 and as a minimum we consider that all bus lanes should operate for 24 hours each day and the City Council should be realistic in how it measures cycle routes in the city.  Our response to the review of the operation of bus/cycle/taxi lanes carried out in 2014 is here: Go Bike GCC Bus,Cycle.Taxi Lane Review 191114

Sorry this is short notice but please use the information given to put in an objection – comments close on Thursday 22 December.  Please write in if you live in Glasgow and if you cycle into Glasgow on one of the  routes affected.  Thank you.

GoBike ride to the very new Cuningar Loop Bridge, this Sunday 04 December


Sunday 4 December – Southern Park Loop
The final ride of the year will be a 20 mile tour of some of the parks across the South Side of Glasgow, East Renfrewshire and South Lanarkshire, including one of the newest, the Cuningar Loop park in Rutherglen, and its newly opened bridge across the River Clyde. We will then return to Glasgow Green in time for lunch. As always, there will be a mix of cycle facilities and routes to see along the way.
Meet 10am Bell’s Bridge, Congress Road, Glasgow.
Ride on paths Ride on quiet roads Moderate hill climbing
Rated: Go Bike star rating Go Bike star rating

Glasgow City Region City Deal – let’s get active travel in there


Below is the text about City Deal proposals in the Renfrew/Paisley/Yoker areas that might encourage you to attend the public meetings AND to make constructive proposals to advance
cycling and walking. The cycling infrastructure on the north bank of the Clyde will not be
hugely affected, but, there is a downstream river crossing, which makes accessing
paths on both sides much easier.
On the Paisley/Renfrew side, there will be substantial road improvements which
will potentially benefit cyclists and walkers and, if it creates more jobs, then there is scope for
walking, cycling and bussing across the river from the Glasgow side. Clydebank
and Yoker both suffer from high unemployment and this could be a wee stimulus
for the people in these areas.
There will be potential traffic congestion issues in Yoker.
In addition to the Bridge and roads leading to the Airport, an aspect of the plan is
about creating much better public access to the White Cart – for a couple of
hundred years the river has been almost completely barred to the people of both
towns. This should lead to improvements in the ambience of both towns and create
Something of a public realm/greenspace.
Your opportunity to input again on major infrastructure projects.Following the initial round of consultation with local communities which we undertook in May and June of this year, local people and businesses are being invited to further engagement events for two of our City Deal projects in early December 2016. Visit our website for more details of these events.
The two projects which will be the primary focus of those events are:The Clyde Waterfront and Renfrew Riverside (CWRR): a new ‘opening’ bridge across the Clyde linking the communities of Renfrew, Yoker and Clydebank. Proposals also include new roads and cycle routes.

The Glasgow Airport Investment Area (GAIA): new infrastructure including the realignment of Abbotsinch Road, a new bridge across the White Cart, and new and improved cycle routes aimed at improving connections between the Westway, Inchinnan and Airport Business Parks.

You can meet the team, see the plans and discuss how these projects will develop in your area at the following events;

Mon 5 December 11am to 7pm – Yoker Community Campus

Tue 6 December 11am to 7pm – Paisley Town Hall

Wed 7 December 11am to 7pm – Renfrew Town Hall

Thu 8 December 11am to 7pm – Clydebank Town Hall

GoBike AGM tomorrow! Hope to see you there – Wednesday 23 November

Yes, it’s our AGM tomorrow.  Please don’t forget; we look forward to seeing you there and building our campaigning for 2017.  Members, non-members and friends all welcome.

Doors open 7pm for the AGM at 7:30 and then our Public Meeting with Councillor Martin McElroy at 8pm, in the Admiral Bar, 72a Waterloo Street in Glasgow, with a NextBike hire stand and bike parking almost right outside.


GoBike AGM, 2 weeks to go!


Yes, it’s just 2 weeks to go until the GoBike AGM and public meeting.  You’ll be able to hear what we have been doing over the year – and it’s quite a bit – and you can volunteer, if you wish, for either the main committee or one of our working groups.

The main attraction at the public meeting will be Councillor Martin McElroy, of the Labour group on Glasgow City Council discussing the implementation of the Council’s Strategic Plan for Cycling and there will be the opportunity to ask questions – you can even start the discussion in our Facebook group  Not on Facebook?  You can e-mail your questions to the Convenor,, particularly if you won’t be able to attend on the 23rd.

The AGM is an opportunity for your to join GoBike, or renew your membership.  Our only income is from our members, so don’t be shy!  You will also be able to buy one of our t-shirts, only £10:

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So, where and when?

The Admiral Bar, 72a Waterloo Street, Glasgow

Wednesday 23 November

Doors open 7pm, AGM 7:30 and Public Meeting 8pm


Transport Minister: Cycling Task Force to be established!


Transport Minister, Humza Yousaf, announced the plans for a taskforce, the main aim of which will be to drive forward ambitious cycling infrastructure such as segregated cycle paths, at the Active Travel Summit in Stirling today – see the link for the full text of the Transport Scotland press release:

Good news!

Fastlink lanes on the Broomielaw – closed to buses!


The Herald reports today (02 November) that the Fastlink lanes on the Broomielaw in Glasgow have been closed to buses since 16 October following 2 pedestrians being knocked down, see:

Of course, the pedestrians are being blamed, for wandering onto this empty carriageway using their mobile phones!  Glasgow City Council’s answer? To close this ill-designed road and to consider erecting railings!  When has any road been closed because a pedestrian has been knocked down?  This must be a first.  Why is the Council’s immediate response to think of railings?

Glasgow City Council has refused to allow bikes onto this section of Fastlink – and now the lanes are empty!

Sunday 06 November: GoBike ride and Bears Way Advocacy Ride

BearsWay Friends logo


Show that you support the space for cycling that we need – and we need the extension of the Bears Way – by joining this GoBike ride out to the Allander, via Kirkintilloch and Milngavie.  If that’s too much, do please join the ride on the Bears Way.  Details in the link to the Friends of the Bears Way, see below:

Sunday 6 November – Strathblane Railway Path & Bears Way (amendment)
This month we have a quick ride out along the Forth & Clyde Canal to Kirkintilloch, followed by the Strathkelvin Railway Path to Strathblane, and then via minor roads over the hill to Milngavie. After lunch in a local café, we shall proceed to the Allander Centre to join the Bears Way Advocacy Ride due to start at 1.30pm.
Meet 10am Bell’s Bridge, Congress Road, Glasgow.

Garrioch Drive to Kelvin Walkway – update on access path


You may remember the earlier post, date 04 October 2016, detailing the story of this very steep access path from Garrioch Drive to the Kelvin Walkway. It was closed after an accident involving an adult, who had a child on a child seat, coming off their bike.

A Freedom of Information request to Glasgow City Council has revealed that the cost of the path was £6535, some 30% over the approximate budget of £5000, see: 5810822-response-toms-251016

The path is still closed, the gate is locked and that’s over £6000 of public money wasted – that’s our money, your money and we have no idea when the City Council will make the path fit for use.

Local elections 2017, Campaign Training Day, 26 November, free registration now open.

12038342_1592637817659022_7429854856033511629_n walkcyclevote

Recent events in East Dunbartonshire with the Bears Way, South Ayrshire with Holmston Road and Edinburgh with Roseburn Terrace have made it very clear that we need local councillors who support active travel and who are prepared to make space for walking and cycling in our towns and cities.

The WalkCycleVote campaign, of which GoBike is a member, is organising a training day for people who wish to get involved in pressing our prospective politicians in next year’s council elections.  It’s in Edinburgh on Saturday 26 November and it’s FREE.  Full details are on the link below.

After the success of our hustings in March this year for the Holyrood Elections, GoBike will be getting actively involved in campaigning for the local elections – and we will need your help in putting the active travel message across to the candidates.  Details to follow.