Botanic Gardens Bridge Closed for Works

Just to inform our members that we’ve had a note from the council saying that the humpback pedestrian bridge over the River Kelvin and staircase that links the bridge from the Kelvin Walkway / Cycleway to the Botanic Gardens (at the public toilets) will be closed for major repairs from Monday 19 February until the end of June 2018.

We are told that informative signage, including an alternative route will be displayed in the area. We are currently in discussion with the council about what their policy is on providing for active travellers during works and so if you do have any issues here please let us know.

Almost February – time for a ride round the parks of Glasgow’s East End with GoBike!

Another chance to see bits of the city you’ve never seen before!  See our Facebook event

Sunday 4 February – East End Parks
We have previously had park rides in the north, south and west of the city, so now it is the turn of the east. As well as the big parks of Glasgow Green, Tollcross, Hogganfield and Alexandra Parks, we shall visit a number of smaller parks and open spaces, and a few other points of interest. The ride will be mostly on quiet roads and asphalt paths, except at Cardowan Moss (see image above) where we will be using well made unpaved paths. An 18 mile ride ending up in the City Centre in time for lunch.
Meet 10am Bell’s Bridge, Congress Road, Glasgow.
Ride on paths Ride on quiet roads Ride on rough tracks Moderate hill climbing
Rated: Go Bike star rating Go Bike star rating
Continue reading “Almost February – time for a ride round the parks of Glasgow’s East End with GoBike!”

Sauchiehall Avenue Support Event – Sunday 28th Jan 11am

Do you have an hour to spare this coming Sunday morning? Some of our members have organised an appreciation event for the work happening on Sauchiehall Street. Here’s Euan with more:

“A safer, better Sauchiehall Street is currently under construction. There will be more space for people, complete with safe cycling provision! Come along this Sunday 28th Jan for 11am at ABC, Sauchiehall St to join us in showing support.”

GoBike Consultations Digest, Issue 1, 23 January 2018 – Scotland wide!

Welcome to the first issue of our Consultations Digest, a regular post, updating you on consultations in these three areas:

  1. Consultations to which GoBike has responded.
  2. Upcoming consultations, for which we welcome your comments as to how we should respond, but we will also include here consultations for which you, as an individual, are asked to respond.
  3. Feedback on submitted consultations.

So we will be giving you far more information than we have in the past and we hope that this will encourage you, as GoBike members, to not only give us your views as to how we should respond but also to put your views directly to the organisation that has issued the consultation. Continue reading “GoBike Consultations Digest, Issue 1, 23 January 2018 – Scotland wide!”

GoBike Monthly Cycle Rides

Happy New Year to all of you! Feeling overindulged and in need of some air in your lungs? Well GoBike has the thing for you… Did you know that we run monthly cycle rides showing routes in and outwith the Glasgow area? Oh yes we do, and we’d love you to join us.

Our next ride is this Sunday 7th January and takes in a 15 mile safari around the inner city, with our annual review of Glasgow’s cycle infrastructure. Planned and led by Andy Preece, each monthly ride has a different destination – see our Cycle Rides section on the website for more info or check out the events pages on our Facebook.

Let’s keep our wheels turning in 2018!

Consultations: new and forthcoming in Glasgow, with even more speed cushions proposed for Santa’s sack

Here’s a picture of the brand new Broomhill School and the City Council propose to make the road going up to the right on the picture one-way.  But have they considered active travel and all the work other bits of the council do to encourage children to cycle to school?  We fear they haven’t.  So our letter to the council, GoBike Consultations Broomhill One Way 21 Dec 2017 about this plan, broomhill one way tro plan TRO201701501 confirms that we are happy with their proposal, provided that they maintain two-way cycling!  Let’s hope that we are lucky with this one. Continue reading “Consultations: new and forthcoming in Glasgow, with even more speed cushions proposed for Santa’s sack”