Consultation Extra: Queen Margaret Drive, Public Exhibition and Consultation, Wednesday 02 May

Just in from Glasgow City Council:


Following on from the preliminary design community consultation event held in November for Queen Margaret Drive, Glasgow City Council (GCC) are taking forward a project to enhance walking and cycling provision in the area in order to refine a design option favored by the public to progress with a TRO for the area. Continue reading “Consultation Extra: Queen Margaret Drive, Public Exhibition and Consultation, Wednesday 02 May”

Road Design Challenges for People on Bikes (3) – Non-Segregated Cycle Lanes

Non-segregated cycle lanes.

As the Strathclyde Cycle Campaign, GoBike has long been frustrated by substandard provision for active travel across our region. Despite campaigning for years against certain designs, we are continuing to see them used across road improvements and in newly funded projects

In the third of three blogs, our co-convenor Dave looks at non-segregated cycle lanes on the carriageway, and the dangers they create for people on bikes of all ages and abilities. Continue reading “Road Design Challenges for People on Bikes (3) – Non-Segregated Cycle Lanes”

Road Design Challenges for People on Bikes (2) – Shared-Use Footways

The Trouble With Shared-Use Footways

As the Strathclyde Cycle Campaign, GoBike has long been frustrated by substandard provision for active travel across our region. Despite campaigning for years against certain designs, we are continuing to see them used across road improvements and in newly funded projects

In the second of three blogs, our co-convenor Iona looks at shared-use footways on the pavement, and the challenges they create for both people on bikes and those sharing that space with them. People on foot, with prams, wheelchairs, sight impairments, children, dogs and everybody else requiring to use a pavement. Continue reading “Road Design Challenges for People on Bikes (2) – Shared-Use Footways”

Road Design Challenges for People on Bikes (1) – Cycling on Busy Roads


Research has found that the majority of people think it is too dangerous to cycle on roads, with nearly two thirds of all people feeling this way and 48% of people who already cycle agreeing. This road danger is felt more strongly than most by women and as people get older (1).

It is clear that the design of our roads, and this perception of safety is the single biggest factor on how roads and streets are used. Here in Glasgow, we might think of Buchanan Street as being a place full of people moving around on foot or by wheelchair, Great Western Road as a place full of fast moving cars, Union Street as busy with buses, and Byres Road having a combination of all three. Unfortunately at the moment, there is nowhere in Glasgow that could be described as busy with bicycles. In the first of three blogs on the design challenges people on bikes face, our member Rachel is going to focus here on the challenges of cycling on roads that are busy with cars and buses. Continue reading “Road Design Challenges for People on Bikes (1) – Cycling on Busy Roads”

Love Pedal on Parliament? Get the t-shirt!

Pedal on Parliament is just over a week away now and you can help them raise some much needed funds to help the running of the days by purchasing one of this years t-shirts. Not only that but by wearing one you will help spread the word and look pretty swanky while you’re at it.

Head on over here to put your orders in and check out the amazing new design from Magnificent Octopus.

Consultations Digest, Issue 6, 03 April 2018, THE FULL VERSION! Are cycle lanes where they are needed, see Item 1.4

Three new consultations for this fortnight, all in Glasgow. The first is for Glasgow’s ‘The Park Conservation Area’ taking in Kelvingrove Park and surrounding areas, the second, with more opportunity to raise the profile of active travel, is for the High Street / Saltmarket area of the city, pictured here, and the third is on parking controls in the Kelvingrove area. As GoBike we have now submitted responses to the Jura Street and Scotstoun /Jordanhill requests for views.  Both of these consultations are still open for you to get your responses in. Continue reading “Consultations Digest, Issue 6, 03 April 2018, THE FULL VERSION! Are cycle lanes where they are needed, see Item 1.4”

Guest Blog – The Business Case for Byres Road

Byres Road – once a vibrant and eclectic place to visit, shop & congregate is in gradual decline. Street stalwarts such as The Sentry Box Toy Shop have been forced to close their doors & small indie businesses are struggling to survive.

Media reports & public debate often cite lack of parking spaces as a factor. Elsewhere Carnaby Street in London, the Latin Quarter in Paris, Stroget in Denmark & our very own Buchanan Street are bustling – but very much catering for people rather than vehicles.

Consultations on the proposed redevelopment of Byres Road are nearing completion. However will slight tweaks to the status quo really provide it with the transformation locals, visitors and businesses need? Continue reading “Guest Blog – The Business Case for Byres Road”

Campaigners Day Hailed an Inspiration

Today’s Walk Cycle Vote Cycle Campaigners Day in Glasgow was a resounding success with a meeting of positive, informed and enthusiastic minds with a fantastic range of thought/ideas provoking speakers and workshops and amazing networking. There is so much for us all to now take forward to help us make better places for everyone.

Click here for the full story nicely played out on Twitter today.

Thank you so much to all our positive, informed and enthusiastic attendees, to our amazing speakers and workshop hosts and to the incredible Walk Cycle Vote for setting it all up.