Consultations Digest Issue 9, 15 May: Cycle Lanes and Hazardous Access to Glasgow City Centre plus Dangerous Roundabouts in East Renfrewshire.

East Renfrewshire Council are asking for views on both the Eastwood Toll Roundabout( A77/A727), (pictured left) and the Spiersbridge Roundabout (A727/B769) (Item 1.1) and in other news, yes that’s right, Glasgow City Council are unable to give us cycle lanes along Bridge Street to get us to the Clyde (Item 3.1).

As well as this we have some exciting news from Yorkhill and Kelvingrove Community Council, who are looking to make their area active travel friendly!  Let’s hope it catches on (Item 1.7). Continue reading “Consultations Digest Issue 9, 15 May: Cycle Lanes and Hazardous Access to Glasgow City Centre plus Dangerous Roundabouts in East Renfrewshire.”

Tea Brake! South City Way Thank You To Cycle Path Builders

GoBike campaigners, Friends of South City Way, and a group of local residents paid a visit to labourers working on a new cycle path on the south side of Glasgow today in a bid to thank them for making safe space for cycling. The peckish builders were treated to rolls and tattie scones lathered in brown sauce, with grateful volunteers bringing forth a selection of teas and coffees, as well as cakes and biscuits. Continue reading “Tea Brake! South City Way Thank You To Cycle Path Builders”

Consultations Extra! Glasgow’s SOUTH CITY WAY events Monday 14 and Tuesday 15 May

News just in: The Traffic Regulation Order for the southern part of the South City Way, the latest flagship cycle route from Glasgow City Council is now out.  The 5 associated documents are below, but there are to be 2 public consultation events on Monday 15 May and Tuesday 16 May. Continue reading “Consultations Extra! Glasgow’s SOUTH CITY WAY events Monday 14 and Tuesday 15 May”

If We Could All Change One Thing

Two weeks ago at Pedal on Parliament  in Edinburgh, cycle campaigner extraordinaire Sally Hinchcliffe shouted from the grassy knoll in front of the parliament building with a challenge for us all. Find one thing she said, one thing that makes it harder to cycle, something that you’d like to change in your local streets. And fight for it. See if you can change that one thing. And if we can all do that, she said, we can all make a big difference together.

That’s what we at GoBike aspire to. We are a collective of hundreds of members who all want to do something to change things for the better. Here is one of our members Steph, on what brought her to trying to make a difference. Continue reading “If We Could All Change One Thing”

News – Cycle Storage on Temporary Glasgow/Edinburgh Trains

We have had a notice in from Scotrail regarding cycle storage on trains between Glasgow and Edinburgh:

Information on the new electric trains (Class 385s)

As you may be aware from a number of articles published in the press over the last few months. Delays have occurred around the delivery of the new electric, class 385 trains, which in the future will run on routes between Edinburgh and Glasgow.

In order to support current service provision on this and other routes whilst we await the delivery of these new trains, ScotRail will be bringing into temporary service a number of class 365 trains. The 365 style of train does not have any dedicated or priority cycle storage and so ScotRail will be asking customers to place bikes in the vestibule areas as is common practice on some of our Strathclyde services. It is likely that class 365s will be implemented over the Summer and will run for a period of time until the 385s come into service.

GoBike believes that it is essential that space for bicycles is retained and will be keeping a close eye on these developments.

Help GoBike Bring Tea Break To South City Way Construction Workers

On Saturday 12th May, GoBike, Friends of South City Way, Space for People Byres Road and other local community groups and individuals will ride down the short stretch of completed segregated cycle lanes on Victoria Road with tea, coffee, cake and tattie scones for the people working on the lanes. We want to thank them for building active travellers in Glasgow a safe space to get them from this area of the south side towards the city centre.

We also feel it is important to show other projects in the city that segregated cycle lanes are what people on bikes need, on new and redeveloped streets. Final plans for the Byres Road redevelopment are shortly due to go public and GoBike are very concerned that these will not provide a segregated cycling space for people on bikes. Help us show Glasgow City Council that we support safe spaces for cycling, and that we believe that they should feature in every project going into our roads.

This is an open invite for everyone to join us to show support. We leave from the gates at the entrance to Queens Park at the top of Victoria Road at 11am Saturday 12th May. Hopefully see you there!

Join Ziya as he cycles for Amnesty from Land’s End to John O’Groats, staying with a GoBike member on the way

Ziya Kocabiyik, originally from Turkey, but currently living in Chelmsford, near London, is a member of Amnesty International and has set off today, 04 May, to cycle from Land’s End to John O’Groats, to raise awareness of human rights issues in Turkey. When he arrives just south of Glasgow next Wednesday, 09 May, Ziya will be met in Hamilton by GoBike and Amnesty member, Jimmy Keenan, with whom he will be staying the night, in Uddingston, before cycling the 130 miles to Fort William on the 10th.

It would be great if people could join Ziya for a mile or two to cheer him on his way.  Here’s some information that Ziya has sent: Continue reading “Join Ziya as he cycles for Amnesty from Land’s End to John O’Groats, staying with a GoBike member on the way”

GoBike Ride to Whitelees Windfarm – Sunday 6th May

Join us this Sunday on another monthly ride as Spring is upon us (and all the snow in the picture is likely to be melted although we hesitate to promise that!), up to the beautiful Whitelees Windfarm to the south of the city.

We will leave Glasgow and pass through Rouken Glen Park and Malletsheugh on the way to Whitelees, and will return via Eaglesham, Thorntonhall and Carmunnock. Whilst at the wind farm, we will take a trip around some of the tracks there, which will make this ride unsuitable for skinny tyres. In total, the distance of the round trip will be around 35 miles. Continue reading “GoBike Ride to Whitelees Windfarm – Sunday 6th May”

Consultations Digest Issue 8, Two Busy Thoroughfares Seeking Good Quality Cycle Lanes… and lots more.

The junction of Eglinton Street, Nelson Street and Bridge Street is not one for the faint-hearted on a bike, but can it be improved?  See Section 1.1 below.

We mentioned both of these last time in Digest 7 but we now have more information on both the  Tradeston / Clyde Place and the High Street / Saltmarket Consultations and we need your help to press for good cycle facilities on these major roads.

We also have a reminder on Queen Margaret Drive (details issued last Thursday), a Glasgow consultation on Public Transport Services, plus one for Water Row in Govan and for parking around Ibrox Stadium, with, finally, just in yesterday, 20mph proposed for Woodside – something for everyone! Continue reading “Consultations Digest Issue 8, Two Busy Thoroughfares Seeking Good Quality Cycle Lanes… and lots more.”