Date for Diary: Call For Action 28th July

The second annual GoBike Call For Action day will be taking place on the 28th of July.

Last year’s event resulted in some amazing campaigns including the high profile #GlasgowCycleInfraDay17 and the creation of Friends of South City Way.

This year find out how you can get involved in a number of exciting campaigns and activities to promote cycling:

  • Our Byres Road Cycle Lanes Campaign
  • Space for People Byres Road
  • Consultation Responses
  • Friends of South City Way
  • #GlasgowCycleInfraDay2018
  • Pot Hole Golf
  • Friends of Bears Way
  • Councillor Tours

The event will take place from 13:30 to 16:30 on Saturday 28th July in Glasgow.

We will have an announcement soon on the venue, as well as the ability to book via Eventbrite but for now, stick 28th July in your diaries!

Councillor Bike Tours – your help please!

Our Councillor Bike Ward Tours have started up again for the summer and we are looking for help and local knowledge as we start to book in our tours. Last years tours were really successful and we were able to show many councillors the good and bad in the cycling infrastructure in their wards, from the perspective of two (or in some cases more!) wheels. You can read all about it here.

If you would like to lead a tour, or help by accompanying another lead member, we’d love to hear from you. If you have a spare few hours to give out on your bike and would like to help, please get in touch with us on our #councillor_tours_gcc slack channel or via email on

Consultation Extra! Connecting Woodside, public consultation event, Tuesday 26 June at Woodside Library, St George’s Road, Glasgow

It seems that the Woodside mini-Holland project has grown, with a 20mph mandatory speed limit already planned for the area, parking restrictions also proposed and a proposed “prohibition of driving ((Except Pedal Cycles) at North Woodside Road”. See the planned new-look Woodside Road near the junction with Maryhill Road in the photo.

Continue reading “Consultation Extra! Connecting Woodside, public consultation event, Tuesday 26 June at Woodside Library, St George’s Road, Glasgow”

Friday is Car Free Day for Braeside Street!

Roll up roll up join us one and all! Come and join us in reclaiming the street this Friday for a street festival, free from cars. We will be there with our parking bay parklet so come and say hi, but there will also be loads of other things going on too, from funny bikes and street games to skills tracks and even a velophonic orchestra! Bring your children, bring your bikes, and tell your friends!

Friday 22nd June 3-7pm Braeside Street, Maryhill


Consultation Extra – first chance to comment on the ARGYLE STREET AVENUE, Glasgow

Yes, plans are afoot for the Argyle Street Avenue, see:  which contains, as well as the background details, this information:

Continue reading “Consultation Extra – first chance to comment on the ARGYLE STREET AVENUE, Glasgow”

Consultation Digest Issue 11, Going squinty about the Squinty Bridge, Byres Road submission, 20mph, parking etc etc

Here’s the bridge with three names: Clyde Arc, Finnieston and Squinty and it’s currently sending us a bit squinty.  There have been several changes in the traffic regime over the bridge since it was built with a recent one being the inclusion of bikes on the Fastlink bus lanes on the west side, but now Glasgow City Council propose to also allow taxis.  Oh dear. See our detailed response in item 1.8. We also have lots more for you in this digest, including the contrasting GoBike responses to Byres Road and South City Way, so do please read on. Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 11, Going squinty about the Squinty Bridge, Byres Road submission, 20mph, parking etc etc”

GoBike Byres Road Consultation Response

GoBike have worked up our response to the current consultation on Byres Road which we will be sending on to the city council, and would like to share with you here. Feel free to use any of it if you agree. You too can respond by adding comments into the box on this survey. The plans are online here and up in Hillhead and Partick libraries until the 27th of June. Continue reading “GoBike Byres Road Consultation Response”

GoBike Ride to Strathblane and Killearn – Sunday 3rd June

If our current glorious weather continues, this coming month’s GoBike ride is set to be a stunner, as we head north out of the city, to Strathblane and Killearn.

This ride will see us leaving Glasgow through Bearsden and Milngavie, and over the hill to Strathblane. We will then continue to Killearn and back via different routes, before returning to Glasgow via the Bears Way and Garscube Estate. On the way out, we will look at a cycle route being developed in Knightswood. A 37 mile round trip, with a rough section of track near Blanefield. Continue reading “GoBike Ride to Strathblane and Killearn – Sunday 3rd June”

Consultation Digest Issue 10, 30 May 2018, Byres Road and lots lots more!

Yes, as you probably know, the Byres Road consultation has started (see below (1.9)) and we are extremely disappointed. And there’s loads more in this digest. Parking controls in Hyndland, Hughenden and Dowanhill West, and near Lenzie Station – calling all residents of those areas for comments!  20mph areas – we have our response to Woodside and news of the Calton Barras proposal for just east of the City Centre. The city centre is already a 20mph zone, but why doesn’t anyone let the motor drivers know? There’s also news of moves to change the road layout at the SEC in Glasgow, with not a thought to those of us who go by bike, and furthermore, we will be suggesting Dutch-style roundabout layouts for Spiersbridge and Eastwood Toll roundabouts in East Renfrewshire. Please read on: Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 10, 30 May 2018, Byres Road and lots lots more!”

GoBike Concerns For Byres Road Plans

GoBike are extremely concerned with plans that have gone public today on the redevelopment of Byres Road. While we are pleased to see improved space for people on foot, we believe that money spent on major projects such as this on busy roads should always also include segregated cycling infrastructure, safe for everyone of all ages and abilities, and that is not in evidence here. The cycle lanes in these plans appear to be nothing better than paint on the road and do not constitute “safe cycle routes” as promised.

From what we can see, the lanes proposed for Byres Road will force people on bikes into the stream of motor traffic each time the lanes are blocked by parking cars, buses, loading lorries and the inevitable debris usually swept to the side of the road. We plan to attend the drop in session tomorrow (Thursday) to ensure that we are armed with all the facts, but if you are also concerned with what you see and would like to do something about it, please meet us on Thursday evening (24th May) at 6pm, upstairs in the Curlers Rest.