Consultation Extra: Glasgow Battlefield Re-design Event Tuesday 04 September

Further to last November’s public engagement event for proposed public realm works at Battlefield, we would like to make you aware of a drop-in launch event where you can meet the team, share your knowledge, and get more information on the project.

The community-led Street Design project in Battlefield will be held in Glasgow on Tuesday 4th September.  More information as follows: Continue reading “Consultation Extra: Glasgow Battlefield Re-design Event Tuesday 04 September”

GoBike Backs Cycling UK Call to End Road Traffic Injustice

GoBike are backing Cycling UK’s campaign to end road traffic injustice. This comes in light of a new review that the Westminster Government have recently put out on dangerous cycling laws, consulting on the need for the new offence of causing death by careless or serious cycling. GoBike agrees that this review desperately needs to be much wider and should include all road traffic offences, something that was promised four years ago but has yet to materialise. The incidence of death and injury by motor vehicles far outweighs any caused by cycling, and the rate of prosecution or licence revocation for these motoring offences remains seriously low.

There is more information on the Cycling UK campaign here and if you would also like to add your backing, you can do that by following this link and adding your name to the call.


Consultation Digest Issue 16, 21 August 2018: Activity in Glasgow, East Dunbartonshire, Scotland and the UK

The schools are back, the roads are busy, but unfortunately not many parents and carers cycle with their children to school, so do please respond to the Glasgow North East Travel Routes Consultation that closes tomorrow and the other consultations listed that will make it easier for us all to get around by bike. Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 16, 21 August 2018: Activity in Glasgow, East Dunbartonshire, Scotland and the UK”

Campaigners Day Comes to Kilmarnock – 8th September

Saturday 8th September 11am-4pm Killie Browser, Kilmarnock Station

Walk Cycle Vote are hosting another of their inspiring campaigners days, this time in Kilmarnock. If you’re in the area and looking to find out how you can do more to help improve safe cycling conditions, this is the event for you. GoBike will be there presenting on campaigns we’ve run in Glasgow, there will be discussions, and for a real treat, award winning cycle campaigner Sally Hinchcliffe will present on creative campaigning techniques.

Tickets are free – to register and for more information head on over here.

GoBike Supports a Car Free George Square

Glasgow City Council are taking the bold move to capitalise on recent road closures around George Square during the Glasgow 2018 events and are looking to potentially remove traffic permanently. GoBike are fully in support of this idea and would love to see George Square made a much friendlier, safer, quieter and less polluted place for people.

They have a survey here looking to gather opinions on this plan, and your input would be really appreciated – it only takes two minutes. Thanks for your assistance!


Consultation Digest Issue 15, 07 August 2018: Ever had a puncture on Broken Glass? The Deposit Return Scheme Survey may help

It’s been another quiet fortnight on the consultations front but we have a couple of interesting ones for you to respond to. These are the Scottish Government’s Deposit Return Scheme and a final push on Pavement Parking from Living Street. We also have a reminder about the Buchanan Wharf development that closes today, and don’t forget the Glasgow North East Active Travel Routes Consultation Event tomorrow.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 15, 07 August 2018: Ever had a puncture on Broken Glass? The Deposit Return Scheme Survey may help”

GoBike Ride to Lesmahagow and Lanark – Sunday 5th August


Join us once again for our monthly bike ride this month south eastwards, to Lanark.

This ride will take us out of Glasgow through Rutherglen and Cambuslang along a back road to Blantyre and Hamilton, then join NCN 74 to reach our lunch stop at Chatelherault Country Park. After lunch we will continue along NCN 74 through Larkhall and Lesmahagow as far as Happendon. We will then make our way over to Lanark for a train back to Glasgow. 45 miles including a selection of the good, the bad and the ugly of South Lanarkshire cycle infrastructure. Continue reading “GoBike Ride to Lesmahagow and Lanark – Sunday 5th August”

Consultation Extra: Glasgow North East Active Travel Routes consultation event, Wednesday 08 August, 3pm to 7pm

We have recently been informed by one of our members – thanks very much Neil L – of this forthcoming consultation by Glasgow City Council:

“The North East Active Travel Routes consultation can be viewed via this link.

The closing date for consultation will be Wednesday 22 August.

A public drop in session will be held from 3pm to 7pm on Wednesday 8 August at Beatroute Arts Centre, 285 Wallacewell Road, G21 3RP.”

Do get along to the event if you can; there’ll be a reminder in next week’s Consultations Digest, and do have a look at the information on-line, using the link above or at: and


Call for Action Day – This Saturday!!

Roll up roll up, for GoBike’s Call for Action to all the current and future cycle campaigners in and around Glasgow, this very Saturday afternoon, yes that’s Saturday the 28th of July 2018. We need your ideas, your energy and your involvement.

Do you have ideas on how we can make cycling safer and better around our roads? Would you like to hear more about what and how we’ve been campaigning over the last year? Would you just like to see how you might be able to get more involved?

Well get yer tickets here – they are free!

Continue reading “Call for Action Day – This Saturday!!”

Consultation Digest Issue 14, 14 July 2018: Holiday time but do respond to the Lennoxtown plan and support the South West City Way with the new development on Clyde Place

For this fortnight we have good news for Lennoxtown as a draft place plan consultation reaches us – but do they go far enough for active travel? We also have some of the detail for the development at Clyde Place, Tradeston, now to be known as Buchanan Wharf. In other news we also have some interesting feedback from Glasgow City Council, and Sustrans are undertaking a review on the National Cycle Network. Other than that been it’s very quiet, giving us time to get out and cycle. Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 14, 14 July 2018: Holiday time but do respond to the Lennoxtown plan and support the South West City Way with the new development on Clyde Place”