Consultation Digest Issue 28, 19 February 2019, North Lanarkshire news, upset on University Avenue, SPT survey and parking changes in Glasgow City Centre

We have a fascinating array of proposals from around the area for you in this Digest but ongoing disappointment on University Avenue, and with the removal of permeability for cycle traffic by the introduction of one-way systems for motor traffic.

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Notice of Works on Union Rail Bridge, Adelphi Street

We have been notified of works that will be taking place on the City Union Bridge at Adelphi Street, between the Central Mosque and the Nautical College.

Network Rail will be doing some refurbishment works on the rail over bridge at Adelphi Street between 18/2/19 and 7/4/19.

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People of All Ages Formed a Human Bike Lane Today for Safer Cycling on University Avenue

Residents, university staff and students, commuters, cycle campaigners, and adults and children who want to use bikes for travel, joined arms on University Avenue today, to tell Glasgow University and Glasgow City Council that they want segregated cycling to be installed on University Avenue. The £1b campus development has plans approved by the council that show that cycling provision on the road will be reduced to narrow strips of paint on only one side of the road, that disappear at the top of the hill, with no physical protection for people choosing to cycle on it.

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University Avenue #paintisnotprotection – Today at Noon

Come along to the GoBike #paintisnotprotection protest on University Avenue, today Sunday 10th February, at 12:00 noon, gathering outside the Wolfson Medical Building.

We are going to create a human cycle lane along University Avenue to highlight the desire for segregated cycle infrastructure, on this important route. This is missing from the current University plans to develop the road.

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This Sunday (10th February) at noon, meet us outside the Wolfson Building on University Avenue to protest the lack of safe cycling provision in the plans for the redevelopment of University Avenue, running through the heart of the University of Glasgow. Bring your bikes and your pals, because we want to make a human bike lane on University Avenue. Help us show the University planners and the city council that segregated cycle lanes are needed in all directions, and that #paintisnotprotection


Consultation Digest Issue 27, 05 February 2019: University Avenue and Bears Way under threat, no cycle lanes for Union Street, Glasgow, but a wee bit of good news as well.

We’ve got wind of potentially terrible news for University Avenue, and in other bad news, the Bears Way cycle route through Bearsden is under ongoing attack, with the latest move by East Dunbartonshire Council to extend car parking at Milngavie Station, rather than extend the Bears Way. It needs its friends back.
In other news Glasgow City Council have rejected yet another plea for northbound cycling on Union Street, but read on for more news, some of it good.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 27, 05 February 2019: University Avenue and Bears Way under threat, no cycle lanes for Union Street, Glasgow, but a wee bit of good news as well.”

How the other 50% gets around

GoBike calls for a drastic overhaul on gritting priorities from Glasgow City Council. Almost 50% of Glaswegians don’t have access to a private car. For them walking and cycling is not active travel, but is how they get around. Transport Poverty is a real factor to a number of people in this city.

Last week saw ice return to Glasgow. At the same time the focus of getting Glaswgians to participate in active travel seemed to go out of the window. Footpath and cycle lanes were ice rinks. In the light of lots of disquiet from our members about the unjust priorities the council have set for gritting, we have decided it is time for action.

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Side Streets

We’ve had a lot of disquiet from our members this week about a side street that has been unveiled on the South City Way. While we do know and understand that our council is making great steps forward with schemes such as the SCW, and that UK design guidance on side street treatments has a long way to come, the safety of people cycling is at the heart of what we campaign for. We are so aware that side streets are a common source of collisions and so for the sake of safety, we want to work to get this right.

We’ve been in touch with GCC and Sustrans as follows, and will keep you updated on any progress.

Hi to our contacts in LES, Sustrans, and Cllr Richardson,

First of all thank you for the work you are doing to create safe places to cycle in Glasgow. We can see how hard everyone is working on getting this right, however we at GoBike wanted to get in touch to express our concerns about the designs on side streets that we are seeing emerging on the ground, particularly in reference to the most recently completed junction on the SCW at Turriff Street, but also in the wider context of other schemes in the planning stages.

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GoBike Sunday Ride for tomorrow, 03 February, cancelled!

Andy Preece, our Ride Leader, writes:

I’ve decided to cancel tomorrow’s Go Bike ride due to the icy conditions. Although the main roads are clear, the untreated side roads and paths are frozen, and icy in places, including the street outside my house, so I don’t think it’s worth the risk since most of the ride will be as usual not on main roads.


A wise decision, so it’s a day to stay indoors or just ride out along the main roads. No doubt the ride will be rescheduled and Andy will be out next month for the March ride