Consultation Digest Issue 32, 16 April 2019, Glasgow’s South City Way nudges forward, Zebra Crossing survey, more on Byres Road, and read on for disappointments but also good news

We have some interesting new proposals for you this time, from parking changes to allow a new cycle lane at Speirs Wharf to pedestrian crossings to climate change. Also, fascinating feedback that demonstrates a lack of overall compliance with aspirations for active travel, with contraflow cycling denied yet again in the west of Glasgow and ongoing concern about University Avenue. Read on!

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University of Glasgow Could Fail Own Exams

We are beginning to see with a sinking heart that the University of Glasgow would perhaps not pass their own entrance exams when it comes to vocabulary relating to safer cycling. While they are clearly running a tight press campaign on their plans for University Avenue, and undertaking a great deal of copying and pasting within their communications, they do appear to have a rather poor grasp of the meaning of certain words. That, or perhaps they are being deliberately disingenuously mendacious. So over at GoBike we have brought our dictionaries out and hope to help.

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Calling all members – GoBike needs your help!

We have some vacancies on our Core GoBike Team that desperately need filled as well as loads of other tasks that you can help with.

As active travel becomes more prominent and we are starting to see more long needed cycling infrastructure proposed in the West of Scotland, our role as cycle campaigners is becoming even more important. We need more of our members to get involved to help us keep on top of developments and to help us ensure that the new stuff we are getting is well designed. Of course we also have all of the rest of our roads that are not having improvements proposed, where we need to keep pressing for linked up networks. And as ever, we have redevelopment schemes going ahead like last year on Byres Road and this year on University Avenue where safe cycling had/has not been integrated within the plans.

GoBike is a growing and active campaign group of progressive people who work together to make our world a better place. Want to join in? Here are a few ways in which you can help:

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Consultation Extra: South Lanarkshire Survey, closes 14 April, for all of you who live, work or travel in Cambuslang or Rutherglen

South Lanarkshire Council logo

News in from Derek Y, one of our sources on what’s happening in South Lanarkshire:

Message from South Lanarkshire Council about consultation for Cambuslang/Rutherglen:

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Consultation Digest Issue 31, 04 April 2019 featuring Glasgow, East Dunbartonshire and North Lanarkshire

Publishing a little late but hey, it’s school holidays, less traffic on the streets and, apart from that, your Digest author has been otherwise engaged. We have all sorts for you in this issue, so do please read on.

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GoBike Ride – Sunday 7th April – Strathkelvin Railway Path

We will head along Sauchiehall Street before heading out through the north eastern part of the city into the countryside around Auchinloch. We will then join the Strathkelvin Railway Path at Lenzie and head for our lunch stop at Clachan of Campsie. The return will be via Strathblane and Milngavie, and onto the Kelvin Walkway.

35 miles, including a steep climb out of Strathblane.

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Consultation Extra: Glasgow, North City Way, public engagement Wednesday 03 April, and Community Links Plus

Received just this afternoon, at 18:01 from a poor soul working late on a Friday, an email from Glasgow City Council:



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Open Letter to the First Minister – 20 mph Bill

GoBike are one of 25 signatories on a joint letter to Nicola Sturgeon urging her to put her government’s support behind the Restricted Roads (20mph) Bill (Safer Streets Bill). It appears that the Scottish Government is not yet convinced on the benefits of the bill, preferring to leave the matters in the hands of local authorities, and we believe that this will be a mistake, leaving the benefits of 20mph open only to better funded local areas, and further widening the transport poverty gap.

An open letter to First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon

The Restricted Roads (20mph) Bill (Safer Streets Bill)

Dear First Minister,

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