The Bearsway Needs You

Our members from the Friends of Bearsway mini-campaign would like your help following their protest during Pedal on Parliament weekend that aims to kick start the completion of the Bearsway.

They have written a letter of appeal to local councillors and would like help hand delivering them to local surgeries. If you can help get in touch on their facebook or via email.

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Review of University Avenue proposals called for in light of University of Glasgow Climate Emergency declaration

We were surprised and pleased to see yesterday that the University of Glasgow have joined other institutions by finally recognising that we are in a state of climate emergency. Clearly this will have implications for the implementation of safe sustainable travel on University Avenue and so we have written to the principle as follows:

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GoBike Ride – Sunday 5th May – Strathclyde Town & Country Tour

This ride will see us cycling through East Kilbride on our way to Strathclyde Country Park. We’ll head out of Glasgow along the recently built cycle route connecting Queen’s Park and Muirend, then head up the hill to East Kilbride where we will cross the town on a mixture of paths and roads. Then out into the countryside briefly before descending through Hamilton to Strathclyde Country Park. After lunch, we will head across to Uddingston to return to Glasgow along NCN75 (including the Clyde Walkway).

35 miles round trip, including some short sections on potentially busier roads.

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Consultation Digest Issue 33. 30 April 2019, success and disappointment in Glasgow and some big issue surveys for you to complete.

In this issue we have good news on Byres Road, bad news on Elmbank Street (again) but please rush to complete North Toryglen survey TODAY, followed by a more relaxed rush for the Infrastructure Call for Evidence (Item 1.2) and then tell Glasgow City Council what should be done to combat climate change (Item 1.6).

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 33. 30 April 2019, success and disappointment in Glasgow and some big issue surveys for you to complete.”

GoBike Board of Shame Pop Up – University Avenue

The notorious Board of Shame is still out there on it’s Pedal on Parliament weekend adventures, its latest location having been spotted on the equally notorious University Avenue. Highlighting the fact that both the University of Glasgow and Glasgow City Council have drastically failed to uphold active travel policies, the Board marked the Uni failing harshly, and rightly so. A lack of protected space for cycling on University Avenue will create a gap in any chance of a linked up cycling network in Glasgow.

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East Renfrewshire protest was just the ticket!

As a part of Pedal on Parliaments pop up weekend last week GoBike hosted a pretend parking ticket hill climb race designed to protest the need for safer cycling conditions in East Renfrewshire. This attracted local participants on Ayr Road, who rode bikes up the hill and delivered fliers to cars parked in the cycle lanes.

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GoBike Board of Shame Pop Up – Kilmarnock Road Door Zone

GoBike’s Board of Shame is out and about for Pedal on Parliament’s pop-up weekend. Many of you found it yesterday on Kilmarnock Road in the nasty cycle lane painted in the door zone. We have written to the council off the back of the protest. It read:

Roll Up! Roll Up! For Glasgow City Council’s FREE ride of danger rollercoaster THE DOOR ZONE!! Ride in it and get whacked! Ride out of it and get smacked! No height restrictions apply! Mind how you go! Brought to you by GoBike for Pedal on Parliament pop up weekend. #pop2019 #popuppop @gobikeglasgow

We have written to the council off the back of the protest.

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**Success!!** Byres Road Designs With Segregated Cycle Lanes Have Been Approved!!!

The design changes we’ve worked so hard to change, to include safe space for cycling, went to committee today and have been approved!!

Read the full council statement here!

This is fantastic news for cycling and walking on Byres Road. Congratulations to every member who played their part in this campaign, especially those involved in Space for People Byres Road.

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20mph Bill Latest – Urgent Help Needed

We have received an urgent request from Mark Ruskell for extra support for the 20mph bill which is looking on shakey ground. Although Glasgow City Council have signed up to make all residential areas 20mph, the Transport Minister is opposing making this a standard approach across all council areas. Failing to pass this bill will make it much harder, lengthier and more costly for any councils who do want to implement 20mph zones. As long term backers of 20mph, we hope our members can add further support to the bill.

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