Consultation Extra: South Lanarkshire, Do you live or work in the Rutherglen or Cambuslang area? Please complete this survey by 10 June.

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South Lanarkshire Council wish to hear from you if you live or work in Rutherglen or Cambuslang, see: Do you live or work in the Rutherglen or Cambuslang area?

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Consultation Digest Issue 35, 28 May 2019 with some new feedback, but no new consultations, giving you time to respond to the issues that are still current

Quite a concentration on parking in this issue, with waiting/loading restrictions proposed for Bearsden, Laurieston and University Avenue, but also important access proposals for 6 schools in Glasgow plus an update on the workplace parking levy and measures to reduce congestion in Glasgow City Centre. Where would we be without car parking? Do read on ….

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Kelvin Walkway – work starts tomorrow, 29 May, could take 2 weeks to complete, update to our post of 14 May.

We have been alerted by GoBike member, Alasdair (who is also a Sustrans volunteer), who has forwarded news of works STARTING TOMORROW, 29 MAY, to a retaining wall on the Kelvin Walkway close to the junction of Garrioch Drive and Garrioch Quadrant.

Continue reading “Kelvin Walkway – work starts tomorrow, 29 May, could take 2 weeks to complete, update to our post of 14 May.”

Glasgow University Back-pedals on Climate Emergency

Glasgow University recently became the first University in Scotland to declare a climate emergency, stating “we are affirming our belief that urgent action is needed to tackle climate change.” (1).

However the £1bn campus redevelopment plans have failed to future-proof transport-links around campus. Many staff, students and commuters have been left disappointed by the absence of a safe route for cycling on University Avenue.  Consequently the petition for University Avenue to include such provision has now achieved over 500 signatures (2).

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It was beautiful and sad and perfect

We were devastated that someone tragically lost their life cycling on our roads in Glasgow this week. To show our support the cycling community came together and held a vigil at the scene. This included a two minute silence, which was started and ended by the ringing of a bike bell. During this we remembered a young woman and stood with her, her family, her friends and each other.

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Friday 24th 17:30 – A Silent Protest

We are devastated to have heard that we lost someone cycling on our roads today. We send our condolences to this woman’s friends and family, and strength to the wider cycling community who we know are feeling the shock.

We would like to stand with her in solidarity and join with others in a brief and respectful silent protest for safer cycling. We will gather at 17:30 on the pavement at the corner of Pollokshaws Road and Nithsdale Drive this Friday 24th where we will hold a two minute silence signalled by a bell, and then disperse.

Consultation Digest Issue 34, 17 May 2019, University Avenue petition, another contraflow refusal and much, much more in this mega issue.

Apologies for the late issue of this Digest, but family and other commitments plus lots of information coming in for you, and a shy and retiring co-Convenor (she put out a super message yesterday) have delayed things. We have some news of University Avenue, good news about the closure of streets around a few schools in Glasgow, parking restrictions in Bearsden and at work, and yet another refusal of contraflow cycling.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 34, 17 May 2019, University Avenue petition, another contraflow refusal and much, much more in this mega issue.”

It’s time for ACTION on University Avenue

** Sign and share our petition. **

It’s crunch time for University Avenue, and we would like to ask for your help. Current plans for the redesign of this key arterial street do not include protected space for cycling and we simply cannot allow for the plans to go through unresisted. It would be a tragedy for the future of a safe linked up network of direct cycling routes in our city if University Avenue does not make space for protected cycling – for the staff and students who travel to the University, for the commuters who use the direct route to pass through, for parents taking their children to school or to the park, and for everyone who would like to chose to cycle but won’t, because sharing road space with heavier and faster moving vehicles stops them.

Continue reading “It’s time for ACTION on University Avenue”

Kelvin Walkway, Glasgow, forthcoming works to retaining wall – be aware.

We have been alerted by GoBike member, Alasdair (who is also a Sustrans volunteer), who has forwarded news of impending works works to a retaining wall on the Kelvin Walkway close to the junction of Garrioch Drive and Garrioch Quadrant.

Continue reading “Kelvin Walkway, Glasgow, forthcoming works to retaining wall – be aware.”