Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 78, 19 January 2021

'Soft' segregated cycle lane, Fenwick Rd, Giffnock

We approach Burns Night with some news from Rabbie’s home county, a few other shires and the city.

This Digest is within a week of Burns Night so it’s fitting that we have some news from Ayrshire. A few consultations have come in from East Renfrewshire and South Lanarkshire. Also, a last chance to comment on plans for North Glasgow. So, is 2021 starting to pick up slightly? As Burns said: “Hope springs exulting on triumphant wing.

Since there have been a few breaks in the weather maybe there will be more chances to try some of Andy’s three infrastructure routes around Glasgow.

There’s still time to sign the petition for segregated cycle lanes at the Kelvin Way-University Avenue junction (until 28 January).

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Bike Lanes are GREAT for Business

Many of our streets are rapidly changing around us, and with that change brings understandable concern for people running businesses in those areas. We have brought all the current evidence together that we can find, into a useful resource to for you to share with any communities expressing concern over bike lanes coming to their area.

With possible bikelash looming, we are also asking our members to respond to Commonplace consultations on the latest bike lanes such as this one. Your voice could be really important to add balance and stop misinformation from spreading, so thank you!

Consultation Digest (National) Issue 3, 8 January 2021: Scottish Government sets target to get people out of their cars.

Happy New Year to you all. I hope you all had a relaxing festive period. I’ve been well and truly thrown back into work this week reading and digesting the Scottish Government’s Climate Change Plan update. It feels like the policy equivalent of Christmas dinner. Unfortunately, there’s not time for a snooze in front of the TV – the Parliamentary Committee scrutinising the transport policy section needs comments by Tuesday 12 January.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 77, 5 January 2021

Science Centre proposal graphic

Happy New Year for 2021. Some long term consultations and a planning application for Pacific Quay.

Not many new consultations to start the year. However, it’s a last chance to comment on some existing consultations and a planning application at the Science Centre/BBC has some feedback.

The weather hasn’t helped but have you been able to try any of Andy’s three infrastructure routes around Glasgow?

There’s still time to sign the petition for segregated cycle lanes at the Kelvin Way-University Avenue junction (until 28 January). It’s near Hillhead Primary School, with its School Street…

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 76, 22 December 2020

Visualisation of Spaces for People measures on Armadale St

Mostly long term consultations except for a sudden Spaces for People scheme in Dennistoun.

Our blog post called it a ‘Low-ish Traffic Neighbourhood’. Does it qualify as an LTN? It’s included in one of Andy’s three infrastructure routes so you may get the chance to see for yourself if you’re in Glasgow.

There’s also a recent petition for segregated cycle lanes at the Kelvin Way-University Avenue junction (open for signing until 28 January). It’s near Hillhead Primary School, which also features for its School Street…

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Not 1, but 3, Infrastructure Rides for January!

Many of us have sorely missed the monthly GoBike rides, planned and led by Andy Preece, but cancelled to prevent the spread of Covid 19, in line with government restrictions. However, we have an abundance of new infrastructure in Glasgow because of these very restrictions (although, sadly, some of it might only be temporary – unless we campaign to keep it!)
To encourage us all to get out to see these new facilities we are delighted and very grateful that Andy has come up with not one, but three rides.

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Consultation Digest (National) Issue 2, 11 December 2020: Will the Climate Change Plan be the perfect Christmas gift?

Welcome to the second national consultation digest, December’s round up of current and forthcoming consultations from Scotland and the UK, written by me, Jim Densham. Like me, I’m sure you are looking forward to winding down for Christmas and not thinking about consultation responses over the festive period. However, there’s still a few consultations out there needing our attention and an important one coming next week.

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Glasgow’s first shot at a Low Traffic Neighbourhood, Dennistoun

A year ago Glasgow City Council consulted on Traffic Management and Parking changes for Dennistoun and Royston. Post Covid they have now radically changed their plans to be far more what we think of as a Low Traffic Neighbourhood, with improvements for those of us who cycle.

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