Consultation Digest Issue 65, 21 July 2020: What’s happened to Pavement Parking? Proposals approved but not enacted! Plus a request to contribute to the Streets for All Glasgow Commonplace Map, and more.

Cycling around the city reminds us that GoBike supported the proposed ban on pavement parking in Scotland and we supported the Deposit Return Scheme to, hopefully, get some of the glass off our streets. We’ve done a check and have updates for you, see Section 3, though the news could be better, plus updates from north, west and south of Glasgow and Motherwell. Do read on.

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Notice of Works on Union Rail Bridge, Adelphi Street

We have been notified of works that will be taking place on the City Union Bridge at Adelphi Street, between the Central Mosque and the Nautical College.

Network Rail will be doing some refurbishment works on the rail over bridge at Adelphi Street between 18/2/19 and 7/4/19.

Continue reading “Notice of Works on Union Rail Bridge, Adelphi Street”