Garrioch Drive to Kelvin Walkway – update on access path


You may remember the earlier post, date 04 October 2016, detailing the story of this very steep access path from Garrioch Drive to the Kelvin Walkway. It was closed after an accident involving an adult, who had a child on a child seat, coming off their bike.

A Freedom of Information request to Glasgow City Council has revealed that the cost of the path was £6535, some 30% over the approximate budget of £5000, see: 5810822-response-toms-251016

The path is still closed, the gate is locked and that’s over £6000 of public money wasted – that’s our money, your money and we have no idea when the City Council will make the path fit for use.

Local elections 2017, Campaign Training Day, 26 November, free registration now open.

12038342_1592637817659022_7429854856033511629_n walkcyclevote

Recent events in East Dunbartonshire with the Bears Way, South Ayrshire with Holmston Road and Edinburgh with Roseburn Terrace have made it very clear that we need local councillors who support active travel and who are prepared to make space for walking and cycling in our towns and cities.

The WalkCycleVote campaign, of which GoBike is a member, is organising a training day for people who wish to get involved in pressing our prospective politicians in next year’s council elections.  It’s in Edinburgh on Saturday 26 November and it’s FREE.  Full details are on the link below.

After the success of our hustings in March this year for the Holyrood Elections, GoBike will be getting actively involved in campaigning for the local elections – and we will need your help in putting the active travel message across to the candidates.  Details to follow.

Camglen Bike Town Festival 29 October


Our friends at Camglen Bike Town are holding a Bike Town Cycle Festival and Open Day and invite you to come and join them at their celebration of cycling and opening day for their brand new Bike Town premises.

  • All welcome – cyclists, not-yet-cyclists and non-cyclists!
  • Free prize draw for cycling goodies
  • Family cycling activities
  • Dr Bike
  • Smoothie Bike competition
  • Bling your Bike
  • Free bike checks and security marking
  • Meet some great cycling folks


Saturday 29th October

Bike Town
Unit 5
Thomson Court
G73 2RR

It’s on Cathcart Place in Rutherglen, just behind Aldi – and GoBike will be there!

Diary date: 23 November, GoBike AGM and public meeting on Glasgow’s Strategic Plan for Cycling


We have now booked the Admiral Bar on Waterloo Street, Glasgow for the GoBike AGM on Wednesday 23 November, at 7:30pm

This will be followed by our Public Meeting and Councillor Martin McElroy, Glasgow’s Cycling Commissioner (no longer a Czar!) will outline the City Council’s views on the following aspects of the Strategic Plan for Cycling:

  1. A Safer Cycling City: Key Outcome 4 on page 17
  2. Budget: Continue to spend above the Scottish national average per head of population, to develop commuter, leisure (and sports) cycling.  (Our brackets): Target 1 on page 18
  3. Increase number of children cycling to primary school from 3.5% to 7% by 2025: Target 3 on page 18
  4. 20mph zones: page 20
  5. Glasgow Cycle Network/Infrastructure: page 23-26

You can find the Strategic Plan for Cycling from this link:

We hope to see you all on the 23rd!