Correction to previous post: Glasgow’s STRATEGIC PLAN FOR CYCLING (2016 -2025) – 2016 Action Plan Review

GoBikers!  We have been sent, late on 14 February, the following e-mail and this attachment, 2016 -2025 Action Plan – February 2017 update – R03 B&W version (the coloured version is too large for our web domain, but please e-mail if you need a copy)


Please find attached colour and B&W versions of the draft 2016 Action Plan Review. The final version will be placed on the Council’s cycling webpages later this month.

A report was submitted to the Sustainability and Environment Committee on 01 February 2017, visit

Kind regards, Allan

Allan Maclean

Project Officer, Technical Services, Land & Environmental Services

Glasgow City Council, 231 George Street, GLASGOW G1 1RX

Phone 0141 287 9038  ”

Note: 1. The photos are Glasgow City Council’s – the one above is from the Strategic Plan for Cycling – GoBike does not know where all this cycle route kilometrage is.  2. GoBike is the organisation that initially proposed that Glasgow City Council start a Cycling Forum.  3.  We were not consulted on the Review; it was conducted internally with all the departments involved submitting their updates and it is intended that a review will be carried out annually.  4. The last meeting of the Cycling Forum was held on 24 August 2016 – the minutes are not yet available – and the date of the next meeting has not yet been determined.

Glasgow’s STRATEGIC PLAN FOR CYCLING (2016 -2025) – 2016 Action Plan Review

GoBikers!  We have been sent, late on 14 February, the following e-mail:


Please find attached colour and B&W versions of the draft 2016 Action Plan Review. The final version will be placed on the Council’s cycling webpages later this month.

A report was submitted to the Sustainability and Environment Committee on 01 February 2017, visit

Kind regards, Allan

Allan Maclean

Project Officer, Technical Services, Land & Environmental Services

Glasgow City Council, 231 George Street, GLASGOW G1 1RX

Phone 0141 287 9038  ”

Note: 1. The photos are Glasgow City Council’s – the one above is from the Strategic Plan for Cycling – GoBike does not know where all this cycle route kilometrage is.  2. GoBike is the organisation that initially proposed that Glasgow City Council start a Cycling Forum.  3.  We were not consulted on the Review; it was conducted internally with all the departments involved submitting their updates and it is intended that a review will be carried out annually.  4. The last meeting of the Cycling Forum was held on 24 August 2016 – the minutes are not yet available – and the date of the next meeting has not yet been determined.

Byres Road, Glasgow – changes afoot: Consultation event 23 February, Partick Burgh Halls


We have been sent an e-mail with the following message about the proposed redevelopment of Byres Road, with an invitation to attend the consultation event on 23 February:

There’s a new Byres Road coming….

Funding of £9m has been allocated through the Glasgow City Region Deal to make Byres Road better for people. This means improvements for walking, cycling, air and noise pollution, business and community activity. And there will be still be room for buses, cars and delivery vehicles.

Consultation and design work are starting now. Construction will take place from autumn 2018. Yes, it really will happen! 

You are warmly invited to a public launch workshop on Thursday 23 February at 7pm (Hillhead Library) (now in PARTICK BURGH HALL) where we will ask people to re-imagine how the street could be.  Then, more detailed public engagement to design each section of the street will follow over the next 18 months.
Everyone is welcome to the launch.  Please circulate the attached poster and email!

The Council’s media release from 24 January 2017 contains more information:

Our dedicated Facebook page will have updates throughout the project:

Any questions, please contact me via or 07900 334110.”
Byres Road is used by lots of people cycling and it has quite a high accident rate, so it’s clear something needs to be done.  Here’s our chance to get involved.  Make your voice heard!

Cycling and the Law, free event, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Thursday, February 23, 2017 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Here’s another hospital to visit, and learn about cycling and the law.  Register at Eventbrite for this second, free, lunchtime talk from Cycle Law Scotland:

Jodi Gordon, Senior Solicitor at Cycle Law Scotland, Scotland’s award-winning legal service dedicated to representing injured cyclists, will discuss real case studies, case law, video footage, common cycling accidents and what to do in the event of a collision. She will also talk about why she believes presumed liability should be introduced for road traffic collisions in Civil Law. You will have an opportunity to ask questions and there will be time for general debate and discussion.

Cycling and the Law – Cycle Law Scotland presentation 22 February QEUH, Glasgow 13:00hrs

If you missed the excellent Cycle Law Presentation at our AGM in November 2014, or you wish to get up-to-date with protecting cyclists on the road, and you are able to get to a daytime meeting, then get along to this free event, a talk by Brenda Mitchell of Cycle Law Scotland:

Sauchiehall Street Avenue – or is it? Consultation documents out now

So, the long awaited plans for the Sauchiehall Street avenue, with its two way cycle lane, are now out for consultation, see: – but, hold on.  There’s no mention of the separated cycle lane in the advert and the key does not have a colour code for what looks to be this facility.  We have looked at the drawings and here’s the wording of the e-mail sent to Glasgow City Council requesting clarification.  We will keep you updated on progress:

Subject: Re: Sauchiehall Street Traffic Regulation Order
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2017 15:37:11 +0000
From: GoBike! (Convenor) <>
To: Hubbert, Brian (LES) <>
CC: McDonagh, Stephen (LES) <>

Brian, hello,

Many thanks for forwarding the drawings etc for this long-awaited scheme!  We have heard so much about the Avenue concept, and the Sauchiehall Street avenue in particular, that it is good to have confirmation that there is progress.

However, having looked at the drawings, we have concerns, which I hope you can alleviate; they include:

  • The key does not appear to match the drawings: for example, there is coloured shading on Elmbank Street for which there is no explanation in the key.
  • There is what looks like, and we were led to expect would be, a two-way cycle lane on the north side of Sauchiehall Street, but there is no mention of it in the advert and the edging colour looks very like that of a parking area.
  • What are the access arrangements for cycles coming from the west of Charing Cross to join what we hope is a two-way cycle lane?
  • What are the access arrangements for cycles from Woodlands Road and St Georges Road to join what we hope is a two-way cycle lane?
  • What arrangements are there for all the cyclists who travel from Woodlands Road and St Georges Road to continue down Newton Street?
  • You state that Elmbank Street is to become one-way?  In line with Glasgow City Council’s Strategic Plan for Cycling and your chosed Design Guide, the default position is to allow for contraflow cycling on such streets.  The arrangements for this are not clear on the drawing.

To provide clarity could you please:

  1. Re-issue the drawings showing the missing detail, including the key for all the colours and symbols used and compliance with the Strategic Plan and Cycling by Design?
  2. Hold a meeting between the design staff responsible for this scheme and members of the GoBike committee to explain and discuss your proposals?

We are very keen to see the very ambitious ambition for Sauchiehall Street that we have been led to expect become a reality and we would not like to see it fail because of ambiguity of the plans and/or misunderstanding of your intentions.

I look forward to hearing from you soon,

With best wishes,

Tricia Fort

Convenor, GoBike! Strathclyde Cycle Campaign,

Not a direct cycle issue, but let’s move to re-regulate our buses


Regulating our buses will lead to more organised bus services, giving better coverage and thus encourage car owners to leave the car at home and use the bus.  This, in turn, will lead to less congestion on our roads and less chaotic driving, thus improving conditions for those of us who cycle.  GoBike therefore supports the campaign to Re-regulate Scotland’s Buses

Unite Scotland‘s Haud the Bus Petition to regulate Scotland’s Buses will be heard by the Public Petitions Committee at The Scottish Parliament Edinburgh next Thursday 19th January at 9:30am. Members of the public may attend committee meetings at the Parliament, so get there if you can.

There is a Facebook event with the details:

Happy New Year – and a salutary tale

Cyclists, including GoBike members, to the west of Glasgow, have erected a white bike at the junction of Great Western Road(A82) westbound and the slip road to the Erskine Bridge(A898) to commemorate 2 people who were killed in the latter part of 2016 while cycling on the A82 by motorists. The first cyclist, Allan Fleming, a 48 year old man from Clydebank, was killed on 4th September by an Asda lorry and the second cyclist, Allan Smith, a 58 year old man from Glasgow, was killed on 18th December by a car driven by an 83 year old man.

Details of the first incident are at:

Details of the second are at:

Police are appealing for witnesses to both these incidents.  Please contact them if you were in the area at the time of either.

Let’s hope we don’t have any similar incidents in 2017, but please do ensure that you report any cycling accidents involving injury to the police. Also make sure you get the assistance of an organisation such as CyclingUK or Cycle Law Scotland to pursue a claim against a motorist who has driven in such a way as to cause injury.  If we can take action against the non-fatal incidents then perhaps we can raise awareness and prevent the heartache and pain of fatalities.

Please enjoy your cycling in 2017 and do take action to improve conditions for cycling.

Merry Christmas and a happy cycling New Year

GoBike wishes all its members and supporters a good Christmas and New Year – and let’s start cycling with the start of the New Year!  The pictures above and below show some of the people on our December ride to the parks on the south side of Glasgow, at the new park at Cuningar Loop.  It was gloriously sunny, if a bit chilly.  But read on for January …..

January’s ride, and the GoBike rides are always on the first Sunday of the month, is on Sunday 01 January – time to clear the head!  Check out the infrastructure our councils are providing …..

Sunday 1 January 2017 – Northern Delights Infrastructure Safari
For our annual tour of cycle infrastructure we will take a tour of the northern parts of Glasgow, as well as venturing into Bishopbriggs, to see some of the lesser spotted bike lanes and paths, as well as viewing future developments. Firstly we will head over to Sauchiehall Street to see and discuss the proposed “Avenue” works, before passing another large redevelopment at Sighthill. We will look at some local links in the contrasting residential areas around the outskirts and suburbs of Glasgow, and see how well they join up. We will end our tour back in the West End at the University, where large scale works are proposed on the former Western Infirmary site.
Meet 10am Bell’s Bridge, Congress Road, Glasgow.
Ride on paths Ride on quiet roads Ride on canal towpaths Ride on busy roads Moderate hill climbing
Rated: Go Bike star rating Go Bike star rating

For a ride further afield, have a look at our Rides page: and our end-of-April-start-of-May weekend ride, the Way of the Roses, from Morecambe to Bridlington.