Call For Action – A Success

The GoBike Call For Action Workshop was a success, with the first project #GlasgowCycleIinfra17 taking place very soon, follow the blog for more details.

GoBike members came together for the first ever Call For Action Workshop to decide on the projects GoBike should be taking forward for the coming year.

Presentations were given on some previous GoBike projects, as well as a talk how data can be used in cycle campaigning.  These were followed by a number of exciting pitches for projects proposed by GoBike members.

The successful pitches are now being taken forward by the members are:

  • #GlasgowCycleInfraDay
  • Desire Network
  • Friends of South City Way
  • Local Understanding of Cycling Infrastructure
  • Quick, simple and Cheap
  • The Idaho Stop
  • Cyclist are People Too

More details on each projects can be found on the dedicated projects page on the GoBike website:

The projects will be managed through Trello and Slack, with joining details of these being sent out to each GoBike member shortly.  This enables all GoBike members to participate in all the projects they want to.

The next Call For Action event will take place in November, which will enable the current projects to report back and any new projects to be started.

Glasgow SEC – take care this weekend, and for some time on Waterloo Street!

For all motor enthusiasts the Ignition Festival takes place at the SEC this weekend and it will cause disruption to pedestrians and cyclists, but great excitement to car fans.

This walkway from Finnieston is not yet closed, but will be soon:

If approaching from the east, ie along the Broomielaw from the city centre, then there is a very informative sign for you:

The map might be displayed by Friday, who knows.  All this, apart from affecting your commute or leisure trip might impede access to the meeting point for the GoBike ride on Sunday.  If so, we will try to let people know but, if you do intend to come on the ride and can’t get to the meeting point, phone the contact point given on the Rides page on the website:

GoBike member, Andy Winter, posted on our Facebook group yesterday about the closure of a section of the West City Way on Waterloo Street, between Douglas Street and Pitt Street, with no alternative signed.  See:  If travelling east it means either using the footway on the south side of Waterloo Street, or cycling up Pitt Street to Bothwell Street.  If travelling west, the roadway may be used.  Flagship cycle route?  Hmm.

Ride with GoBike to the Falkirk Wheel and Clackmannanshire Bridge, Sunday 06 August


Sunday 6 August – Falkirk Wheel & Clackmannanshire Bridge
The route of this ride will take us through Cumbernauld and the Castlecary Arches to reach the Falkirk Wheel. After lunch we shall continue past the Kelpies to a new destination of Alloa, crossing the Clackmannanshire Bridge on the way, before returning to Glasgow by train.
Meet 10am Bell’s Bridge, Congress Road, Glasgow.
Ride on paths Ride on quiet roads Ride on canal towpaths Moderate hill climbing Train home from finish
Rated: Go Bike star rating Go Bike star rating
Go Bike star rating Go Bike star rating

If attending GoBike rides, please take a note of the GoBike phone number 07932 460093 to bring with you.  Note: please only use this phone number for our rides; it is not a general contact number.

Byres Road design events – your invitation!

One of our members has forwarded this invitation for us all:

Your invitation – please share!

Since the launch event on 23 February, we’ve been busy with technical surveys and initial design work for the redesign of Byres Road.

A series of public events will be taking place in August to share different options. Everybody is welcome – we need input from as many people as possible to guide us to the right solution.

Please come. And please share this invitation!

More information in the flyer and text below….

What’s this about? 

There’s a new Byres Road coming… funding of £9m has been allocated through the Glasgow City Region Deal to make Byres Road a great place to be. Work will start on the ground in late 2018.  We have until then to do the design work – with public input – and get the necessary consents in place.

How can I get involved?

During August 2017 there will be a series of design events where we’ll share different options to balance pedestrians, cyclists, buses and traffic — and to make Byres Road a better place for everybody.

This is everyone’s opportunity to reshape Byres Road as a world-class street for businesses, residents and visitors. Come and have your say.

Drop-in design days on 14-16 August are our big focus. Initial design options will be on display, with the design team there to hear your thoughts. This is your opportunity to shape the future of the street!

Monday 14 August 1pm-7pm Hillhead Library
Tuesday 15 August 1pm-7pm Hillhead Library
Wednesday 16 August 1pm-7pm Hillhead Library

Inclusive design workshop on Monday 7 August is specifically for disabled people, elderly people and those with long term health conditions. It will be held in an accessible West End venue on Monday 7 August.  Please book in advance via Glasgow Disability Alliance: or  0141 556 7103.

Business breakfast on Tuesday 15 August is for anybody who runs or works in a business on or near Byres Road. Drop in between 8am and 10am for a chat with the design team – we’ll be at The Hill, 94 Byres Road. Help shape the proposals so that they are good for business!

To find out more about the project….

Check out the exhibitions in Hillhead and Partick Libraries for more information. has lots of informative posts and debate.
Contact us direct at or 07900 334110.

Check out the conversations on our Facebook page

Cycle Campaign Workshop. 29th July, 1 day to go!

1 day to go!

We have a few more interesting project ideas ranging from engaging local communities, French traffic lights rules and how to investigate road accidents. Come to the workshop to find out more!

Eventbrite - GoBike Call For Action Campaigning Workshop

Lunch and tea breaks are provided, but a £5 donation will help cover costs.

Directions for parking and registrations on the day:

Between 10:30 and 11:00am we will have someone outside letting attendees on bicycles through the barriers at the road entrance of City Park, and round the back of the building to the underground carpark. There are bike racks and another helpful person will direct you upstairs to the registration desk on the ground floor.

If you are coming by car or by foot, car parking is next to the building at the front and you will find the registration desk straight on through the main door entrance on the ground floor. We will direct you to the workshop from there.

Yellow: Wheeled entrance. Red: Cars park here. Green: Bikes cycle to underground parking. Blue: Walk to Registration. (B) = Barriers (R) = Registration (P) = Bicycle parking (L) = Latecomer’s bicycle parking

Cycle Campaign Workshop. 29th July, 2 days to go!

2 days to go, nearly there!

Eventbrite - GoBike Call For Action Campaigning Workshop

Here are two more campaign ideas to think about:

#GlasgowCycleInfraDay2: A short concentrated twitter campaign to highlight the good and bad examples of cycling infrastructure in Glasgow. #GlasgowCycleInfraDay last ran in 2015 and we hope to repeat it’s success for the new GCC administration. Looking for people to help with scope, time, promotion, collation methods and of course participation.

Quick, Simple and Cheap: Get people cycling in Glasgow city centre by giving them ad hoc infrastructure to try-out. Real world, quick response cycle infrastructure built with simple, cheap segregation would soon show what the real demand was, highlight problems and justify a permanent solution; or could be easily be removed. This could dramatically speed up the present long winded process for establishing cycleways.

Directions for parking and registrations on the day:

Between 10:30 and 11:00am we will have someone outside letting attendees on bicycles through the barriers at the road entrance of City Park, and round the back of the building to the underground carpark. There are bike racks and another helpful person will direct you upstairs to the registration desk on the ground floor.

If you are coming by car or by foot, car parking is next to the building at the front and you will find the registration desk straight on through the main door entrance on the ground floor. We will direct you to the workshop from there.

Yellow: Wheeled entrance. Red: Cars park here. Green: Bikes cycle to underground parking. Blue: Walk to Registration. (B) = Barriers (R) = Registration (P) = Bicycle parking (L) = Latecomer’s bicycle parking

Cycle Campaign Workshop. 29th July, 3 days to go!

3 days to go! Don’t forget to book!

Eventbrite - GoBike Call For Action Campaigning Workshop

Lets showcase two potential campaigning projects:

Cycle Desire Network map: Using local knowledge and cycling data we can highlight the missing gaps and most important direct routes that need to be made safe for all. Using QGIS mapping software people can help contribute to a configurable digital map which can be shown to councillors and decision makers; this has been well revived in other cities. Having a laptop will be useful for using the open source software.

Friends of South City Way: With a new protected bike path from Queens Park to the city centre, we anticipate a bike lash. By setting-up Friends of South City Way the hope is to minimise misinformation and increase local support. Looking for people to be involved in setting-up a website, social media, organising local events and of course joining our campaign!

Cycle Campaign Workshop. 29th July, 4 days to go!

4 days to go!

We have some interesting 10 minute talks about what local campaigners have done recently in the Glasgow area.

  • 20mph – for a new default urban speed limit. Tricia Fort GoBike Convener
  • Pedal on Parliament in Glasgow. Lizzie Reather
  • Friends of the Bears Way. Euan Muir
  • Using cycling data. Bob Downie.

Some of the talks have a direct relevance to some proposed pitches, more about that soon!

Do sign up if you haven’t already.

Eventbrite - GoBike Call For Action Campaigning Workshop


Cycle Campaign Workshop 29th July, 5 days to go!

With 5 days to go before the Call to Action cycle campaign workshop this Saturday, we encourage every one to sign up!

Eventbrite - GoBike Call For Action Campaigning Workshop

We have received a number of project ideas that will be presented and discussed on the day, these include a cycle network mapping project, creating a campaign group for Victoria Road and #GlasgowCyclingInfraDay2

Each day this week we will be highlighting least one of the pitches to wet your appetite for the weekend

We also have some short talks about what GoBike has been doing recently, more on them soon!


  • Hosted in Dennistoun’s hi-tech City Park campus and featuring state-of-the-art facilities
  • 29th July  10:30 – 16:30 (BST)
  • Lunch provided*, with breaks for tea and coffee
  • If you have an idea you’ve not yet submitted, please do put it here.



* Donation to cover costs, do sign up; we’ll have a better estimate for feeding lots of hungry people!

Give your view, 20mph, Borders rail corridor, Air Quality and more …. Your view is important.

GoBike is a member of Transform Scotland, a body that campaigns for public and active travel and they have sent out this list of current consultations – all of which impinge on those of us who cycle.  If you haven’t already, then please do give your views on them all.

Consultation on default 20mph speed limit in urban areas
Deadline: 7 August, NOW EXTENDED TO 15 SEPTEMBER. Please tell all your friends, family, colleagues etc
Mark Ruskell MSP is proposing a Bill to be put forward in the Scottish Parliament to make 20mph the default speed limit in urban areas. There is now a consultation on this proposed Bill, which aims to gather the opinion of the public on a default 20mph speed limit. You can share your views by filling out this survey. To read about the benefits of 20mph limits, please see here.

Transport Scotland — Borders Transport Corridors Study survey
Deadline: 11 August
Transport Scotland are welcoming comments from members of the public and organisations on future transport developments in the Scottish Borders. Chief among the priorities for the Borders should be extending the Borders Railway beyond Tweedbank. We would also encourage people to call for support for bus services in the Borders; and better infrastructure for cycling on key routes in the Borders. Views can be submitted here.

ECCLR Committee — Consultation on Air Quality in Scotland
Deadline: 18 August
The Parliament’s Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform (ECCLR) Committee have launched a public consultation on air quality in Scotland. The Committee are keen to hear about a range of issues relating to air quality, more information on which can be found here. To see the consultation and respond, please visit the Committee’s consultation page.

Scottish Government — Consultation on the Air Departure Tax (ADT) Bill
Deadline: 15 September
The Scottish Government is proposing a 50% reduction in ADT by the end of the current session of the Scottish Parliament and also abolishing the tax in the future. The Government has launched two public consultations on ADT relating to the overall policy, and the environmental impact of the policy. To read the consultation and respond, see here. To read one of our recent briefings outlining our position on a cut to ADT, please see here.

Scottish Government — Consultation on the Climate Change Bill
Deadline: 22 September
The Scottish Government has launched a consultation on the new Climate Change Bill. Proposals include setting targets based on actual emissions, increasing the 2050 target to 90% emissions reduction, and making provisions for a net-zero greenhouse gas emissions target to be set. The Bill itself makes technical changes, but does not focus on specific policies — this leaves the risk of little action being taken to tackle transport emissions. To read and respond to the consultation, please see here. Stop Climate Chaos Scotland have also prepared a response that people can sign and send to the Scottish Government. To see this and add your name, see here.

For more information on these action alerts and others, see our website at  <>.”