Web Help Wanted!

GoBike are looking for a couple of people to join our team of Web Group volunteers, who keep our website ticking over.

Do you have web developer skills with WordPress experience, a few hours a month to give, and want to help? We’d love to hear from you! Please drop our co-convenors a line on convenor (at) gobike.org with a couple of sentences about your experience and what time you might have available to help.

Thanks team!

GoBike Ride to the North Ayrshire Coast – Sunday 1st July

Join us once again for our monthly bike ride this month to the sunny North Ayrshire Coast.

We will ride out through Paisley and along the NCN 7 path for lunch in Kilwinning. After lunch we will follow the North Ayrshire coast around Saltcoats, Ardrossan to Portencross, including using an award-winning level crossing. There will be options to return by train from Kilwinning, West Kilbride or Largs, and some adventurous riders may even continue over the hill back towards Glasgow. 50 miles to Largs, with options for returning by train from various stations before then. Continue reading “GoBike Ride to the North Ayrshire Coast – Sunday 1st July”

Consultation Digest Issue 12, the full version, 26 June 2018, Community Activity around Kelvinhall and proposed buildouts and speed cushions impeding cycling near Glasgow Green

We now have the first traffic regulation order for the proposals put forward by Yorkhill and Kelvingrove Community Council. This is a very pro-active community council, working hard to improve the area and keep residents informed (see 1.6). This is also your last chance to comment on the notorious Byres Road proposals, so please read on.

The unplanned preview on Sunday of this Digest gave you a taste of what was to come, but review and completion have introduced changes from item 1.3 onwards, so there’s more for you to read – and take action on. Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 12, the full version, 26 June 2018, Community Activity around Kelvinhall and proposed buildouts and speed cushions impeding cycling near Glasgow Green”

Byres Road Consultation Closing Soon

Hiya folks.

Just a reminder that the Byres Road public consultation closes on Wednesday 27th June. If you’ve not got your response in yet we would urge you to do so if you feel that properly segregated cycling is required in the plans. As a reminder, our response which you can use some of if you need is here.

The plans are online here, and the survey for responding to the consultation is here.

Thanks so much for your time and support on this.

Consultation Digest Issue 12, Community activity around Kelvinhall, proposed buildouts and speed cushions impeding cycling near Glasgow Green

We now have the first traffic regulation order for the proposals put forward by Yorkhill and Kelvingrove Community Council; this is a very pro-active community council, working hard to improve the area and keep residents informed, (see 1.5), and this is your last chance to comment on the notorious Byres Road proposals, so please read on. Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 12, Community activity around Kelvinhall, proposed buildouts and speed cushions impeding cycling near Glasgow Green”

Date for Diary: Call For Action 28th July

The second annual GoBike Call For Action day will be taking place on the 28th of July.

Last year’s event resulted in some amazing campaigns including the high profile #GlasgowCycleInfraDay17 and the creation of Friends of South City Way.

This year find out how you can get involved in a number of exciting campaigns and activities to promote cycling:

  • Our Byres Road Cycle Lanes Campaign
  • Space for People Byres Road
  • Consultation Responses
  • Friends of South City Way
  • #GlasgowCycleInfraDay2018
  • Pot Hole Golf
  • Friends of Bears Way
  • Councillor Tours

The event will take place from 13:30 to 16:30 on Saturday 28th July in Glasgow.

We will have an announcement soon on the venue, as well as the ability to book via Eventbrite but for now, stick 28th July in your diaries!

Councillor Bike Tours – your help please!

Our Councillor Bike Ward Tours have started up again for the summer and we are looking for help and local knowledge as we start to book in our tours. Last years tours were really successful and we were able to show many councillors the good and bad in the cycling infrastructure in their wards, from the perspective of two (or in some cases more!) wheels. You can read all about it here.

If you would like to lead a tour, or help by accompanying another lead member, we’d love to hear from you. If you have a spare few hours to give out on your bike and would like to help, please get in touch with us on our #councillor_tours_gcc slack channel or via email on convenor@gobike.org

Friday is Car Free Day for Braeside Street!

Roll up roll up join us one and all! Come and join us in reclaiming the street this Friday for a street festival, free from cars. We will be there with our parking bay parklet so come and say hi, but there will also be loads of other things going on too, from funny bikes and street games to skills tracks and even a velophonic orchestra! Bring your children, bring your bikes, and tell your friends!

Friday 22nd June 3-7pm Braeside Street, Maryhill