Consultation Digest Issue 18 – 16 September 2018 – The Everybody Wins Approach and Other Stories

Tricia, our incredible lead on consultations is away this month adventuring the world and reviewing actual zebras crossing, so this guest consultation digest comes to you from your consultations novice co-convenor, who continues to be amazed by the scale of Tricias task and how well she handles it. Normal and more capable service will resume in October! In the meantime we have some mostly positive consultations for you to get stuck into, and a win win suggestion we’ve made to the council on their standard traffic calming policy. Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 18 – 16 September 2018 – The Everybody Wins Approach and Other Stories”

Seville – Network Network Network!

GoBike co-convenor Iona has recently returned from a beautiful trip to sunny Seville – a city that has been crowned by some, as the fourth most bicycle friendly city in the world. And what she found was a cycle network, a not always perfect network, but a fully linked up, joined up and functional… network.

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Today is #GlasgowCycleInfraDay18

It’s Friday, it’s the 7th September and it’s…


So, when on your bike today, as part of your commute, group ride, or just popping down the street for some milk, take a photograph of that piece of infrastructure that you like, as well as one of that makes you curse every time you use it or pass it. Continue reading “Today is #GlasgowCycleInfraDay18”

Consultation Digest Issue 17, 04 September 2018, New Cycle Bridges, Re-design for Battlefield and lots more.

Stockingfield Bridge

We have lots of news, good and not so good, in this issue – a new bridge over the Black Cart in Renfrewshire, a possible new bridge over the canal at Stockingfield, good and not so good news from Clyde Place/Buchanan Wharf, 20mph confirmed for Calton Barras, proposals for new offences of causing death or serious injury while cycling and much, much  more, so please read on. Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 17, 04 September 2018, New Cycle Bridges, Re-design for Battlefield and lots more.”

GoBike Ride to Palacerigg Country Park and so much more! – Sunday 2nd September

Sunday 2 September – Palacerigg Country Park and so much more!

The route of this ride will take us out to Palacerigg Country Park via Hogganfield Park and Luggiebank on the edge of Cumbernauld. On the return journey, we will head south through Plains to use the new M8 motorway cycle path between Eurocentral and Baillieston, before heading into Glasgow potentially along London Road. There will also be some unsurfaced country paths along the way. Around 40 miles. Continue reading “GoBike Ride to Palacerigg Country Park and so much more! – Sunday 2nd September”

Consultation Extra: Glasgow Battlefield Re-design Event Tuesday 04 September

Further to last November’s public engagement event for proposed public realm works at Battlefield, we would like to make you aware of a drop-in launch event where you can meet the team, share your knowledge, and get more information on the project.

The community-led Street Design project in Battlefield will be held in Glasgow on Tuesday 4th September.  More information as follows: Continue reading “Consultation Extra: Glasgow Battlefield Re-design Event Tuesday 04 September”

GoBike Backs Cycling UK Call to End Road Traffic Injustice

GoBike are backing Cycling UK’s campaign to end road traffic injustice. This comes in light of a new review that the Westminster Government have recently put out on dangerous cycling laws, consulting on the need for the new offence of causing death by careless or serious cycling. GoBike agrees that this review desperately needs to be much wider and should include all road traffic offences, something that was promised four years ago but has yet to materialise. The incidence of death and injury by motor vehicles far outweighs any caused by cycling, and the rate of prosecution or licence revocation for these motoring offences remains seriously low.

There is more information on the Cycling UK campaign here and if you would also like to add your backing, you can do that by following this link and adding your name to the call.