Blog: An infrastructure emergency: implementing temporary cycle facilities during lockdown

One of our committee members Ali McCay, has written a new post for the Urban Big Data Centre. This sets out clearly how we can go about creating temporary cycle facilities during lockdown, and outlines exactly why there is an urgent need for creating spaces for people to walk cycle and wheel during the Covid-19 crisis.

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#Spacefordistancing Has Just Got Real

GoBike welcomes Glasgow City Council’s announcement that they are going to be making improvements to enable people walking, wheeling and cycling to keep at a safe distance in the city.

The creation of temporary cycle lanes has been rolled out by many cities over the world, in response to Covid-19. It is heartening to see that Scotland’s main cities are following suit.

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Consultation Digest Issue 59, 28 April 2020: Social Distancing; we all want to keep to the guidelines, but it’s tricky.

We have no new public consultations for you but we do bring news of an important event for Community Councillors and community groups this Thursday, 30 April, see Item 2.1. We also continue our look forward to better days with more and more people cycling – even with the restrictions of social distancing. We report on the Pedal on Parliament #SpaceForDistancing campaign for short-term increases in space for cycling (and walking) but we also need to look past the short term to get more cycling space, thus inducing more cycle traffic.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 59, 28 April 2020: Social Distancing; we all want to keep to the guidelines, but it’s tricky.”

Consultation Digest Issue 58, 14 April 2020: Consultations almost as rare as hens’ teeth.

Just one new consultation for you this fortnight, but it’s a fun one to respond to online; it will amuse you, encourage you and perhaps even enrage you! Do delve into Item 1.1, and then read on for our other news.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 58, 14 April 2020: Consultations almost as rare as hens’ teeth.”

GoBike Calls calls for Maintaining Outdoor Exercise in Scotland

GoBike has sent a letter to the First Minister calling for the Scottish Government to take a pragmatic approach to outdoor exercise in Scotland. The tone emanating from Westminster has caused us some concern. We believe that even if the United Kingdom Government, as part of their Covid-19 measures, ban outdoor exercise in England, this should not be adopted in Scotland at this time.

Our letter can be read below:

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Breaking the Cycle

Hello everyone, some of you may know my name from Twitter or have seen one of my videos (sorry for the swearing), but even if you have or haven’t, my name is Thomas and I am the newly elected Co-Convenor for the GoBike group.

I thought it would be a good time to introduce myself via my first blog post on GoBike website to let you all know a little bit about me and how I got here!

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** UPDATED ** Cycling services still open for business


Cycling for transport and exercise is currently one of the essential things getting us through the Covid-19 crisis and GoBike are really grateful to the people out there helping to keep cycling going in Glasgow and beyond. The government have listed cycle shops as an essential service, and so we wanted to highlight the businesses still up and running, many of whom are offering discounts to our hero key workers, should you need a bike or essential repairs. 

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Consultation Digest Issue 57, 31 March 2020: Cycling on quiet streets – time to see where the cycle lanes should be!

Automatic responses from Glasgow City Council on the submission of consultations tell us: “Please note that normal office processes and procedures have been impacted by the developing Covid-19 situation.” Thus, while we have information for you today, it is reducing quickly.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 57, 31 March 2020: Cycling on quiet streets – time to see where the cycle lanes should be!”

GoBike Cycle Rides Suspended

We regret to announce that in line with Cycling UK guidance, we have taken the decision to suspend our monthly GoBike rides until further notice.

Current advice does outline that while group rides are not advised, cycling individually is safe. In an open letter sent out on Tuesday to the UK Government, 16 leading academics have outline why “Walking and cycling can be compatible with social distancing if people are responsible.” The World Health Organisation have also given it a green light.

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