Consultation Digest (National) Issue 1, 13 November 2020: A few days left to respond to the Infrastructure Investment Plan

Welcome to the first Go Bike National Consultation Digest, written by Jim Densham, a monthly round up of current and forthcoming consultations from Scotland and the UK. Because of Covid there was a big pause in usual government work over the spring and summer, but since September there has been a flurry of consultations. This is likely to continue into the new year as the SNP government tries to get as much work done as possible before parliament is dissolved in late March and campaigning properly kicks off for the Holyrood 2021 elections.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest (National) Issue 1, 13 November 2020: A few days left to respond to the Infrastructure Investment Plan”


Have you got a couple of hours free every month? Would you like to make Greater Glasgow a nicer place to cycle around? If so we need you! GoBike is a volunteer organisation; none of us is paid, we get no public funding and any money we have comes from you, our members. We do what we do because we believe life will be better if we have better cycling infrastructure. Do please read on to see just how you, yes you, could help.


2020 Gobike AGM : Guest Speaker and Agenda

This year we are extremely pleased that Sarah Berry (@SarahJ_Berry), who is the co-chair Lambeth Living Streets and Car Dependency Campaigner, will be our Guest Speaker at the Gobike 2020 Public Meeting and AGM. Sarah will provide an insight to the campaign for everyday walking in Lambeth.


19:00 Welcome Opening of AGM

– Co-convenors welcome, apologies, quorum

– Approval of 2019 minutes

19:05 Treasurer’s report

19:15 The Co-convenors review of the year

19:45 Nomination to the Committee

19:50 Close AGM

19:50 Guest Speaker: Sarah Berry

20:30 Q&A

21:00 GoBike Public Meeting 2020 Closes

As with all things Covid our Public Meeting and AGM will be an online affair. To enable us to manage this feat we need everyone who is attending to register via Eventbrite. Please click on the link below and get your ticket.

Click to book your place at the 2020 AGM

For all those with tickets, a link and instructions on how to join the Public Meeting and AGM will be sent out shortly after.

Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 73, 10 November 2020: Good news on a protected junction survey and sad news for Pollok Park

Protected junction, Victoria Rd

The Digests are changing! Hopefully, you saw the recent post by Jim Densham, who will now be writing a monthly article about national (Scotland and UK) consultations. These Digests, still to be fortnightly, will concentrate on issues from the Local Authorities where we have members.
If you don’t get our blogs direct to your email inbox you can subscribe on the GoBike website home page, joining over 4,000 others who already do so.

Reminder: GoBike AGM online: 19th November 2020 (Pedal on Parliament AGM: 17th Nov).

Continue reading “Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 73, 10 November 2020: Good news on a protected junction survey and sad news for Pollok Park”

GoBike’s new national consultation digest and a guide to the Road Safety Framework

Hi, my name is Jim Densham – I’m a Go Bike member but in my day job I am Campaigns and Policy Manager in Scotland for Cycling UK (CUK). I lead CUK’s campaigns work in Scotland but also our policy influencing, which is mainly focussed on influencing national policies and responding to consultations.

Continue reading “GoBike’s new national consultation digest and a guide to the Road Safety Framework”

Consultation Digest Issue 72, 27 October 2020: bike storage – do get your views in to the Scottish Government!

Secure bike store at Alexandra Park Cycle Hub

Another selection of items for you, but please do respond to the OnBikes survey and, if you are a tenement resident, let’s get some bike storage, see Item 1.5. Also, don’t forget the language survey in 1.4. Lots to keep you busy but do read on for even more.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 72, 27 October 2020: bike storage – do get your views in to the Scottish Government!”

Go Bike AGM and Public Meeting 2020

The GoBike Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday the 19th November 2020 from 19:00. It will be followed by our annual public meeting and end around 21:00.

As with most events this year, we will have to undertake this remotely. To help us ensure that the technology is able to cope, we will be requiring people to register via Eventbrite. A further notification will come out shortly with the Eventbright link and details on our guest speaker.

We hope as many of our members and friends can attend, it has certainly been a quite strange year. However, one that has brought significantly more cycling friendly infrastructure to our roads than we would have imagined at the AGM last year.

North East City Ways needs YOU!

Our friends at St. Paul’s Youth Forum and On Bikes have been successful in gaining a grant from Sustrans to develop their proposals to drastically improve walking, wheeling and cycling infrastructure in the north east of Glasgow. This is brilliant news, but to make it happen, they need your views. In order to progress to the next stage it is important that they gather as much data from everyone that uses the North East – living, working or playing – to find out what the barriers are and what everyone thinks is needed.

Continue reading “North East City Ways needs YOU!”

Consultation Digest Issue 71, 13 October 2020: How do we talk about cycling and where do we store our bikes?

The language we use can be critical, as we know from so many spheres of our lives, so do please look at the journalism survey in Item 1.6.
Where can you store your bike if you live in a tenement etc? See the consultation on development in Item 1.7.
Plus we have important updates of speed cushions – confirmation of 8 more areas to be given this treatment, as well as less predictable issues, so do please read on.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 71, 13 October 2020: How do we talk about cycling and where do we store our bikes?”

InfraDay is back for 2020!

Our annual Cycling Infra Day is on Friday the 16th of October. We ask you to look in your local area or regular cycle route and photograph examples of infrastructure which are great, not so good, or what definitely needs improvement. 

It’s fair to say 2020 has been a tough but interesting year for cycling. We want to have a look back at our how our infrastructure has changed over the past year, and also see how the new pop-ups under the Spaces For People funding are working out for the people using them.

Continue reading “InfraDay is back for 2020!”