GoBike Scottish Holyrood 2021 Election Hustings

For the 2021 Scottish Parliament elections our traditional hustings will take place online on Monday the 12th April from 7pm. Representatives of the various political parties will present their policies for improving provision for wheeling, walking and cycling in Scotland, they will answer our questions and yours, and there will also be an opportunity for them to debate the relevant issues for active travel.

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A cycling legend: An 80 mile bike ride for an 80th birthday.

Peter Hayman, who has long been an active and effective GoBike campaigner, is a true cycling legend. Today, the 28th of March, he turns 80, and to celebrate his birthday, he is planning a hefty 80 mile cycle ride. For this adventure (and Peter is no stranger to adventures), he hopes to cycle to the coast via his previous homes in the West of Scotland and through the home town of his adopted football club, Kilmarnock FC, before returning to Glasgow.

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Tales told by Tactiles

GoBike committee member, Brenda, has turned her attention to the theory and practice of tactiles; you might remember that, just over a year ago, she gave us the conundrums of contraflow cycling? Now you can read, and learn, about tactiles.

Tactiles – those patterned square slabs set into pavements and paths – are there to give messages to people with visual impairments. Different patterns, different messages. Some of them carry messages about cycle infrastructure. Glasgow is using these incorrectly so often that using them at all is a waste of money. Read on to find out how and why.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 82, 16 March 2021

A rush of closing consultations from inside and outside the city.

In this Digest there’s a mix of consultations from Glasgow and from all directions outside the city. Most are over before late March, which will mark six weeks until the Scottish Parliament election. This is the Public Sector’s ‘purdah’ pre-election period when projects tend to avoid new announcements (which could get caught up in electioneering).

That may be why there’s been a flurry of news about the next lot of Glasgow’s Spaces for People projects – including Howard St, Cambridge St and Royston Rd. GoBike first heard about these at the revived Glasgow Active Travel Forum, which met for the first time online earlier this month (previous meeting was Sept 2019!).

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Consultation Digest (National) Issue 5, 12 March 2021: Transport projects for a low-carbon Scotland

There must be an election coming! One of the signs is the reduction in the number of new consultations from the Scottish Government as it wraps up its work programme for this current Parliament. However, before Parliament dissolves and Government goes into purdah there is a petition to sign asking parties to support cycling, and the Strategic Transport Project Review consultation to respond to.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 81, 2 March 2021

St Andrews Drive, Glasgow

New consultations from the Southside and elsewhere in the city, plus more from North Lanarkshire.

In this Digest there are consultations for a few parts of the Southside and traffic orders for a few City Ways. Also, surveys and events on traffic and town hubs in North Lanarkshire.

If you’re in the city, see Andy’s three infrastructure routes around Glasgow to take in Spaces for People infrastructure. Part of the Southern route includes the SfP ‘pop-up’ bike lane on Dumbreck Road, which was recently removed “by mistake” but then reinstated.

Andy has also started to inform GoBike about closures and diversions; if you hear of any please do let us know.

Looking further ahead towards spring, and an election, Pedal on Parliament have news about their events in April.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 80, 16 February 2021

GRI, Castle St, night

Events and updates from the city and future plans for North Lanarkshire.

In this Digest there are consultation events for areas either side of the M8. There’s a return to pre-pandemic plans for a few City Ways. Also, adding paths and removing the precinct in Motherwell.

If you’re in the city, see Andy’s three infrastructure routes around Glasgow to take in Spaces for People infrastructure. He’s also started to inform GoBike about closures and diversions; if you hear of any please do let us know.

Looking further ahead towards spring, and an election, Pedal on Parliament have news about their events in April.

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Consultation Digest (National) Issue 4, 12 February 2021: Transport projects going green

For me, lockdown 2.0 has seen the return of home schooling and child care, and a need for brutal prioritisation of my time. As a result, whilst this digest includes lots of consultations for you to dig into I haven’t been able to provide much of a guide to each this month. Apologies for that.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 79, 2 February 2021

Sign showing NCNs 74/75 at N British Rd, Uddingston

Quick trips to the seaside, countryside and updates from around the city.

In this Digest there are two projects by housing associations to improve active travel connections. The South Lanarkshire, (Y)our Districts and Woodside consultations are each from a wider ongoing series of events but could play a big part in shaping the areas they cover. Lastly there’s a follow-up about East Renfrewshire and a few newsletters.

If you’re in the city, see Andy’s three infrastructure routes around Glasgow to take in new Spaces for People infrastructure. He’s also started to inform GoBike about closures and diversions; if you hear of any please do let us know.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 78, 19 January 2021

'Soft' segregated cycle lane, Fenwick Rd, Giffnock

We approach Burns Night with some news from Rabbie’s home county, a few other shires and the city.

This Digest is within a week of Burns Night so it’s fitting that we have some news from Ayrshire. A few consultations have come in from East Renfrewshire and South Lanarkshire. Also, a last chance to comment on plans for North Glasgow. So, is 2021 starting to pick up slightly? As Burns said: “Hope springs exulting on triumphant wing.

Since there have been a few breaks in the weather maybe there will be more chances to try some of Andy’s three infrastructure routes around Glasgow.

There’s still time to sign the petition for segregated cycle lanes at the Kelvin Way-University Avenue junction (until 28 January).

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