Junctions: the bad, the downright dangerous – and the good.

What’s wrong with the header photo for this blog or the picture below? It’s of a Glasgow City Council advert on the side of a bus, photographed at Anniesland Cross by GoBike member Euan. To be exact, what’s wrong with it apart from the instant-gut response it provokes that cycling must be incredibly dangerous? Read on for an analysis of junction design, and just what it is about them that attracts injuries, by GoBike committee member, Brenda.

Continue reading “Junctions: the bad, the downright dangerous – and the good.”

Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 85, 27 April 2021

A few consultations from the shires and feedback from Glasgow.

This is the third Digest during the quieter pre-election period. If you want to know what some of the candidates had to say about cycling, you can watch a video of GoBike’s Hustings event. You can also see Pedal on Parliament getting their message across.

This Digest has news about Ayrshire, Lanarkshire and Dunbartonshire. There’s also some feedback about developments in Glasgow.

Since COVID-19 restrictions are easing, the usual editor is away and the previous editor is filling in. So, there are no links to jump to the topics this time (knowledge update required!). However, things are still a bit quiet so it shouldn’t take long to scroll through.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 84, 13 April 2021

Maryhill TRA – Sandbank St visual

A handful of consultations and the latest on Spaces for People.

This is the second Digest during the pre-election period so things are still a bit quiet. This Digest is mostly about Glasgow with a wee bit from North Ayrshire and East Dunbartonshire.

Again, this Digest features an update about recent infrastructure developments. This time focusing on Glasgow’s latest Spaces for People measures (following on from Howard St last time). A few new lanes are going in Pollok and some in the north east of the city. The city centre has some new planter boxes and should get another new lane (eventually).

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Holyrood 2021 Hustings (tonight!): Scottish National Party candidate – Kaukab Stewart

The Gobike Holyrood 2021 Hustings take place this evening from 7pm. You still have time to register to attend, it is open to all with an interest in active travel.

Due to the suspension of campaigning we postponed the publication of our candidate blogs and party statements over the weekend. Our final post(*) is from the Scottish National Party, which will be represented at the hustings by Kaukab Stewart. We have also been provided with a statement from Michael Matheson, the SNP Transport Secretary on active travel.

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Holyrood 2021 Hustings: Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party candidate Graham Simpson

Over our next few blogs, the candidates for each party attending our GoBike Hustings, will be providing a brief statement on their Active Travel commitments/policies for the next parliamentary term. The first statement we’ve had in is from the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Candidate Graham Simpson.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 83, 30 March 2021

Strathclyde Park Spine Road gates

A little less consultation – a little more action? Sort of…

As predicted in the last Digest, there aren’t so many consultations due to the pre-election period. This Digest is split between Glasgow and a few items each from East Dunbartonshire and Lanarkshire.

However, there are often more developments on the ground around the city in March, to complete works before the Public Sector’s end of Financial Year. Many of us might be restricted to our own council area right now. So, it can help to see that progress is happening somewhere, as it may not feel like it at times. That’s why this Digest features an Infrastructure Update to bring you up to speed.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 83, 30 March 2021”