Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 101, 9 December 2021

Argyle St west plan (Central station)

Intro 101 or Room 101?

The number 101 can mean an introductory course in a US college. Alternatively, it could be a torture chamber of your worst nightmares in the book Nineteen Eighty-Four. The Digest covers both bases with some horribly complicated plans to try to explain in simple terms.

If only this didn’t apply to any of the latest plans from Glasgow’s Avenues Project. While safer routes are welcome, issues with side streets don’t seem to have improved since Sauchiehall St. The lanes on Argyle St west (Central Station end, shown above) seem to be based on a retro movie poster.

Elsewhere, the south-west of Glasgow has the most consultations in this issue (there’s no prize, by the way).

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Thank you Tricia Fort!

Tonight at our AGM Tricia Fort, who has been instrumental for many many years to the GoBike campaign, stood down from her role on our committee. She has been a key component to GoBike, leading the campaign for many years, as well as fighting hard in keeping up our consultations aspect of the campaign. Tonight, she echoed her calls to other campaigners to step up and get more involved – and what better inspiration for us than Tricia’s footsteps. We will miss her dearly but knowing Tricia, we are sure that she is going to continue to give up her free time for many years to come to make Glasgow and in fact our world a better place.

Messages of thanks to Tricia have flooded in and so we wanted to share some of them here.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 100, 25 November 2021

SEC Arrival Hall plans and sections

Ton up!

The one hundredth issue of the Digest is perhaps a moment to reflect on what’s happened in the past nearly four years. While things could always be better, there is more cycling infrastructure in place now than there was then. Projects like Spaces for People, Connecting Woodside or the East Kilbride Active Travel Network have gone in the ground (even if the rest of the South City Way hasn’t).

Around three quarters of those issues were written by the previous editor, Tricia Fort, who deserves a lot of credit for establishing the Digest (especially as it used to cover national issues too). Digest 1 in January 2018 mentioned work starting on the Sauchiehall St Avenue, just as events are due for the next phase along the precinct…

Forthcoming consultations:

Glasgow Avenues consultation events:

Provisional plans seen by GoBike didn’t match current standards in the updated Cycling by Design guidelines. Please attend if you can to speak up for better quality cycle lanes.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 99, 11 November 2021

Polar bear cycling in George Square

A bear on a bike in the Square.

The route of the March for Climate Justice on Saturday 6 November started on Kelvin Way and passed more Spaces for People measures in George Square. An order has come out to help make the temporary Spaces for People measures around the square permanent.

The march couldn’t get anywhere near the COP26 venue at the SEC. It has just lodged a planning application for its sometimes public cycle/footbridge. Looking further to the future, this Digest also includes two long term strategies for Glasgow and another for South Ayrshire.

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Consultation Digest (National) Issue 8, 29 October 2021: The one before COP26

There are no official consultations of relevance at present so this digest is different to usual. Instead this month there’s information on how you can raise your voice for the climate and cycling during COP26, and a look at the new Cycling by Design guidance.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 98, 28 October 2021

Entrance to Cadogan Sq car park with bike parking highlighted in background

Locked in discussion?

Cycle parking is one of the topics in this Digest – the bike park inside Cadogan Square multi-storey car park (pictured, above) says something about the state of current facilities. Also, it contrasts with some of the points in Glasgow’s latest consultations; including about where cycling really sits in the transport hierarchy.

As shared paths are blocked around that big climate conference, there are question marks about whether the message on sustainable transport will get through. Drafts of two major strategies could set the tone for Glasgow in the next decade – both the Active Travel Strategy and Transport Strategy just happen to be out for consultation during COP26.

There are seven consultations for neighbouring areas but Glasgow will be hogging the headlines for the next few weeks. GoBike is running a ‘feeder ride’ from Lanarkshire in to the main climate demo on Sat 6 November. See other rides from around the city and beyond on Pedal on Parliament’s COP26 feeder rides page.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 97, 14 October 2021

Tarbet Inverarnan A82 shared path

Ta-ra to Tuesdays.

The cut-down Digest will continue on Thursdays.

There is obviously quite a lot happening around Glasgow just now as well as a few consultations each for East Dunbartonshire, East Renfrewshire and Argyll & Bute.

Forthcoming consultations:

Glasgow Transport Strategy: Policy Framework – following on from previous consultations last year.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 96, 30 September 2021

Section of Queen Margaret Drive map

Less wordy on a Thursday.

The cut-down Digest continues in its new Thursday slot. Also, contents links have been reinstated.

Forthcoming consultations:

  • Two Liveable Neighbourhood pilots have started with two to follow – Dennistoun to Cranhill and Greater Govan to Kingston.
  • Glasgow’s draft Active Travel Strategy goes to council committee next week with consultation to follow.
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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 95, 16 September 2021

sections on Helensburgh to Garelochhead active travel route

Easier to Digest?

You’ll notice some changes to this Digest to make it quicker to read (and for your author to produce). This has been dictated by circumstances (lack of holiday cover). However, it will act as a pilot and some aspects may be retained longer term. 

This slimmed down version of the Digest is based loosely on a ‘listings’ directory and removes the (usually empty) ‘Forthcoming consultations’ section. In future, if anything is forthcoming it will be mentioned in this intro, as follows.

Forthcoming consultations: Liveable Neighbourhoods pilot areas  – consultation expected within the next month or so. 

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 94, 31 August 2021

Glasgow LEZ sign

Consultations baton change.

As the 2020 Paralympics take place in Tokyo, how is Glasgow looking towards its own global event: COP26? Currently, the city council has a new, short notice consultation about suspending public access rights. You may have seen GoBike banners on the subject or media coverage of support from Scotland’s new Active Travel minister – Green MSP, Patrick Harvie. It’s also a last call for the survey on Glasgow’s Low Emission Zone.

It’s a final fling for a handful of consultations around Glasgow (and one in Renfrewshire). There’s a bit longer for a few others – a new survey on secure cycle parking in the city centre and the last leg of East Dunbartonshire’s Active Travel Discussion.

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