Consultation Digest Issue 47, 12 November 2019: Good News and Bad News from Glasgow City Council

Glasgow City Council have now placed GoBike on the Stage One List of Statutory Consultees. This means that we are provided with details of proposals that the City Council is considering for a future Traffic Regulation Order, but, if the reaction at this first stage is not supportive the Council might not proceed with it.
This is very good news for GoBike but if does mean that we have to review our ways of working. We are not allowed to publicise the proposals until they proceed to the formal TRO stage and we are now working on a process for effective Stage One review.

So that is the good news from Glasgow City Council and the bad news is contained within Item 3.1, a Parking and One-Way Street issue, but do read on for our list of contents and the wide range of issues that we bring to you in this issue:

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Consultation Extra, Byres Road, Glasgow, not 1, not 2, but 3 Traffic Regulation Orders

Yes, we had been told to expect the public consultation to restart in November so we busy volunteers were a little surprised when these 3 emails dropped into our inbox on 28 October! Read on for the full details.

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Consultation Digest Issue 46, 29 October 2019: Queen Margaret Drive and Automated Vehicles are back, plus lots more.

There’s news from Dundee, East Dunbartonshire, North Lanarkshire and South Lanarkshire as well as items from Glasgow, including a Glasgow University public meeting, covering University Avenue and a failure to acknowledge a dimension error, if you get to the very last item, in this wide-ranging mix of cycling interest. Do read on.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 46, 29 October 2019: Queen Margaret Drive and Automated Vehicles are back, plus lots more.”

Consultation Digest Issue 45, 15 October 2019: Commuter parking, Byres Road delay, speed cameras and a GoBike member’s petition feature in this issue.

Commuter parking continues to be of concern, not just in leafy Hillhead but in Dalmarnock. We feature a petition to keep NCN 75 through Glasgow Green open during events – it needs your signature – plus a conversation about George Square, and, in feedback, we learn how speed cameras may not be installed by local authorities alone. Do please read on.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 45, 15 October 2019: Commuter parking, Byres Road delay, speed cameras and a GoBike member’s petition feature in this issue.”

Consultation Extra: Active Travel for Everyone event in Edinburgh, 19 October

In Digest 43, Item 2.1, we told you about a forthcoming conference to discuss and progress active travel issues for all. It is to be held in Edinburgh on 19 October and here are the details and the booking link from the Walk, Cycle, Vote organisers:

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Consultation Digest Issue 44, 24 September 2019: Speed cushions combined with traffic islands, car-free school gates and evidence that contraflow cycling is not the danger that some people tell us.

Would you believe it – Glasgow City Council are proposing an arrangement of speed cushions and traffic islands to daunt even the most foolhardy of us, but local residents in Hogganfield are looking for car-free school gates and we counter, again, anti-contraflow cycling moves. Read on for all the details:

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 44, 24 September 2019: Speed cushions combined with traffic islands, car-free school gates and evidence that contraflow cycling is not the danger that some people tell us.”

Consultation Digest Issue 43, 17 September 2019: Even more traffic calming proposed and East Dunbartonshire aim to take the lead in banning school drop-offs

We are quite definitely in the traffic calming season, but we also have news of the current Pollok Park consultation and the good news that Scotland’s Active Nation Commissioner has expressed support for our opposition to plans for University Avenue – but in news just in, Glasgow City Council maintain their view that there is no space for cycle lanes! Do read on for even more:

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 43, 17 September 2019: Even more traffic calming proposed and East Dunbartonshire aim to take the lead in banning school drop-offs”

Consultation Digest Issue 42, 03 September 2019: We take the hump, in a tale of two cities

Two cities? That’s Glasgow where we have on one side the positivity of the Avenues, the Development Regeneration Frameworks and advance news of the latest developments for Byres Road, while in residential areas we have a more outdated and reactive response to speeding traffic and the storage of private cars. There are currently four new proposals for traffic calming using the only method the City Council appears to know, ie speed cushions and we have the Council’s defence of proposals for the storage of private vehicles on our public roads all militating against active travel. Do read on for the detail of these and lots, lots more in this bumper edition.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 42, 03 September 2019: We take the hump, in a tale of two cities”

Clyde Place Glasgow: the transformation from 3-lane road to public realm moves on but it does mean changes for the South West City Way, from MONDAY 02 SEPTEMBER.

Just in this afternoon from our contact at the Barclays site on Buchanan Wharf:

“I wanted to make you aware of some works that will commence on Monday 2nd September which will affect the cycleway on Clyde Place. As you know, Clyde Place is being Stopped Up and will be replaced by Public Realm. The permanent Stopping Up Order comes into effect on 1st October 2019. The cycleway on Clyde Place needs to be temporarily diverted onto the Riverside Public Realm area to the north in order to facilitate works on Clyde Place.

The contractor plans to implement the diversion from Monday 2nd September to allow for some advanced works to occur ahead of the Clyde Place Stopping Up Order permanently coming into effect in October.

Continue reading “Clyde Place Glasgow: the transformation from 3-lane road to public realm moves on but it does mean changes for the South West City Way, from MONDAY 02 SEPTEMBER.”

Consultation Digest Issue 41, 20 August 2019: Promising news from East Renfrewshire and a Glasgow Avenues update.

There is lots more in this Digest, with quite a bit of feedback again, including news from ScotRail and a reply to our objection to the painted cycle lanes proposed for University Avenue,

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 41, 20 August 2019: Promising news from East Renfrewshire and a Glasgow Avenues update.”