Consultation Digest (National) Issue 3, 8 January 2021: Scottish Government sets target to get people out of their cars.

Happy New Year to you all. I hope you all had a relaxing festive period. I’ve been well and truly thrown back into work this week reading and digesting the Scottish Government’s Climate Change Plan update. It feels like the policy equivalent of Christmas dinner. Unfortunately, there’s not time for a snooze in front of the TV – the Parliamentary Committee scrutinising the transport policy section needs comments by Tuesday 12 January.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 77, 5 January 2021

Science Centre proposal graphic

Happy New Year for 2021. Some long term consultations and a planning application for Pacific Quay.

Not many new consultations to start the year. However, it’s a last chance to comment on some existing consultations and a planning application at the Science Centre/BBC has some feedback.

The weather hasn’t helped but have you been able to try any of Andy’s three infrastructure routes around Glasgow?

There’s still time to sign the petition for segregated cycle lanes at the Kelvin Way-University Avenue junction (until 28 January). It’s near Hillhead Primary School, with its School Street…

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 76, 22 December 2020

Visualisation of Spaces for People measures on Armadale St

Mostly long term consultations except for a sudden Spaces for People scheme in Dennistoun.

Our blog post called it a ‘Low-ish Traffic Neighbourhood’. Does it qualify as an LTN? It’s included in one of Andy’s three infrastructure routes so you may get the chance to see for yourself if you’re in Glasgow.

There’s also a recent petition for segregated cycle lanes at the Kelvin Way-University Avenue junction (open for signing until 28 January). It’s near Hillhead Primary School, which also features for its School Street…

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Consultation Digest (National) Issue 2, 11 December 2020: Will the Climate Change Plan be the perfect Christmas gift?

Welcome to the second national consultation digest, December’s round up of current and forthcoming consultations from Scotland and the UK, written by me, Jim Densham. Like me, I’m sure you are looking forward to winding down for Christmas and not thinking about consultation responses over the festive period. However, there’s still a few consultations out there needing our attention and an important one coming next week.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest (National) Issue 2, 11 December 2020: Will the Climate Change Plan be the perfect Christmas gift?”

Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 74, 24 November 2020

map of districts in north of Glasgow city centre

Shaping the north of the city plus your reactions to roadworks and more speed cushions.

It’s like buses – wait for ages for a consultation about the north of the city then loads come along at once. In this case, workshops for a few northern city centre ‘districts’, a future consultation about the uni/college campuses around Cathedral St and a strategic document about North Glasgow.

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Consultation Digest (National) Issue 1, 13 November 2020: A few days left to respond to the Infrastructure Investment Plan

Welcome to the first Go Bike National Consultation Digest, written by Jim Densham, a monthly round up of current and forthcoming consultations from Scotland and the UK. Because of Covid there was a big pause in usual government work over the spring and summer, but since September there has been a flurry of consultations. This is likely to continue into the new year as the SNP government tries to get as much work done as possible before parliament is dissolved in late March and campaigning properly kicks off for the Holyrood 2021 elections.

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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 73, 10 November 2020: Good news on a protected junction survey and sad news for Pollok Park

Protected junction, Victoria Rd

The Digests are changing! Hopefully, you saw the recent post by Jim Densham, who will now be writing a monthly article about national (Scotland and UK) consultations. These Digests, still to be fortnightly, will concentrate on issues from the Local Authorities where we have members.
If you don’t get our blogs direct to your email inbox you can subscribe on the GoBike website home page, joining over 4,000 others who already do so.

Reminder: GoBike AGM online: 19th November 2020 (Pedal on Parliament AGM: 17th Nov).

Continue reading “Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 73, 10 November 2020: Good news on a protected junction survey and sad news for Pollok Park”

GoBike’s new national consultation digest and a guide to the Road Safety Framework

Hi, my name is Jim Densham – I’m a Go Bike member but in my day job I am Campaigns and Policy Manager in Scotland for Cycling UK (CUK). I lead CUK’s campaigns work in Scotland but also our policy influencing, which is mainly focussed on influencing national policies and responding to consultations.

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Consultation Digest Issue 72, 27 October 2020: bike storage – do get your views in to the Scottish Government!

Secure bike store at Alexandra Park Cycle Hub

Another selection of items for you, but please do respond to the OnBikes survey and, if you are a tenement resident, let’s get some bike storage, see Item 1.5. Also, don’t forget the language survey in 1.4. Lots to keep you busy but do read on for even more.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 72, 27 October 2020: bike storage – do get your views in to the Scottish Government!”