Consultation Extra, Update 2 to Digest 56, 17 March 2020, South Lanarkshire Active Travel Events today and tomorrow, CANCELLED.

GoBike member, Jimmy, in South Lanarkshire, has forwarded this email notifying cancellation/postponement of events planned for today and tomorrow.

Continue reading “Consultation Extra, Update 2 to Digest 56, 17 March 2020, South Lanarkshire Active Travel Events today and tomorrow, CANCELLED.”

Consultation Extra, Update to Digest 56, 17 March 2020, North Lanarkshire CANCELS East Airdrie Link Road events for today, Thursday and Saturday

Just 15 minutes after today’s Digest was published – in time to make you aware of events in North Lanarkshire, this message came in:

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Consultation Digest Issue 56, 17 March 2020: Glasgow moves to reduce motor traffic in George Square

Yes, positive moves from Glasgow with private motor vehicles to be banned for 12 hours per day from George Square, and what we hope is the start of a trend: the appearance of contraflow cycling in Hutchesontown. We also report active travel workshops and surveys in South Lanarkshire, but we aren’t sure if North Lanarkshire have caught up with the Climate Emergency yet as a new road is proposed – oh dear.

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Consultation Digest Issue 55, 03 March 2020: GoBike asks for your views – and your money – plus much, much more.

Glasgow is now consulting on phase 2 of its Low Emission Zone, plus we have news on parking restrictions, a wee step forward on cycling permeability, and cycle lanes being built. Read on for much, much more.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 55, 03 March 2020: GoBike asks for your views – and your money – plus much, much more.”

Consultation Digest Issue 54, 18 February 2020: An event today for Battlefield, one tomorrow for Yorkhill & Kelvingrove, and yet more on “traffic calming”.

This is, primarily, the feedback issue, with 16 updates on items that have been covered before. These include 10 consultation submissions: 4 for Traffic Calming (speed cushions proposed for all), 3 for Byres Road, 1 for proposed one-way with no contraflow (but see our final item for what we hope is a change for the better) 1 for Car Club Electric Vehicle Charging Points (the location of which cause some concern, but we include a different approach from North Lanarkshire) and 1 high-level District Regeneration Framework – thanks to all the people who contributed to the letters submitted, but do please read on for the detail and stushies at 2 big football clubs.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 54, 18 February 2020: An event today for Battlefield, one tomorrow for Yorkhill & Kelvingrove, and yet more on “traffic calming”.”

Consultation Extra: 18 February, additional South City Way event for Battlefield extension.

GoBike members and supporters will be very aware of the proposals for the South City Way to extend to Battlefield. Consultation events and proposals last year were well reported in our Digests and GoBike was involved in the consultation process with Sustrans and the City Council. However, it seems that residents on nearby Queen’s Drive claim to have been unaware that changes were afoot! Read on for a reprint of today’s article in the Glasgow Times by Catriona Stewart:

Continue reading “Consultation Extra: 18 February, additional South City Way event for Battlefield extension.”

Consultation Digest Issue 53, 04 February 2020: Cars, Parking, 20mph, Avenues and Housing – it’s all here.

Glasgow City Council maintain their policy of “Streets for Cars” by installing speed cushions to deter high motor speeds rather than installing cycle lanes or doing other public realm works, and we also look at completed works in the east of Glasgow that we previously commented on.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 53, 04 February 2020: Cars, Parking, 20mph, Avenues and Housing – it’s all here.”

Consultation Digest Issue 52, 21 January 2020: Byres Road back in the news plus Glasgow takes an alphabetical approach to traffic calming!

Quite a bumper bundle for you today, but 2 of our significant concerns have raised their heads again. Firstly, side roads on cycle lanes – we need cycle lanes to continue across side roads, just as in the feature photo with this Digest. If a child in the Netherlands is able to cycle safely across a side road, a child in Glasgow should be able to too. Secondly, contraflow cycling – when cars are going too fast or more on-road parking is needed the first line of response is to make a street one-way, even for bikes. What have we done wrong? Why should we have to make big detours? Do read on for the details of all the current issues.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 52, 21 January 2020: Byres Road back in the news plus Glasgow takes an alphabetical approach to traffic calming!”

Consultation Digest Issue 51, 07 January 2020: A Very Happy New Year to All Our Readers, and a few reminders

As our Digest enters not only its second half-century, but a new decade, this seems a good time to encourage any of you out there who are not yet GoBike members to join us. GoBike is only as strong as its members. We are people who recognise the need for good cycle infrastructure and so we campaign for it. We receive no public funding, have no paid employees, and are run entirely by volunteers, but we do have enthusiastic members who are pleased to get involved and/or pay our minimum fee of £5 per year (and many pay more). Do please join us but also read on for the news, including the long-awaited Byres Road TROs, we have for you.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 51, 07 January 2020: A Very Happy New Year to All Our Readers, and a few reminders”

Looking forward to a Brexit New Year? NO? Then cycle out with GoBike on 05 January and see what we should be campaigning on in 2020.

Join us on the monthly GoBike ride on Sunday 05 January, look at what we’ve got and see how much more we need. Here are the details:

Continue reading “Looking forward to a Brexit New Year? NO? Then cycle out with GoBike on 05 January and see what we should be campaigning on in 2020.”