Consultation Digest Issue 64, 07 July 2020: Lockdown eases and we see some positive changes!

From the feature photo with this Digest you will see that it is getting easier to cycle to Paradise! It is also now easier to cycle around George Square with private motor traffic banned from 7am to 7pm and perhaps next year it will be easier, and more interesting, to cycle along the canal at Stockingfield when the new overbridge has been constructed. News on these 3 items is in Section 3.

This Digest continues to promote the Commonplace maps, plus we have an interesting consultation on the Kingston Bridge and a copy of the GoBike submission for Pollok Park, where private cars are back parking irresponsibly.

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Consultation Digest Issue 63, 23 June 2020: Have you put your comments on Commonplace yet?

There has been much publicity about the measures that are required or being considered to cope with the current COVID-19 pandemic and we, the public, have been asked for our views. The format for our views is the Commonplace Map and we feature 2 in this Digest, the one for Glasgow and the one for East Renfrewshire. We must ALL contribute to these maps; we ALL know where changes, big or small, will make cycling better for us all.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 63, 23 June 2020: Have you put your comments on Commonplace yet?”

Consultation Digest Issue 62, 09 June 2020: Your views are needed!

Lots and lots of requests for your views in this issue but, before you get your fingers tapping on that keyboard scoot to our very last item for details of how Glasgow got its first community-led pop-up bike lane – a good news story to start and end with.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 62, 09 June 2020: Your views are needed!”

Glasgow, Spaces for People – more space to walk, more space to cycle.

Glasgow City Council has announced today some very welcome moves to create more space to walk in the city centre and local shopping areas, plus more cycle lanes.



Continue reading “Glasgow, Spaces for People – more space to walk, more space to cycle.”

Consultation Digest Issue 61, 26 May 2020

There are 2 new items and the first is news of progress with the redevelopment of Motherwell Train Station, with a nod given to active travel – let’s hope it’s sufficient as more and more people take to walking and cycling and return to public transport, albeit with social distancing, rather than jumping in the car. Then there is a questionnaire for you.
Probably more important, though are Items 1.3 and 1.4 with significant questions on the impact of Covid 19. Do please respond to the well set-out surveys if you wish to see transport and travel improvements.

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Cycling in Glasgow – a major update, apologies for the hiccup yesterday

Yesterday, 14 May, GoBike was fortunate enough to get an update from Councillor Anna Richardson, Chair of Sustainability and Carbon Reduction with Glasgow City Council on the action the Council is taking to manage social distancing and other issues arising from the Covid 19 pandemic. She confirmed that the new Clyde Street / Broomielaw cycle lane is one way, westbound, and gave other significant news.

Continue reading “Cycling in Glasgow – a major update, apologies for the hiccup yesterday”

Consultation Digest Issue 60, 12 May 2020: the lockdown goes on, but will we learn from it?

The Digest hits 60, so is it time to use the bus pass? No, certainly not; let’s keep cycling and we are now joined by so many others, it’s a delight. However, the news from North Lanarkshire is roads, roads and more roads but there are more promising signs from the Scottish Government and Parliament on the effects of Covid 19

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Consultation Digest Issue 59, 28 April 2020: Social Distancing; we all want to keep to the guidelines, but it’s tricky.

We have no new public consultations for you but we do bring news of an important event for Community Councillors and community groups this Thursday, 30 April, see Item 2.1. We also continue our look forward to better days with more and more people cycling – even with the restrictions of social distancing. We report on the Pedal on Parliament #SpaceForDistancing campaign for short-term increases in space for cycling (and walking) but we also need to look past the short term to get more cycling space, thus inducing more cycle traffic.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 59, 28 April 2020: Social Distancing; we all want to keep to the guidelines, but it’s tricky.”

Consultation Digest Issue 58, 14 April 2020: Consultations almost as rare as hens’ teeth.

Just one new consultation for you this fortnight, but it’s a fun one to respond to online; it will amuse you, encourage you and perhaps even enrage you! Do delve into Item 1.1, and then read on for our other news.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 58, 14 April 2020: Consultations almost as rare as hens’ teeth.”

Consultation Digest Issue 57, 31 March 2020: Cycling on quiet streets – time to see where the cycle lanes should be!

Automatic responses from Glasgow City Council on the submission of consultations tell us: “Please note that normal office processes and procedures have been impacted by the developing Covid-19 situation.” Thus, while we have information for you today, it is reducing quickly.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 57, 31 March 2020: Cycling on quiet streets – time to see where the cycle lanes should be!”