Junctions: the bad, the downright dangerous – and the good.

What’s wrong with the header photo for this blog or the picture below? It’s of a Glasgow City Council advert on the side of a bus, photographed at Anniesland Cross by GoBike member Euan. To be exact, what’s wrong with it apart from the instant-gut response it provokes that cycling must be incredibly dangerous? Read on for an analysis of junction design, and just what it is about them that attracts injuries, by GoBike committee member, Brenda.

Continue reading “Junctions: the bad, the downright dangerous – and the good.”

A cycling legend: An 80 mile bike ride for an 80th birthday.

Peter Hayman, who has long been an active and effective GoBike campaigner, is a true cycling legend. Today, the 28th of March, he turns 80, and to celebrate his birthday, he is planning a hefty 80 mile cycle ride. For this adventure (and Peter is no stranger to adventures), he hopes to cycle to the coast via his previous homes in the West of Scotland and through the home town of his adopted football club, Kilmarnock FC, before returning to Glasgow.

Continue reading “A cycling legend: An 80 mile bike ride for an 80th birthday.”

Tales told by Tactiles

GoBike committee member, Brenda, has turned her attention to the theory and practice of tactiles; you might remember that, just over a year ago, she gave us the conundrums of contraflow cycling? Now you can read, and learn, about tactiles.

Tactiles – those patterned square slabs set into pavements and paths – are there to give messages to people with visual impairments. Different patterns, different messages. Some of them carry messages about cycle infrastructure. Glasgow is using these incorrectly so often that using them at all is a waste of money. Read on to find out how and why.

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Not 1, but 3, Infrastructure Rides for January!

Many of us have sorely missed the monthly GoBike rides, planned and led by Andy Preece, but cancelled to prevent the spread of Covid 19, in line with government restrictions. However, we have an abundance of new infrastructure in Glasgow because of these very restrictions (although, sadly, some of it might only be temporary – unless we campaign to keep it!)
To encourage us all to get out to see these new facilities we are delighted and very grateful that Andy has come up with not one, but three rides.

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Glasgow’s first shot at a Low Traffic Neighbourhood, Dennistoun

A year ago Glasgow City Council consulted on Traffic Management and Parking changes for Dennistoun and Royston. Post Covid they have now radically changed their plans to be far more what we think of as a Low Traffic Neighbourhood, with improvements for those of us who cycle.

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Consultation Digest (National) Issue 1, 13 November 2020: A few days left to respond to the Infrastructure Investment Plan

Welcome to the first Go Bike National Consultation Digest, written by Jim Densham, a monthly round up of current and forthcoming consultations from Scotland and the UK. Because of Covid there was a big pause in usual government work over the spring and summer, but since September there has been a flurry of consultations. This is likely to continue into the new year as the SNP government tries to get as much work done as possible before parliament is dissolved in late March and campaigning properly kicks off for the Holyrood 2021 elections.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest (National) Issue 1, 13 November 2020: A few days left to respond to the Infrastructure Investment Plan”


Have you got a couple of hours free every month? Would you like to make Greater Glasgow a nicer place to cycle around? If so we need you! GoBike is a volunteer organisation; none of us is paid, we get no public funding and any money we have comes from you, our members. We do what we do because we believe life will be better if we have better cycling infrastructure. Do please read on to see just how you, yes you, could help.


Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 73, 10 November 2020: Good news on a protected junction survey and sad news for Pollok Park

Protected junction, Victoria Rd

The Digests are changing! Hopefully, you saw the recent post by Jim Densham, who will now be writing a monthly article about national (Scotland and UK) consultations. These Digests, still to be fortnightly, will concentrate on issues from the Local Authorities where we have members.
If you don’t get our blogs direct to your email inbox you can subscribe on the GoBike website home page, joining over 4,000 others who already do so.

Reminder: GoBike AGM online: 19th November 2020 (Pedal on Parliament AGM: 17th Nov).

Continue reading “Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 73, 10 November 2020: Good news on a protected junction survey and sad news for Pollok Park”

GoBike’s new national consultation digest and a guide to the Road Safety Framework

Hi, my name is Jim Densham – I’m a Go Bike member but in my day job I am Campaigns and Policy Manager in Scotland for Cycling UK (CUK). I lead CUK’s campaigns work in Scotland but also our policy influencing, which is mainly focussed on influencing national policies and responding to consultations.

Continue reading “GoBike’s new national consultation digest and a guide to the Road Safety Framework”