GoBike’s first Electronic Newsletter – with news of our Public Meeting 11 March now available

Newsletter strava

Our first electronic newsletter is now available online

It contains news of our Public Meeting on 11 March at the Admiral Bar, Waterloo Street, Glasgow, with speakers from Clackmannanshire Council and City of Edinburgh Council.

Note that we are a MEMBER organisation; if you support us please join as a member – and come along to the meeting on 11 March.

Court of Session: No, City Chambers: Yes. Yorkhill


We have decided against proceeding with an appeal to the Court of Session for Glasgow City Council’s proposals for Yorkhill.  We got some very brief, but to the point (and free) advice from a solicitor about the cost, not only of the application, but also engaging a solicitor and advocate.  We are also aware that there would be a further cost, for those of us who live in Glasgow, for the City Council to defend our appeal!  A further thing that we did learn from the solicitor is that successful  civil litigation has been brought against local authorities who have contravened the Traffic Signs Manual and cyclists have been injured at the location.  We do not want such accidents to happen in Glasgow and we have written to Councillors Alistair Watson, Matt Kerr and Frank McAveety to ask them to beware failure to comply with the manual.  Our letter may be seen here: https://www.gobike.org/campaignsconsultations/consultations

Have we lost face as a result of what might be seen as a climb-down?  Possibly.

Have we learnt from this?  Very definitely.

Do we need a better grasp of legal matters?  Yes, and if there is someone out there, reading this or someone you know, who could help us, please get in touch.

Yorkhill Glasgow: contraflow cycling without signage! Appeal to Court of Session


GoBike has now made what we think is our first appeal to the Court of Session further to one of our supporters having an objection to proposed parking and other changes in Yorkhill rejected.  We were unaware of the original consultation but have now submitted an Objection to Glasgow City Council and an appeal against their intention to introduce contraflow cycling in Yorkhill (yes, a good thing) without:

  • removing parking from one side of the road.
  • marking the contraflow cycle lane, and
  • the necessary signage
  • following design guidance and the Traffic Signs Manual

Details of our letters may be found here on our website.  We aren’t sure if it will be accepted but here’s hoping.

Traffic lights: 5-second advance for cyclists


There was a slight mistake in the previous post about the proposed traffic lights at the junction of Cardonald Place Road with Paisley Road West: we have asked for a 5-second, not a 5-minute, advance on the timing to allow cyclists to exit Cardonald Place Road before traffic from Tweedsmuir Road starts moving.

This is an accepted aspect of traffic lights and should, in our opinion, be used more.  Glasgow City Council have said they will consider introducing a 5-second advance for cyclists travelling west on Gordon Street at the junction with Renfield Street / Union Street.  This would allow cyclists to get onto the junction before taxis etc coming from Central Station turn right across their path into Union Street.

Glasgow City Council: proposed changes at the Paisley Road West/Tweedsmuir Road/Cardonald Place Road Junction


Glasgow City Council propose to install traffic lights at the Paisley Road West/Tweedsmuir Road/Cardonald Place Road Junction, with a contraflow cycle lane on Cardonald Place Road.  We have proposed that they also make the cycle lane mandatory, put cycle markings across the junction to alert motorists to cyclists and provide a 5-second advance time at the traffic lights for cyclists.  Consultation closes on Thursday 19 February.  If you support our proposals you can see our letter here and please write into the City Council with your views.

GCC: proposed changes to Maryhill Road/Napiershall Street junction


Glasgow City Council have announced plans to change the junction arrangements at the top of Napiershall Street, where it meets Maryhill Road at the Community Central Halls.  We like most of the proposals but object to the proposed introduction of kerbside parking on Maryhill Road just to the left of Napiershall Street.

Our letter outlining our views may be seen here and if you share our concerns please also write in – but hurry – consultation closes today.  Sorry about the short notice but the 20mph petition took precedence over the last couple of days!

20mph in Glasgow: Radio Scotland Call Kaye / Morning Call Wednesday 11 February


Bob Downie of GoBike will be talking to Kaye Adams on Morning Call on Radio Scotland tomorrow morning, ie Wednesday 11 February, about the current petition to bring in a default 20mph speed limit on most of Glasgow’s road.

Please listen if you can and call in or text to add your support.  The programme starts at 08:50.  Don’t miss it!

Success! 20mph petition approved: PLEASE SIGN


Success!  Glasgow City Council have approved our petition and it is now available on the Council’s website at: https://www.glasgowconsult.co.uk/KMS/Epetitions.aspx

If you have a Glasgow address, PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION to improve the environment in our city.  The closing date is shown as 07 March so please sign as soon as you can (we have asked for this date to be extended because of the delay in approval but we can’t guarantee that).