Petition closed: forward to 20mph in Glasgow?!


The GoBike petition for 20mph in Glasgow closed earlier with 214 signatures.  Many thanks to all of you who signed and/or encouraged others to sign.

Not a massive number of signatures but we have had considerable press coverage, including:

  • 2 articles in the Herald at the start of the campaign,
  • 2 letters in today’s Herald,
  • Radio Scotland, Morning Call, interview and discussion,
  • Radio Scotland, John Beattie, interviews and discussion,
  • STV News at 6pm, interviews, feature and film, and
  • Heart FM, interviews and news bulletins this morning.

In addition, we have been given sight of an e-mail sent to all Glasgow City Councillors explaining the Council’s “progress” to 20mph.  We have answered their claims with our open letter and press release issued this morning:

Open Letter re 20mph 17 Mar 15

An excellent campaign, WELL DONE EVERYONE!

Heart Radio, in Glasgow 100.3: 20mph on Tuesday morning


Bob Downie, author of the GoBike 20mph petition, which closes on Tuesday 17 March at 4:57pm will be on Heart Radio in Glasgow on 100.3FM on Tuesday morning, Listen in to hear him on one or more of the news summaries which are generally broadcast on the hour at 6am, 7am, 8am and 9am.

Still time to sign the petition at:


20mph in Glasgow: 4 days left to sign the petition!

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The petition closes in just 4 days, 16:57 on Tuesday 17 March.  Follow these easy steps to sign:

  1. If you live in Glasgow go to:
  2. Click on “View and create petitions” to go to the next page.
  3. Click on the petition descriptor, in the centre of the right-hand for the petition signing screen.
  4. Fill in your details, click submit – and wait for the e-mail back.
  5. REPLY TO THE E-MAIL!  This confirms your signature and adds you to the list of signatories.

Please ask your friends, family and colleagues to sign as well.  If we can get the go-ahead for 20mph in Glasgow, the largest city in Scotland, it should be relatively easy to get this progressive measure approved in other parts of the Strathclyde area that GoBike covers.

IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SIGNED (or think you have), PLEASE CHECK THAT YOUR NAME IS SHOWN; there have been one or two glitches.


20 mph in Glasgow – STV news 6pm today – Bob and Tricia in the rain on their bikes

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Watch STV views from 6 – 6:30 this evening to see Bob and Tricia on their bikes in the pouring rain on Victoria Road in Glasgow (barring breaking news we’ll be on, so hold back Jeremy Clarkson!)

Just time to watch this and then get to the Public Meeting at the Admiral, prompt start at 7:30 – and don’t forget to sign the petition at:

Road Share: Mark Beaumont presents petition at Holyrood.


Mark Beaumont presented the Road Share petition and research document to Holyrood this morning:

Road Share research news release final  Road Share Research Report

Here’s a summary of the press interest:

  1.  BBC Good Morning Scotland will be speaking to Derek for the news at 8.15 at The Tun studios to discuss the campaign and the research document. They will also be speaking to one of our case study victims Jamie Aarons.  This came over really well; try and catch it on i-player.
  2.  BBC Scotland TV in Edinburgh are sending a camera crew down to film Mark, Brenda and Derek deliver the report to Scottish Government MSPs at 8.45am. Their reporter will be there just after 9am to do interviews.
  3. Edinburgh Evening News is scheduled to send a photographer and a reporter for the 8.45am media call.
  4. Radio Forth is keen to get an interview with Mark Beaumont and have asked if we can head up to their studios on Forth Street for 10am.
  5. STV’s Scotland Tonight programme is keen to use a pre-recorded piece in the evening and would like to interview Mark at their studios in Glasgow at 4pm. Alan Douglas, Motoring Correspondent may also be involved.
  6. Scotland 2015 (Sarah Smith) have said they may be interested to have Mark speak on the sofa at 10pm at BBC in Glasgow if this is possible. TBC

Wednesday 11 March: GoBike Public Meeting, Cycling in Edinburgh & Clackmannanshire


Don’t forget the GoBike Public Meeting, Wednesday 11 March, 7 for 7:30pm in the Admiral Bar, Waterloo Street, Glasgow, with Phil Noble from City of Edinburgh Council talking about the introduction of a 20mph speed limit there and Carlyn Fraser from Clackmannanshire Council explaining how roads there have been calmed to encourage active travel.

Further details in our newsletter:

20mph – 8 days left to sign the Petition!

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If you live in Glasgow and haven’t yet signed the petition, please do so.  The screenshot from the City Council website shows that today we are at 160 signatures.  We need more!  Please sign and ask your friends, family and colleagues to do likewise.  Here’s the link to the page shown on the screenshot (click on the petition descriptor to sign):

20mph for Glasgow: Herald blog, and please sign the petition!

20mph sign blue sky

Read Bob Downie’s views on 20mph in Susan Swarbrick’s blog – and convince yourself, and others, that this is the way to go for our towns and cities.

Now please sign the petition at:  if you haven’t done so already, and please encourage your friends, family and colleagues to do likewise – although it’s Glasgow residents only.

Queens Park area: GoBike objection to GCC proposal to make footways next to the park dual use


Glasgow City Council is consulting, until tomorrow (06 April) on a proposal to redetermine the footways on Pollokshaws Road and Langside Avenue adjacent to Queens Park as available for cyclists as well as pedestrians.  Although these footways are quite wide and relatively little-used, we have objected to this proposal since Pollokshaws Road is a major commuter route and requires proper cycle lanes and cyclists who don’t want to use the road would go via Queens Park itself rather than on the adjacent footway.  The Council’s proposals may be seen here and our letter of objection is on our Consultations page: