On-street Car Parking – let’s get it sorted – respond to this Scottish Government Consultation

Scottish Government — Improving Parking in Scotland consultation
Deadline: 30 June
The Scottish Government has launched a consultation on responsible parking. Among other things, It invites views on how to provide greater clarity of the laws on parking, and how to stop issues such as pavement parking. To read the consultation, see here. Living Streets Scotland have also put together a consultation response for members of the public to join the call to end pavement parking.
This appears to be prevarication on the part of the Scottish Government in response to the Pavement Parking bill put forward by Sandra White SNP MSP for Glasgow Kelvin.  The car lobby is obviously very powerful, but random, irresponsible parking is damaging our towns and cities – and our lives.  Please respond to the consultation and let’s get our pavements clear for walking and our cycle lanes clear for cycling.

Get Glasgow Moving – sign the petition to improve our Public Transport – and Hustings 26 April

While GoBike is campaigning for good cycle infrastructure, we recognise the need for good public transport, a linked-up, integrated system to encourage people out of their private cars.  Our sister group, Get Glasgow Moving, has launched this petition:


Please sign it.

It’s a busy time for those of us who want a better environment to live in, with the GoBike Hustings yesterday and next week it’s the turn of Get Glasgow Moving, 26 April at Renfield St Stephens on Bath Street, Glasgow, see: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/get-glasgow-moving-public-transport-hustings-tickets-33465753971


Pedal on Parliament Glasgow is this Sunday, 23 April!

Here’s the route of Sunday’s Pedal on Parliament route from Glasgow Green to George Square and there’s an excellent video of the route being cycled on this page: http://pedalonparliament.org/pop-glasgow/

The route will be traffic-free, apart from lots of bikes!  There are feeder rides in for the 1pm set off and other ways of getting to the Green are given on this page: http://pedalonparliament.org/getting-there-glasgow/

Do make sure you are there to demonstrate the need for good cycle infrastructure not just in Glasgow but across Scotand.

GoBike Hustings – a Success!

Here’s the panel from last night’s Hustings getting ready for the debate.  From left, Anna Richardson, SNP, Robert Brown, LibDem, Tricia Fort, GoBike Convenor in the centre, Christy Mearns, Greens and Martin McElroy, Labour.

Questions ranged from should local authorities use their own money for cycle schemes rather than getting funding via Sustrans to why don’t we reduce danger on our roads to do our councillors need a car parking space at council offices and more.  It was a busy, informative evening.

If you were there or not, you can still ask your council candidates searching questions, see the guide on the Walk, Cycle, Vote website: http://walkcyclevote.scot/what/  There is information on all your candidates on this excellent website.

Hustings – it’s tomorrow, don’t forget!

Yes, our Hustings for the Local Government Elections on 04 May takes place tomorrow, 19 April at the Admiral Bar on Waterloo Street, Glasgow.  Doors open 7pm, the event starts at 7:30.

Here’s the text of the Press Release we have just issued:




Local Government candidates to be quizzed tomorrow at cycling hustings

In collaboration with “We Walk, We Cycle, We Vote”, Greater Glasgow’s cycle campaign Go-Bike! presents an election hustings tomorrow night at the Admiral Bar, Glasgow. Featuring candidates contesting elections in East Renfrewshire, South Lanarkshire and Glasgow, the evening promises lively political debate, with a focus on cycling strategy.

With 2017’s local election expected to be one of the most significant in recent history, representatives from the SNP, Labour, Conservatives, Lib Dems and Greens will be pitching their parties’ active travel policies to West Central Scotland’s cycling constituency.

“Cycling is increasingly seen as the solution for a number of grave challenges facing our villages, towns and cities and is a policy area our politicians can no longer ignore,” said Convenor Tricia Fort. “Air pollution, congestion, the revival of our town centres and road safety are likely to be key topics on the night and the panel should expect some stern questioning from the audience.”

Candidates speaking at the election hustings will be:

  • Robert Brown, Scottish Liberal Democratic Party, South Lanarkshire

  • Martin McElroy, Scottish Labour Party, Glasgow

  • Christy Mearns, Scottish Green Party, Glasgow

  • Anna Richardson, Scottish National Party Glasgow

  • Jim Swift, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, East Renfrewshire

Doors open at 7:00pm, with the hustings commencing at 7:30 in the Admiral Bar, 72 Waterloo Street, Glasgow, G2 7DA.

Note for editors:

Go-Bike! is a cycle infrastructure campaigning organisation, covering council areas in the former Strathclyde Region: Glasgow, Dunbartonshire, Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire, with a focus on infrastructure and the built environment. Our campaign is entirely funded by membership fees and donations, with no input from government or third parties.

We Walk, We Cycle, We Vote is an umbrella campaign working on behalf of over fifty active travel campaigns and organisations, is supported by funding from Cycling UK, Sustrans Scotland and Spokes and is being co-ordinated by Suzanne Forup from Cycling UK and Sally Hinchcliffe from Pedal on Parliament.http://walkcyclevote.scot/ email: contact@walkcyclevote.scot

Tricia Fort

GoBike! Convenor

Web: https://www.gobike.org/

email: convenor@gobike.org

twitter: @gobikeglasgow




5 Parties at our Hustings, 5 Manifestos


As the date for the GoBike Hustings on 19 April at the Admiral Bar, Waterloo Street, Glasgow, doors open 7pm for a prompt start at 7:30 gets nearer, it’s time to get your questions for the panel ready.  To help you, here are links to the manifestos, as well as we could find them, for 4 of the 5 Parties:

Scottish Green Party

Scottish Labour Party

Scottish Liberal Democrats

Scottish National Party Glasgow

We were unable to find a specific manifesto from the Conservative and Unionist Party for the up coming council elections, but here’s their website::


GoBike campaigns for cycling to be a natural way to get around for people of all ages and abilities.  We are composed of people who cycle and we want good cycle infrastructure to enable this.

Hustings, 19 April, Labour Candidate, Martin McElroy, Glasgow

Picture taken from the Glasgow City Council website

We have a change from our initial line-up for the hustings.  Alan Moir from East Dunbartonshire has sent his apologies and Scottish Labour proposed that Martin McElroy take his place.

Martin McElroy is an existing Labour councillor on Glasgow City council and is standing for election on 04 May 2017.  Here is the text that he sent us:

“I was first elected in 2012 to represent the Hillhead area of Glasgow. In 2015 I was appointed the city’s Cycling Commissioner and have been involved in the development and implementation of the council’s cycling strategy.

I am passionate about making Glasgow one of the best cycling cities in Europe and if re-elected will continue to support the progress we have made in both education and infrastructure.”

Tomorrow, links to the election manifestos for the 5 parties.

European Cycling Challenge, Launch Saturday 15 April, Glasgow Green. Record your mileage to show where we want cycle facilities!

We have got to know about this year’s European Cycling Challenge whereby all of us cycling in Glasgow  – and the surrounding areas (new for this year) can record our cycle journeys.  GoBike has mapped the data from last year, which ties in well with Strava data and Glasgow City Council cordon count data, and has presented this evidence of where people cycle  – and thus where we need good quality cycle infrastructure – to none less than the Transport Minister, Humza Yousaf.

So, do join in this year. Cycling UK Glasgow’s regular Saturday morning ride from the People’s Palace will be ending the ride at this launch. Here’s a copy of the e-mail from Glasgow City Council, which has the information and links that you need:

“This year’s European Cycling Challenge will be even bigger and better than last year.
With involvement of all neighbouring local authorities, this years challenge will be inclusive of all your commute, leisure and utility riding.
Whether cycling from East Kilbride to Glasgow, along to Croy station to get the train to Glasgow or Edinburgh, just along Byres Road, or on the Bears Way, all your journeys will count!
There are also over 120 prizes for best riders and prize draws throughout just for taking part and getting out on your bike.
To launch the challenge and encourage people to start to sign up, we will host a launch event on Saturday April 15th  11:00 – 13:00.
 This will take place at the Winter Gardens at Glasgow Green. This should help many of you get there as it’s right on the NCN 75 with good connection to all areas.
To promote the sign up for the event we will have photocalls for those who want to show off their bikes, freebies including this year’s edition of snap bands and saddle covers, and prize draws on the day for cycling equipment.
We will also have a Dr Bike to make sure your bike is the finely tuned machine you deserve.
Light refreshments will be available between 11:00  and 13:00.
So get out on your bike, come along alone or with family, get some freebies and lets show Europe that in the Clyde Valley area, cycling is for everyone!  
If you intend in coming along, please email back so that we can estimate refreshments and supplies.
 Further information on the challenge available here: www.nhsggc.org.uk/ecc
Best regards
Dr Collin Little
Glasgow City Council
Land & Environmental Services
231 George Street
Glasgow, G1 1RX
tel: 0141 287 9483

email: collin.little@glasgow.gov.uk
So do get there if you can – lots of the usual “freebies”, ie paid for by us, the taxpayers! Seriously, though, we need the data of where we all cycle.  So do map your rides, preferably all year round with Strava since we have access to the data (depersonalised) or just for May with this European Cycling Challenge.

Hustings, 19 April, Green candidate, Christy Mearns, Glasgow

Christy Mearns is a Scottish Green Party candidate in Glasgow and is standing for election on 04 May 2017.  Here is the text that she sent us:

“I’m Christy Mearns, the Scottish Green Party candidate for Anderston, City & Yorkhill. Over the years I have campaigned for change locally and represented the Scottish Green Party in the previous two by-elections for the Ward. I have worked hard getting to know the issues important to people living and working here. If elected, I promise to work hard to deliver cleaner, safer public spaces; to encourage local businesses to thrive; and to continue to be a strong voice for the local community on the issues that matter to them.

Scottish Greens take local elections seriously because local issues and local services matter. We have a track record of listening to communities and working constructively with other parties to get things done. We believe that decisions which affect people should be made close to them. With a bigger group of Green Councillors than ever before, we can drive home these changes locally and help put power into your hands.”

Tomorrow, the Labour Party candidate for our panel, a change from our original booking.

Hustings, 19 April, Conservative candidate, Jim Swift, East Renfrewshire

Photo from East Renfrewshire Council website

Jim Swift is an existing Conservative & Unionist councillor on East Renfrewshire council and is standing for election on 04 May 2017.  Here is the text that he sent us:

“I am not much of a cyclist.

I have come off this year twice and damaged myself (off-road thankfully), but God loves a trier and persistence is often rewarded.

I have degrees in politics and economics and work as a health economist for a healthcare company.

My particular interests are health inequalities, diabetes and telehealth / remote monitoring.

I am also a local Councillor in Newton Mearns and have been for 10 years.

Newton Mearns is a lovely part of the world and has good access to both on-road and off-road cycling.

I am starting to get out now that the weather is improving and hope you are too.”

Tomorrow, the Green Party candidate for our panel.