Glasgow to install more “Speed Cushions”. Please object – and here’s why.

Speed bumps (Marine Road East, Prestatyn)
Photo © Jaggery (cc-by-sa/2.0)

We have heard from Glasgow City Council that they propose to install 2 sets of speed cushions outside St Fillan’s Primary School in Cathcart, with the aim of ensuring that drivers reduce their speed to the 20mph zone limit.  The text of the e-mail received from the Council is given on our Consultations page.  We have objected on 3 grounds:

  1. GoBike member, Bob Downie, presented a petition to the City Council 2 years ago, proposing a default city-wide 20mph speed limit (allowing for exceptions for some roads to be 30mph or even more).  This was well received by Councillors at the Petitions Committee, but now the Council has reverted to its original piecemeal approach.
  2. Mark Ruskell, Green MSP currently has a bill out for consultation, see:  and, if successful, this would bring about default speed limits in all our urban centres of 20mph.
  3. Speed Cushions and tables are very expensive to install and maintain.

Our letter of objection is here: GoBike Crompton Avenue traffic calming Objection 070617 and while we point out that we do not wish to endanger any child, we consider that a better solution for all will be a city-wide 20mph default speed limit.  We will also be voicing our concern to the Glasgow Councillors who attended our Hustings in April.

Further information on traffic calming is given in this excellent blog by one of our GoBike members, “Glasgow Cycleman”.

Please do object to this proposal and, if you live in Glasgow, do let your ward Councillors know about this expensive move.  At the time of the 2015 petition it was estimated that it would take 40 years to achieve what the petition and now Mark Ruskell’s bill will give us.

If you haven’t responded to the survey on Mark Ruskell’s bill yet, please follow the link in point 2 above.

Responses to Glasgow City Council and Scottish Government Proposals

Recently GoBike has responded positively to proposals from Glasgow City Council for stopping waiting and loading/unloading on the roads in Riverview, see photo, to Mark Ruskell’s proposals for a 20mph urban default speed limit in Scotland, to public realm improvements at Govan Cross and to parking controls in Cranstonhill.  Details may be seen on our Consultations page.

If you wish to comment on the most recent of these, ie the waiting restrictions in Riverview, the consultation is open until Tuesday 13 June and all the details may be found here on the Glasgow City Council website.

The Mark Ruskell 20mph consultation is open until 07 August and it is important that people respond – favourably – to this!  Please support this measure!

GoBike ride Sunday 04 June – over the hills to Lochwinnoch, but flatter on the return!


All welcome to join this ride, which will take us out of Glasgow via the Dams2Darnley Country Park, then via a hilly route through to Dunlop and Beith, before arriving in the Castle Semple Visitors Centre at Lochwinnoch. After lunch, a flatter return to Glasgow via NCN 7 through Paisley. Some of the route is on an off-road hill path and a forestry track, so will be unsuitable for skinny tyre bikes. However, most of the route will be on asphalt.
Meet 10am Bell’s Bridge, Congress Road, Glasgow.
Ride on paths Ride on quiet roads Ride on rough tracks Significant hill climbing Gate or stile en route
Rated: Go Bike star rating Go Bike star rating Go Bike star rating Go Bike star rating

South Lanarkshire Cycling Partnership under threat – but safe for now – good news

Further to this bad news we have been told by Councillor Robert Brown, LibDem, that the Cycling Partnership is safe – for now – but we need to be vigilant and oppose any further attempt.

South Lanarkshire Council have for some time had a Cycling Partnership to promote and progress cycling issues within the area covered by the local authority.  GoBike has been represented on this Partnership. The new council, elected on 04 May, now propose to merge it into the Sustainability Partnership!

If we are going to get anything like 10% of journeys by bike by 2020, which is still the Scottish Government’s aim, then cycling must be given more prominence, not less. This is a backward move.

The council document, dated 10 May, which is going to be discussed tomorrow, 18 May, is here: South Lan bodies  and the relevant clause, 10.3 is reproduced here:

“10.3. In advance of the new Council, the list has been reviewed by the lead organisations. In terms of the South Lanarkshire Cycling Partnership, it is proposed that it be discontinued and its remit incorporated into that for the Sustainability Partnership. The Council is asked, as a matter of priority, to approve nominations to the joint committees/boards, statutory and partnership bodies detailed in Appendix 4. These are necessary to enable the respective organisations to formally re-establish themselves following the local government elections.”

If you live in South Lanarkshire please e-mail your councillors and ask them not to proceed with this regressive move.  You can find the councillors for your ward here  but do include Councillor Robert Brown in your list of addressees.  He has been prominent in support of cycling and active travel in South Lanarkshire and spoke at our Hustings last month.

Proposed Restricted Roads (20mph Limit) (Scotland) Bill – please give your views

This is the survey we have been waiting for – Mark Ruskell’s bill on reducing the default speed limit for restricted roads in Scotland to 20mph.  Mark is the Green MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife and the Scottish Parliament’s survey is here:

You can read more about Mark Ruskell here: Mark Ruskell MSP

Mark’s proposed bill is an important one in that it covers all of Scotland and will, if implemented, lead to a consistent approach across the country.  When GoBike met the Transport Minister, Humza Yousaf, in February this year, we were told that the Government would not put any obstacles in the way of the bill.  So we are very hopeful that it will go through – but it needs as much support as it can get.  PLEASE DO COMPLETE THE SURVEY! There are 11 questions but there is the option to save and return to it.

Glasgow City Centre – give your views!

Glasgow City Council is looking at improvements to the City Centre – not before time, do I hear you say?  They have employed consultants to consider the 9 areas of the city centre and they are proactively looking at cycling, walking, reallocation of space away from motor traffic and the reduction of pollution.  So do respond to the consultation and try to attend one or more of the future events.  The information below is from the consultants:

“We have just launched (Y)our Ideas map, register and help map the challenges and opportunities for positive change in the next 10 years for Broomielaw, St Enoch, Central and Blythswood.

We are looking for ideas big and small, for the short, medium and long term. However, if you have immediate comments or complaints. please report it here  ”

There is more information on the website:

This weekend: GoBike ride to Drumpellier Park, but also lots to do in the city


Sunday 7 May – Drumpellier Country Park
The route of this ride will head out of Glasgow via new cycle improvements at the Port Dundas Basin and in Balornock, and then onto country lanes in the Auchinloch area, before joining the Strathkelvin Railway Path to Glenboig. We will then head to Drumpellier Country Park for lunch, before returning into Glasgow to view some of the recent developments on main roads in the east and southeast of the city area, including Cambuslang and Rutherglen, and ending up on the South Bank cycle route. The ride includes some unsurfaced paths, one of which is quite rough.
Meet 10am Bell’s Bridge, Congress Road, Glasgow.
Ride on paths Ride on quiet roads Ride on canal towpaths Ride on rough tracks Ride on busy roads Moderate hill climbing
Rated: Go Bike star rating Go Bike star rating Go Bike star rating

If you don’t fancy going so far, then there are events on in the city (information provided by Glasgow City Council::

Saturday 6th May – THIS WEEKEND!!!

Saturday 6th May  Cycling Family Fun Day – Free – Starts 10:00 AM  Glasgow Green

Stunt Bike Riders Show, Bike Maintenance Workshop, Dr Bike , Bike Marking and security advice by Police Scotland, Led rides for all ages and levels of experience, Play on Pedals, Bike tuition, Horse and Dray rides, Cycling information from Glasgow City Council, Sustrans, Bike Station Glasgow, Free Wheel North, SoulRiders Scotland, South West Community Cycles, Cycling Uk and much, much more!


Saturday 6th May,  Dr Bike. 12 – 2pm  Priesthill Church car park, Glasgow G53 6LL

Get your bike checked and set up by the South West Community Cycles team.

For more details contact:


Sunday 7th May,  Play on Pedals drop in session. 12:30-2:30  Free Wheel North, Glasgow Green, Templeton St, Glasgow G40 1AT

Free Cycle training for pre-schoolers. Get your kids on a balance bike and help them get cycling from an early age!


Sunday 7th May,  Play on Pedals drop in session. 10:45-11:30  Drumchapel Sports Centre with Drumchapel Cycle Hub

Cycle training for pre-schoolers. Get your kids on a balance bike and help them get cycling from an early age! £1 to support hall hire.


Tuesday 9th May,  Led Ride – Beginners / Intermediate – 10.30-12.30pm  South West Community Cycles, 2092 Pollokshaws Rd, Glasgow G43 1AT

Right to Routes Diabetes group.  Gentle Guided Ride/Training

For more details contact:


Thursday 11th May,  Led Ride – Beginners / Intermediate – 10.00-12.00pm  South West Community Cycles, 2092 Pollokshaws Rd, Glasgow G43 1AT

Wheel Being group.  Gentle Guided Ride/Training

For more details contact:


Thursday 11th May,  Bike Breakfast – 7:30 – 9:30 AM  Balshagray Crescent, G14. Near South Bound Entrance to Clyde Tunnel.

De’ils on Wheels are providing a free Breakfast and Dr Bike check ups , Cycling Info, Freebies

For more details contact:

Closure to cycle route, south side of Clyde, NCN756, for repair, until 10 May

We have been informed today, 04 May, by Glasgow City Council of this short term closure:

Please note that a small section of NCN756 River Clyde South Bank route between Waterside Street and Kings Bridge is currently closed.

Remediation works are underway to deal with localised subsidence on the path. The path will be closed until Wednesday May 10th 2017.

Suggested diversion route on image.”

Information from email address:

Another success for GoBike! Council’s about turn on the use of evidence to plan cycle routes!

In April 2015 GoBike! presented to the Glasgow Cycling Forum, chaired by Councillor Frank McAveety (now leader of Glasgow City Council) an analysis of Strava data showing where people who use Strava to record their journeys actually cycle.  In our view, if this is where people already cycle, then providing good cycle facilities will encourage more people to cycle.

Glasgow City Council response 2 years ago?  Hmm, interesting, but isn’t it only men in lycra obsessed with speed who use Strava?  We prefer to use “Census and Scottish Household Survey data which includes cycling related questions”.

Hmm, we thought this was interesting too, especially since the Strava data correlates well with the City’s own cordon count data!  So, what have we done?  We have now added last year’s European Cycling Challenge data, generously provided by the City Council, to our analysis and, hey presto, we have good correlation and a pattern emerging.  People cycle on radial routes into Glasgow and they don’t just stop cycling where a cycle route ends!

What have we done with this latest analysis?  We presented it to the Transport Minister, Humza Yousaf, on 21 February, and he was very impressed with this data – an analysis he had not seen before!  Apparently Transport Scotland prefer to use a “Cycling Potential Tool”, rather than actual data!

We now come to this year’s European Cycling Challenge and we hope that, further to our earlier post, you have all signed up?  Here’s what Glasgow City Council are now saying about the data that will be generated: “Don’t forget, all your recorded routes help all the local authorities improve existing and plan new routes. So record all your journeys whether cycling to the station, to work or just out for a pootle.

Aha, so it’s not just about another accolade for Glasgow – and all the surrounding local authorities who are joining in this year – but the data might actually be used!

If you haven’t signed up for the challenge, please do so now, and remember that it was GoBike who brought about this change, so do join us – it’s easy to do, just use this link:

City Centre consultation event, Tuesday 09 May, 6:30 – 8:30 pm. Let’s get Active Travel on the agenda.

The invitation below has been sent to several GoBike members and we think it is important that those of us concerned about active travel in the city centre to attend and put forward views such as:

  • enforcement of 20mph city centre speed limit.
  • good cycling connectivity, into the city centre and between the 2 major railway stations in the city.
  • permeability to be enhanced by contraflow cycling on one-way city streets where direct routes are not currently available.
  • if cycle lanes are not separated from motor traffic then, as a minimum, parking must be prohibited at all times.

If you wish to attend, please confirm to the organisers using the link below.

You are invited to attend:

(Y)our Central – Setting the Agenda Public Presentation + Workshop

Tuesday, May 9, 2017 from 6:30 PM8:30 PM

(Y)our Central is the next Glasgow City Centre District Regeneration Framework to be undertaken as part of the City Centre Strategy 2014-2019. Everyone with an interest in the Central District is invited to participate in (Y)our Central – Setting The Agenda. This presentation and workshop will provide a platform to discuss, debate and design the priorities for the Central District Regeneration Framework, identifying challenges and opportunities for positive change in the next 10 years. 

You can find out more about the project online at;

Please RSVP via Eventbrite link below

Should you have any queries about the event or the project do not hesitate to contact:  

Gillian Black
Graham Ross
Alex Mackenzie

Project Background
Glasgow City Council have appointed a team led by MVRDV and Austin-Smith:Lord, supported by Space Syntax and a multidisciplinary team, to embark on the design of District Regeneration Frameworks for four districts of Glasgow City Centre. These Regeneration Frameworks will look to create a clear urban structure that can fully realise Glasgow’s economic, cultural and social potential. The project will focus on the areas comprising Broomielaw, Blythswood, St Enoch and Central as part of the ambitious City Centre Strategy.

St George’s Tron, Church of Scotland

163 Buchanan St

Glasgow, G1 2JX

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