Join Ziya as he cycles for Amnesty from Land’s End to John O’Groats, staying with a GoBike member on the way

Ziya Kocabiyik, originally from Turkey, but currently living in Chelmsford, near London, is a member of Amnesty International and has set off today, 04 May, to cycle from Land’s End to John O’Groats, to raise awareness of human rights issues in Turkey. When he arrives just south of Glasgow next Wednesday, 09 May, Ziya will be met in Hamilton by GoBike and Amnesty member, Jimmy Keenan, with whom he will be staying the night, in Uddingston, before cycling the 130 miles to Fort William on the 10th.

It would be great if people could join Ziya for a mile or two to cheer him on his way.  Here’s some information that Ziya has sent: Continue reading “Join Ziya as he cycles for Amnesty from Land’s End to John O’Groats, staying with a GoBike member on the way”

Consultations Digest Issue 8, Two Busy Thoroughfares Seeking Good Quality Cycle Lanes… and lots more.

The junction of Eglinton Street, Nelson Street and Bridge Street is not one for the faint-hearted on a bike, but can it be improved?  See Section 1.1 below.

We mentioned both of these last time in Digest 7 but we now have more information on both the  Tradeston / Clyde Place and the High Street / Saltmarket Consultations and we need your help to press for good cycle facilities on these major roads.

We also have a reminder on Queen Margaret Drive (details issued last Thursday), a Glasgow consultation on Public Transport Services, plus one for Water Row in Govan and for parking around Ibrox Stadium, with, finally, just in yesterday, 20mph proposed for Woodside – something for everyone! Continue reading “Consultations Digest Issue 8, Two Busy Thoroughfares Seeking Good Quality Cycle Lanes… and lots more.”

Consultation Extra: Queen Margaret Drive, Public Exhibition and Consultation, Wednesday 02 May

Just in from Glasgow City Council:


Following on from the preliminary design community consultation event held in November for Queen Margaret Drive, Glasgow City Council (GCC) are taking forward a project to enhance walking and cycling provision in the area in order to refine a design option favored by the public to progress with a TRO for the area. Continue reading “Consultation Extra: Queen Margaret Drive, Public Exhibition and Consultation, Wednesday 02 May”

Consultations Digest, Issue 6, 03 April 2018, THE FULL VERSION! Are cycle lanes where they are needed, see Item 1.4

Three new consultations for this fortnight, all in Glasgow. The first is for Glasgow’s ‘The Park Conservation Area’ taking in Kelvingrove Park and surrounding areas, the second, with more opportunity to raise the profile of active travel, is for the High Street / Saltmarket area of the city, pictured here, and the third is on parking controls in the Kelvingrove area. As GoBike we have now submitted responses to the Jura Street and Scotstoun /Jordanhill requests for views.  Both of these consultations are still open for you to get your responses in. Continue reading “Consultations Digest, Issue 6, 03 April 2018, THE FULL VERSION! Are cycle lanes where they are needed, see Item 1.4”

Garnethill, car parking but no cycle contraflow – Public Exhibition on Parking Controls Thursday 22 and Saturday 24 March 2018

Just in from Green Councillor, Bailie Christy Mearns, is the news that there are public consultation events this coming Thursday, 22 March, 2pm – 8pm and Saturday 24 March, 12pm – 4pm at the Garnethill
Multicultural Centre, 21 Rose Street G3 6RE (just along from the GFT), see this letter for details: Letter to Affected Area – Public Exhibition letter Continue reading “Garnethill, car parking but no cycle contraflow – Public Exhibition on Parking Controls Thursday 22 and Saturday 24 March 2018”

Consultations Digest, Issue 5, 20 March 2018: UK and Glasgow consultations in this issue.

Yes, we’ve a UK government request for your views in this issue, so do get your responses in. They say that they want more of us out on our bikes or walking so here’s your opportunity to tell them what needs to be done to facilitate that.  See section 1.3 below. Continue reading “Consultations Digest, Issue 5, 20 March 2018: UK and Glasgow consultations in this issue.”

Jura Street Consultation Event Today – 28 February **CANCELLED**

JURA STREET consultation A3 poster v2 LR

News just in from Glasgow City Council:



Dear Sir / Madam

Due to the adverse weather conditions and the current forecast for further snow. Today’s Jura Street consultation event at the Palace of Art, has been cancelled. Continue reading “Jura Street Consultation Event Today – 28 February **CANCELLED**”

Consultations Digest Issue 3, 20 February 2018 – Stushies brewing: Elmbank Street Glasgow and Cowgate Kirkintilloch


Yes, folks, we have a couple of contentious situations in this issue.  See Section 3, Consultations Feedback where we discuss whether Elmbank Street will provide northbound access to the Sauchiehall Street cycle lane, but first, see Section 1 for the threat to the so-called “shared space” along Cowgate, the main street in Kirkintilloch.  Continue reading “Consultations Digest Issue 3, 20 February 2018 – Stushies brewing: Elmbank Street Glasgow and Cowgate Kirkintilloch”