Consultation Digest Issue 35, 28 May 2019 with some new feedback, but no new consultations, giving you time to respond to the issues that are still current

Quite a concentration on parking in this issue, with waiting/loading restrictions proposed for Bearsden, Laurieston and University Avenue, but also important access proposals for 6 schools in Glasgow plus an update on the workplace parking levy and measures to reduce congestion in Glasgow City Centre. Where would we be without car parking? Do read on ….

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 35, 28 May 2019 with some new feedback, but no new consultations, giving you time to respond to the issues that are still current”

Kelvin Walkway – work starts tomorrow, 29 May, could take 2 weeks to complete, update to our post of 14 May.

We have been alerted by GoBike member, Alasdair (who is also a Sustrans volunteer), who has forwarded news of works STARTING TOMORROW, 29 MAY, to a retaining wall on the Kelvin Walkway close to the junction of Garrioch Drive and Garrioch Quadrant.

Continue reading “Kelvin Walkway – work starts tomorrow, 29 May, could take 2 weeks to complete, update to our post of 14 May.”

Consultation Digest Issue 34, 17 May 2019, University Avenue petition, another contraflow refusal and much, much more in this mega issue.

Apologies for the late issue of this Digest, but family and other commitments plus lots of information coming in for you, and a shy and retiring co-Convenor (she put out a super message yesterday) have delayed things. We have some news of University Avenue, good news about the closure of streets around a few schools in Glasgow, parking restrictions in Bearsden and at work, and yet another refusal of contraflow cycling.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 34, 17 May 2019, University Avenue petition, another contraflow refusal and much, much more in this mega issue.”

Kelvin Walkway, Glasgow, forthcoming works to retaining wall – be aware.

We have been alerted by GoBike member, Alasdair (who is also a Sustrans volunteer), who has forwarded news of impending works works to a retaining wall on the Kelvin Walkway close to the junction of Garrioch Drive and Garrioch Quadrant.

Continue reading “Kelvin Walkway, Glasgow, forthcoming works to retaining wall – be aware.”

Consultation Digest Issue 33. 30 April 2019, success and disappointment in Glasgow and some big issue surveys for you to complete.

In this issue we have good news on Byres Road, bad news on Elmbank Street (again) but please rush to complete North Toryglen survey TODAY, followed by a more relaxed rush for the Infrastructure Call for Evidence (Item 1.2) and then tell Glasgow City Council what should be done to combat climate change (Item 1.6).

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 33. 30 April 2019, success and disappointment in Glasgow and some big issue surveys for you to complete.”

Consultation Digest Issue 32, 16 April 2019, Glasgow’s South City Way nudges forward, Zebra Crossing survey, more on Byres Road, and read on for disappointments but also good news

We have some interesting new proposals for you this time, from parking changes to allow a new cycle lane at Speirs Wharf to pedestrian crossings to climate change. Also, fascinating feedback that demonstrates a lack of overall compliance with aspirations for active travel, with contraflow cycling denied yet again in the west of Glasgow and ongoing concern about University Avenue. Read on!

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 32, 16 April 2019, Glasgow’s South City Way nudges forward, Zebra Crossing survey, more on Byres Road, and read on for disappointments but also good news”

Consultation Extra: South Lanarkshire Survey, closes 14 April, for all of you who live, work or travel in Cambuslang or Rutherglen

South Lanarkshire Council logo

News in from Derek Y, one of our sources on what’s happening in South Lanarkshire:

Message from South Lanarkshire Council about consultation for Cambuslang/Rutherglen:

Continue reading “Consultation Extra: South Lanarkshire Survey, closes 14 April, for all of you who live, work or travel in Cambuslang or Rutherglen”

Consultation Digest Issue 31, 04 April 2019 featuring Glasgow, East Dunbartonshire and North Lanarkshire

Publishing a little late but hey, it’s school holidays, less traffic on the streets and, apart from that, your Digest author has been otherwise engaged. We have all sorts for you in this issue, so do please read on.

Continue reading “Consultation Digest Issue 31, 04 April 2019 featuring Glasgow, East Dunbartonshire and North Lanarkshire”

Consultation Extra: Glasgow, North City Way, public engagement Wednesday 03 April, and Community Links Plus

Received just this afternoon, at 18:01 from a poor soul working late on a Friday, an email from Glasgow City Council:



Continue reading “Consultation Extra: Glasgow, North City Way, public engagement Wednesday 03 April, and Community Links Plus”