GoBike Call For Action Day 2019

The third annual GoBike Call For Action day will be taking place on Saturday the 31st of August, at the Heart of Scotstoun from 10:30 to 16:00.

This year we will be looking at mapping and the collection of data to help us campaign. Focusing on how we use to feedback to the council on consultations and encouraging money to be spent in areas that will give the greatest benefit to those on bikes. This will include looking at:

  • Strategic Cycle Routes
  • Local cycle routes, how to map
  • Key roads for maintenance and pot hole repair
  • Winter maintenance – key routes
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Glasgow University Back-pedals on Climate Emergency

Glasgow University recently became the first University in Scotland to declare a climate emergency, stating “we are affirming our belief that urgent action is needed to tackle climate change.” (1).

However the £1bn campus redevelopment plans have failed to future-proof transport-links around campus. Many staff, students and commuters have been left disappointed by the absence of a safe route for cycling on University Avenue.  Consequently the petition for University Avenue to include such provision has now achieved over 500 signatures (2).

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It was beautiful and sad and perfect

We were devastated that someone tragically lost their life cycling on our roads in Glasgow this week. To show our support the cycling community came together and held a vigil at the scene. This included a two minute silence, which was started and ended by the ringing of a bike bell. During this we remembered a young woman and stood with her, her family, her friends and each other.

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Allan Scally Memorial Relay – Glasgow Green Cycle Routes

The 49th Allan Scally Memorial Relay Race will take place in Glasgow Green on Saturday 2nd March. Racing starts at 12 noon and finishes at 2pm. Around 150 participants expected this year.

The race will be taking place on the paths network within the green. Measures will be put in place to ensure minimal disruption along the cycle route.

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Notice of Works on Union Rail Bridge, Adelphi Street

We have been notified of works that will be taking place on the City Union Bridge at Adelphi Street, between the Central Mosque and the Nautical College.

Network Rail will be doing some refurbishment works on the rail over bridge at Adelphi Street between 18/2/19 and 7/4/19.

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University Avenue #paintisnotprotection – Today at Noon

Come along to the GoBike #paintisnotprotection protest on University Avenue, today Sunday 10th February, at 12:00 noon, gathering outside the Wolfson Medical Building.

We are going to create a human cycle lane along University Avenue to highlight the desire for segregated cycle infrastructure, on this important route. This is missing from the current University plans to develop the road.

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How the other 50% gets around

GoBike calls for a drastic overhaul on gritting priorities from Glasgow City Council. Almost 50% of Glaswegians don’t have access to a private car. For them walking and cycling is not active travel, but is how they get around. Transport Poverty is a real factor to a number of people in this city.

Last week saw ice return to Glasgow. At the same time the focus of getting Glaswgians to participate in active travel seemed to go out of the window. Footpath and cycle lanes were ice rinks. In the light of lots of disquiet from our members about the unjust priorities the council have set for gritting, we have decided it is time for action.

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Riverside Path Fun Runs

Glasgow City Council regularly get enquiries from conference companies looking to organise fun runs on the Clyde Walkway/NCN 7. This is often in relation to medical conferences taking place at the SEC. With runs between the SEC and the Riverside Museum the most poplar requested.

Running is covered by access rights. So companies are allowed to hold such events, provided they minimise any impacts on other users. On this basis and to keep you informed, the council have advised the organisers the following:

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Today is #GlasgowCycleInfraDay18

It’s Friday, it’s the 7th September and it’s…


So, when on your bike today, as part of your commute, group ride, or just popping down the street for some milk, take a photograph of that piece of infrastructure that you like, as well as one of that makes you curse every time you use it or pass it. Continue reading “Today is #GlasgowCycleInfraDay18”