** CANCELLED ** GoBike Cycle Ride – Sunday 3 February – The White Cart Wanderer

Unfortunately due to icy conditions we have taken the decision to cancel tomorrows ride. Although main roads are clear, untreated side roads and paths are still frozen and icy in places.

We are really disappointed to have to cancel, particularly as we know that these same paths affect the ability to cycle for people trying to choose active travel all year round.

GoBike Cycle Ride – Sunday 3 February – The White Cart Wanderer

We will head to Renfrew to where the Cart meets the River Clyde before loosely following the White Cart upstream to Linn Park. Attractions en route include Paisley Abbey, Pollok Park and the Snuff Mill Bridge.

25 miles, ending back at Victoria Road.

Meet 10am at the pagoda at the North end of the Bell’s Bridge. Continue reading “GoBike Cycle Ride – Sunday 3 February – The White Cart Wanderer”

**UPDATE** South West City Way Repairs

Following our GoBike Board of Shame stunt on the SWCW in December, Glasgow City Council have started moving into action on effecting the required repairs and improving the standard of maintenance on the segregated cycle lanes of the South West City Way.

Since our last update, the gritting on the lanes had been much improved and more effective, and we are thankful for the action on that. The repair action is now moving slowly. The first repair began on one of the Shields Road bus stops but was unfortunately then halted for five days with a full blockage of the cycle path remaining in place during that time. It seems that the understanding for the respect for our main commuting route from Glasgow City Council still has some way to go.

This work is now complete though, and we hope that the drainage will be improved there from now on. Elsewhere, near the other Shields Road bus stop, the flooding was drained but swiftly returned, demonstrating that a more permanent repair was required. We have been continuing to ensure that GCC are working on moving forward with the SWCW repairs, and have some of the following info to share with you:

To GCC from GoBike:

We’ve been sent on info from an FOI on the flooding on SWCW that suggests that the bridge would first need strengthening by Network Rail before the required resurfacing can take place. We would imagine that the timeline for this would actually be really significant, and so if this is indeed the case, we would like to suggest the requirement for a program of flooding maintenance at the site until this permanent repair can happen. We have also been made aware though, that heavy machinery such as (…..) vehicles have routinely been seen working on the bridge. Can you explain this?

The FOI also illustrates that there were 13 fault reports specifically on the flooding to the council over a period of a year and a half until the first investigative site visit happened in August 2018. Injuries have occurred at this site due to the neglect to attend to the repair timeously. This week repairs started at the other bus stop on Monday the 7th, which closed off the full cycle lane with barriers blocking cycle lane access, yet no signage and no diversion in place, just a ramp useful only to people with prams and wheelchairs. Work then ceased, incomplete, after the 7th, and the barriers still remain in place, now six days later. I attach an image to illustrate. Frankly, for a flagship route, one of the only truly safe routes we have in the city for people on bikes, the priority for it’s upkeep within the council is quite clearly insufficient.

To GoBike from GCC:

Thank you for your email regarding the South West City Way Cycle route.
We are currently investigating what options are available to resolve the issues with the surfacing on the bridge, taking account of the weight restrictions and  work operations that are permitted to be undertaken on the bridge due to its condition.  Vehicles should not be using the cycleway and thank you for bringing this to our attention.  I  will arrange for this issue to be raised with (….) at the next Roads Authorities and Utilies Committee (RAUC) meeting.  The Council is also currently reviewing how these initial complaints were initially dealt with.
I can confirm repairs at the bus stop south of the railway bridge started on site on 7th January 2019. The works were to amend the drainage channel inlets, open them up to allow more flow of surface water and make future maintenance more accessible. The contractor has been made aware of the importance of maintaining the traffic management at all times and to resurface the ramp as a priority. I can only apologise it’s taken longer than expected.
The bus stop north (see image) of the railway bridge with the drainage issues has been investigated by LES and the contractor Mac Asphalt Ltd who were involved with the works to resolve the drainage. Due to the lack of existing drainage gullies on Shields Road a further investigation was undertaken on the existing gullies and manholes to allow for an additional 3No. gullies are to be installed within the cycle lane. Work is due to commence on site  on Monday 21st January 2019. The cycle lane from the start of Shields Road at St Andrews Drive to the railway bridge will be closed for 7 working days to allow for the drainage to be installed. An alternative route using the footway will be signposted.
I hope this is of assistance.

So that work is due to start today, which is positive. Please let us know whether the diversion is adequate.

Thanks again to the council for working to get this sorted although it is unfortunate that it took such action before anything was done, when the issue had been so widely reported. We have been sent details of just how many reports were made in this FOI sent in from a super helpful member which makes for very interesting reading. But we hope that from here, the council will appreciate the importance of keeping our safe cycling spaces (which as we know, are few and far between) clear, working, maintained, and well…. safe.

Perhaps next, we can look at the issue of parking in the segregated cycle lanes too eh? We will be watching the repairs unfold and wont be resting easy – we already have our next target in mind for the GoBike Board of Shame. Watch this space.

GoBike Ride – Sunday 6 January 2019 – The Annual Go Bike Infrastructure Ride

Happy New Year to you all!!

For the 2019 New Year Infrastructure ride we will take a look at some of the recently build cycle infrastructure in the city, including the brand new South City Way. We will start by traversing the West City Way, cross the city centre via means of various pieces of cycle infrastructure, then head south of the river to Queen’s Park. We will then return north to the riverside, so taking in the South City Way in both directions! We will then turn our attention to the South West City Way and complete a figure of eight before finishing in time for lunch.

15 miles, mostly on cycle routes. Continue reading “GoBike Ride – Sunday 6 January 2019 – The Annual Go Bike Infrastructure Ride”

Glasgow Cycling MindMap

We have just added a new resource to our Cycling Info section of our website – the Glasgow Cycling Mindmap.

Check it out – it’s really useful! Big thanks to our friends at the Glasgow Eco Trust for pulling this together. They have just launched their brand new website today where you can find out more about their community led sustainable regeneration in the West of Glasgow. Continue reading “Glasgow Cycling MindMap”

The GoBike Board of Shame – The South West City Way

Did you spot our GoBike Board of Shame out on the South West City Way this week? For it’s first outing we wanted to highlight the repair and maintenance issues that have been causing hazards to people on bikes since the lanes opened. Flooding and leaves are difficult enough to deal with, but when mixed with cold weather, the whole width of the cycle track becomes hazardous and impassable. Our members have been reporting the problems to the council since they began and we had had no response as to what is planned for its repair, if any. We had known of at least one injury having occurred at this site and there will be many more if this issue continues to be ignored, so we decided to take action. Continue reading “The GoBike Board of Shame – The South West City Way”

Glasgow Connectivity Commission Report – Phase One

We were in attendance yesterday at the release of the phase one report from the Glasgow Connectivity Commission, requested by Susan Aitken, leader of Glasgow City Council. We were delighted to see the findings, which we believe will go a long way towards pushing Glasgow forward towards becoming a truly sustainable and connected city. Continue reading “Glasgow Connectivity Commission Report – Phase One”

Bike Life Report – Glasgow

Sustrans Scotland in collaboration with Glasgow City Council yesterday launched the Glasgow ‘Bike Life’ report that has brought to the fore many interesting findings specific to cycling in Glasgow.

Significantly, that 30% of people don’t currently ride a bike, but would like to, and that 82% of residents support building more protected roadside cycle lanes, even when this could mean less space for other road traffic. Continue reading “Bike Life Report – Glasgow”

GoBike Ride – The Bridges of Glasgow – Sunday 2nd December

Sunday 2 December – The Bridges of Glasgow

For our final ride of the year we will take a trip crossing all of the bridges across the River Clyde within Glasgow (except of course for the motorway and railway bridges). Once this has been accomplished, we’ll return back into the city along the Clyde Walkway.

18 miles, with some short lengths on main roads. Continue reading “GoBike Ride – The Bridges of Glasgow – Sunday 2nd December”

Busting the Myths About Business and Bikes

In the second of our two blogs looking at how increased provision for active travel to the area might affect local businesses, particularly in relation to Byres Road, GoBike members continue to examine the economic benefits that come with providing safe space for active travel.

Big changes are afoot on Byres Road. But big changes bring uncertainty – and one particular area for discussion has been how introducing segregated cycle lanes might affect local shops, cafes, and restaurants. Here, GoBike aims to clear up a few common myths by summarising the existing evidence about business and bikes. Continue reading “Busting the Myths About Business and Bikes”